
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Shows honesty, in a way 23
Owns up to 10
Fesses up to 12
Doesn't turn away 21
Allows to pass 14
What a skylight does to sunlight 32
Permits to pass 15
Makes a member 14
Confesses to 12
Allows inside 13
Make a confession 17
Say you did 11
Blend 5
Mingle 6
Mingle in 9
Mingle with 11
Blend, in a way 15
Nav. officers 13
U.S.N. officers 15
Naval officers: Abbr. 21
U.S.N. bigwigs 14
Navy V.I.P.'s 17
U.S.N. brass: Abbr. 19
Naval leaders: Abbr. 20
Fleet VIPs 10
Wearers of four stars: Abbr. 28
USN bigwigs 11
USCG bigwigs 12
U.S.N. V.I.P.'s 19
They wear four stars: Abbr. 27
Senior U.S.N. men 17
Planners of nav. maneuvers 26
Nimitz and Halsey: Abbr. 24
Navy VIPs 9
Navy VIP's 14
Navy bosses: Abbr. 18
Naval V.I.P.'s 18
Naval bigwigs: Abbr. 20
High-ranking naval officers: Abbr. 34
Four-star figs. 15
Byrd and others: Abbr. 22
Bar mitzvah party staple 24
Over and over 13
To an excessive degree 22
What swing state viewers might experience as the presidential election draws closer, punnily, or a possible title for this week's puzzle? 141
Way too much 12
To a sickening degree 21
Sickeningly 11
Seemingly without end 21
Over and over and over ... 26
On and on and on and on and ... 31
On and on and on and ... 24
Hackneyed commercial 20
Commotion 9
Fuss 4
Hubbub 6
Ruckus 6
Bother 6
Trouble 7
Brouhaha 8
Stir 4
Hullabaloo 10
Uproar 6
Whirl 5
Clamor 6
Upset 5
Hoopla 6
Tizzy 5
Fracas 6
Foofaraw 8
Hoo-ha 6
Flap 4
Big bother 10
Further follower, frequently 28
"Much ___ About Nothing" 34
Big fuss 8
Tumult 6
Pother 6
Stink 5
Buzz 4
Ballyhoo 8
Excitement 10
Turmoil 7
Kerfuffle 9
Confusion 9
Flurry 6
Difficulty 10
Disturbance 11
Toil and trouble 16
Big stink 9
Dither 6
Flutter 7
Travail 7
Scene 5
Rhubarb 7
Hue and cry 11
Rumpus 6
Dust-up 7
Buzzing 7