
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

"It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe" speaker 113
"Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in ___." (George Will) 113
Restrictions, like the ones on PA systems that necessitate the "human microphone" at Occupy Wall Street 113
Kind of participle found in the sentence "While working on my computer, the dog pestered me for dinner" 113
Add vertical line 9 (word 2) and vertical line 7 (word 2) and enter the answer to the resulting clue on this line 113
Former Disney head Michael [This is the 2nd-to-last Ink Well! Continue to solve Ben Tausig puzzles @] 113
"___ Minnow Pea" (2001 novel featuring the pangram "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs") 113
Recurring movie character who "Goes to Jail," "Goes to Camp," and "Saves Christmas" 113
1983 song with the lyrics "Rollin' down the Imperial Highway / With a big nasty redhead at my side" 113
"The Door to ___ Gorée" (second number in "Bring In 'da Noise, Bring In 'da Funk") 113
Popular version of a design principle acronym spelled out by the starts of this puzzle's four longest answers 113
Utterly unlistenable 2011 collaboration between Lou Reed and Metallica (I got 90 seconds into it before quitting) 113
Author who "a lot of us ... pick[ed] up ... when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood," per Obama 113
Answer to the riddle "What has rivers without water, forests without trees, and cities without houses?" 113
Cambridge U.; renter; diamond club; X; six-footer; one who might enter a pool; that lady; loner; snowball gripper 113
"21. I have a tough time listening to ___ in front of women ('Ready To Die' is too misogynist)" 113
"How beauteous mankind is! O ___, that has such people in't!": "The Tempest" [1932 novel] 113
What you might answer when asked "What's a three-letter synonym for 'tin'?" by a gentleman? 113
"I Feel For You" singer collaborating with "Psycho" garage punks to cover "MMMBop"? 113
"Dick Doesn't Just Lobby for the Tobacco Companies--He's a Client" (rejected campaign ad, 2004) 113
Actor who supposedly "destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise" 113
Duke's Mike Krzyzewski, familiarly—he holds the NCAA Division I men's basketball record for most wins 113
Sequel that made The Onion A.V. Club's "Worst Movies of 2007" list, with a rare "F" grade 113
"Speed Dating went really well last night, but I can't make up my mind; the dog catcher was ___..." 113
Potent alcohol + caffeine choices recently forced by the FDA to change their formula, and this puzzle's theme 113
Quote from "When Harry Met Sally..." said by an old lady in response to hearing Meg Ryan fake an orgasm 113
Whom Stephen Colbert said "looks like the kind of bold leader youÂ’d see on a box of Centrum Silver" 113
What presidential term limits mercifully ensure, and each of this puzzle's theme answers "receives" 113
Reply to "Lackaday, Lady Macbeth, what shouldst be said to the cursed dog to make it leave the castle?" 113
"We never stopped talking. Communication may not always lead to understanding, but at least it ___ ..." 113
French mathematician Henri whose conjecture was one of the great unsolved problems (until it was cracked in 2003) 113
Keeps going longer than is technically really necessary and then begins to start to become awkward, as a sentence 113
"And finally, a copy of the crossword documentary 'Wordplay' to keep that special someone ___!" 113
1968 hit whose title is repeated three times with "Oh" and then again after "Baby I love you" 113
Home-field advantage in football ... or what the last square of the answer to this clue represents in this puzzle 113
Org. for Ann Miller, who said "You try to help them, try to sing and dance ... it's heartbreaking." 113
Nevertheless, she asked him if he had attended her high school, and after he said yes, she asked "...?" 113
After following the instructions to make a big one, hint that tells you where to look around to find hidden booty 113
__ Vandelay, recurring fake "Seinfeld" character who turns out to be a real judge in the final episode 112
American swimmer whose relay team set a world record in the women's 4×100 freestyle at the 1924 Olympics 112
''What,'' ''who,'' ''how'' or ''where'' follower 112
Brian who is a rare example of someone whose prominence in crosswords is commensurate with his actual prominence 112
"___ in the Wall" (upcoming game show based on the Japanese "Human Tetris" clips on YouTube) 112
Portrayer of Felix in the movie "The Odd Couple," or Oscar in the TV series "The Odd Couple" 112
"I don't think there's one word that can describe a man's life" speaker Charles Foster ___ 112
"The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver" quipper 112
Oscar who said: "I'm a concert pianist, that's a pretentious way of saying I'm unemployed" 112
"I go on four legs in the morning, on two legs in the afternoon, and on three legs in the evening ..." 112
Subject of a Manhattan museum near Madison Square Park whose entrance door handles are shaped like the letter pi 112
"Matrix" protagonist and hopefully someone else someday, so this can be a less dubious crossword entry 112
