
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

"___ better believe it!" 34
"I thought ___ never ask!" 36
"___ be surprised!" 29
Berlin's "___ Be Surprised" 41
"I knew ___ say that!" 32
"___ better watch out . . ." 38
"___ be surprised" 28
''___ better believe it!'' 42
'-- be surprised' 25
Irving Berlin's "___ Be Surprised" 48
Death Cab's "Why ___ Want to Live Here" 53
Death Cab: "Why ___ Want to Live Here" 48
"--- better believe it!" 34
"___ better watch out ..." 36
"___ Be Surprised" (Irving Berlin song) 49
"__ better not" 25
"__ Be Surprised": Berlin tune 40
"__ be surprised" 27
"__ be amazed" 24
____ Better Come Home : 1965 hit song 39
"Way to go, bro!" 27
"Bravo, bro!" 23
Praise for a scholar? 21
"I know it's not my business, but if you were a laser ..." 72
Start of a Dolly Parton quote 29
"Leave me out of this" 32
W.S. on baseball ("Othello" III, 3) 45
Words to a third runner-up 26
Cool cat's "Get it?" 34
"Get it, daddy-o?" 28
What Cagney never said in any film 34
"___ Something to Me" 31
Question after a surprising claim 33
"That Thing ---" 26
"That Thing ___!" (Tom Hanks film) 44
"___ Something to Me," 1929 song 42
''__ Something to Me'' (Porter tune) 52
Start of a Sam Levenson book title 34
2010 HBO movie where Al Pacino plays Dr. Kevorkian 50
"What a dummy!" 25
Worst doctor's suggestion (Part 3) 38
"If I could digress for a moment ..." 47
Half of a quote 15
"Gosh!," to a mime? 29
Appalled question from Bob Barker on "The Price Is Right"? 68
"I'm not the only one!" 37
"Stop being such a pest!" 35
"___ if met where any bar is": Hardy 46
"___ lost me" 23
Fine sauterne 13
"Lead the way!", and a phonetic hint to this puzzle's theme 73
"I'm not gonna start" 35
"I'll just watch for now" 39
Complaint after a reluctant act 31
Annoyed "Hel-LO!" 27
"Don't scare people like that!" 45
''___ girl!'' (slangy compliment) 49
Pink: "There ___" 27
"__, girl!": words of encouragement 45
"That's telling them, sister!" 44
"Rock on, sister!" 28
"Right on, sister!" 29
"Do it, sister!" 26
Query from a hungry friend, maybe 33
Compliment paid to an artful hit man? 37
Roy Orbison hit of 1989 23
"Happy to fill that request!" 39
“Dunno” 15
"No clue ..." 23
"I don't know" 28
"Guilty as charged" 29
"Darned if I know!" 29
Poker quitter's comment 27
Bready agreement? 17
Movie line spoken by Renée Zellweger after "Just shut up" 70
Vegetarian's "Duh!" response to why they hate their formerly vegan pal? 85
Cruise line response 20
... Renée Zellweger 22
Acknowledgment from Gen. Montgomery? 36
"It's not an option" 34
Editor's order to the sheep tender at the daily paper? 58
Fats Domino's "It's ___ Love" 47
Part 7 of a Neil Young lyric 28
Outburst from Ren 17
Shocked response in conversation 32
Query at the start of a poker game 34
Query at a poker table 22
"Wanna play?" 23
''Are ___ or out?'' (dealer's question) 59
Rebuke to a thankless wretch 28
"C'mon, that can't be true!" 46
Rational one's thought (Part 2) 35
"The more I think about it ..." 41
"It occurs to me ..." 31
"Isn't that always true?" 39
Smug comment said while shrugging 33
Retort to a trash talker 24
''No explanation necessary'' 44