Comic who said "A short summary of every Jewish holiday: They tried to kill us. We won. Let's eat" 112
"If Sam Goldwyn can with great conviction / Instruct ___ in diction" ("Anything Goes" lyric) 112
Video game that comes out today (9/9/09), whose songs/levels are referenced in this puzzle, with "The" 112
Apt word to substitute for each of four black squares to make sense of the across answers on either side of them 112
"... and when I hand-deliver a package, the recipients are positively ___ - it's very satisfying!" 112
Online world where people live and pay taxes in 2010, according to Tom Clancy's "Net Force" series 112
As a 16-year-old actor, youngest nonroyal with an individual portrait in Britain's National Portrait Gallery 112
"I wanted a SUBMARINE, but that lab experiment left me with ___! (Now I think like a flightless bird)" 112
One of only three golfers who briefly kept Tiger Woods out of the World #1 spot between 1/11/1998 and 10/30/2010 112
Playoff series finale ... or an apt title for this puzzle considering the number and length of its theme entries 112
Alistair Horne book subtitled "A Short History" that begins with the division of Gaul into three parts 112
He played a Nazi in "Marathon Man" and a Nazi hunter in "The Boys From Brazil" [Connecticut] 112
Insurance plan, before the "Mad Madam" from Disney's "The Sword in the Stone" showed up? 112
"O.K., he's ordered the pizza - but now his wife is moving around in front of the TV, making ___!" 112
Gene who would ask "Is this film more interesting than a documentary of the same actors having lunch?" 112
Band with the albums "Intravenus de Milo," "Shark Sandwich," and "Smell The Glove" 112
Tone-Loc and Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, e.g. ... or how this puzzle's theme entries might be described? 112
"A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a ___; what else does a man need to be happy?": Albert Einstein 112
Who wrote "It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens" 112
Ptolemaic constellation that is now divided into Carina (the keel), Puppis (the poop deck) and Vela (the sails) 111
"___ Iver" (2011 Record of the Year nominee whose name roughly translates to "good winter") 111
Grp. with three anthems: "The Bonnie Blue Flag," "God Save the South" and "Dixie" 111
"Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps" comedian Philips 111
Sci-fi character who said "I've just made a deal that'll keep the Empire out of here forever" 111
"Bob ___ Rises From Grave To Free Frat Boys From Bonds Of Oppression": "The Onion" headline 111
"T-ball is just like baseball, except there's no pitching -- just like the ___" (David Letterman) 111
When he was a bodyguard, his business card read: "Next to God, there is no greater protector than I." 111
Triatomic gas in a thinning layer ... and, symbolically, what appears in this puzzle's four longest answers 111
Thomas who was "a corsetmaker by trade, a journalist by profession and a propagandist by inclination" 111
Literary captain who says "It's better to sail with a moody good captain than a laughing bad one" 111
"Abstract ___ product of the untalented sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered" (Al Capp) 111
Genre that includes the classic albums "Barn Salad Surgery" and "The Dark Side of the Moo"? 111
Store for athletes seeking protection? (And, onsides, what each of this puzzle's starred entries refers to) 111
“WeÂ’ve just learned that two of the graphÂ’s dimensions have been secured by a squadron of ___!” 111
Shortish documentary program, such as a "behind-the-scenes" or "making-of" segment on a DVD 111
Like the answers to the 10 asterisked clues, more often than any other English words, according to a 1999 study 111
#1 Dolly Parton country hit with the lyric "I'm beggin' of you, please don't take my man" 111
"Atomic" Gummi snacks whose second word is a portmanteau of their shape and how they "move" 111
Norbert Pearlroth spent 52 years of 60-hour weeks in the Library's Reading Room collecting material for ___ 111
Kids' programming series that produced "Conjunction Junction" and "I'm Just a Bill" 111
Subject of a Manhattan museum near Madison Square Park whose entrance door handles are shaped like the letter X 111
Like the maximum-height New York City apartment building that's not required to have a fire evacuation plan 111
"Clinton's a well-known southpaw, so this exposé on his other-handed punches is an eye-opener" 111
"12. I burst into tears after seeing the second to last episode of the fifth season of '___'" 111
"Travelin' ___" (Dolly Parton song from "Transamerica" that was nominated for an Oscar) 111
"'I've been doing exercises to strengthen my core muscles,' Brendan said obliquely," e.g. 111
The 2005-06 season was the first since 1950-51 in which this type of show wasn't among Nielsen's top 10 111
TV character who says "I didn't think it was physically possible, but this both sucks and blows" 110
It's zero in free-fall—and, put another way, a hint to how the four longest puzzle answers were formed 110
1980 comedy that "makes 'Meatballs' seem like 'Hamlet,'" according to Leonard Maltin 110