
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Provides service that can't be beat? 40
"Easy ___," old radio favorite 40
They're often included in good deals 40
They're part of a good deal, usually 40
They're better than kings and queens 40
Alcohol-based compound used in cosmetics 40
Primary component in nail polish remover 40
Active ingredient in nail polish remover 40
''Heck!'', in Heidelberg 40
Secretary of state who helped shape NATO 40
One of Truman's secretaries of state 40
Response to getting one's dander up? 40
What lemon adds to a dish, in food lingo 40
Comment from Bill the Cat, in the comics 40
Org. that fought warrantless wiretapping 40
Defender of some unpopular causes: Abbr. 40
Company Wile E. Coyote often orders from 40
''Feed ___, starve ...'' 40
''Rent-___'' (1987 film) 40
Scrat's prize in "Ice Age" 40
A lot of land, either way you look at it 40
''God's Little ___'' 40
One of about 1,500,000 in the Everglades 40
One of a thousand in a Jane Smiley title 40
One of Sheridan's "Rivals" 40
''Forty ___ and a mule'' 40
One of five in "Julius Caesar" 40
Function improperly, with "up" 40
"Roméo et Juliette" segment 40
"Roméo et Juliette" section 40
When Hamlet meets his father's ghost 40
When Giselle dies in "Giselle" 40
Part of a play after intermission, maybe 40
When "Et tu, Brute?" is spoken 40
They "speak louder than words" 40
Each of Shakespeare's plays has five 40
Book that includes the reign of Tiberius 40
"Oh, don't ___ surprised!" 40
When Gertrude dies in "Hamlet" 40
Angle that's smaller than 90 degrees 40
Like the accent in "entrée" 40
Sponsor of the Give Kids a Smile program 40
___ Wong ("Resident Evil" spy) 40
Barber's "___ for Strings" 40
Deborah of "Days of Our Lives" 40
Former "Loveline" host Carolla 40
Sandler of "That's My Boy" 40
Levine of TV's "The Voice" 40
Jack London's "Before ___" 40
Figure in a famous Sistine Chapel fresco 40
"The Man Show" co-host Carolla 40
"Supermoney" author, ___ Smith 40
"Cantique de Noël" composer 40
"Revenge of the Nerds" college 40
"Careless Love" novelist Alice 40
Lump more prominent in men than in women 40
Beatles' "--- in the Life" 40
Supplement (with ''to'') 40
"__ dash of ...": recipe words 40
Where the African Union is headquartered 40
He wrote "The County Chairman" 40
"The College Widow" playwright 40
"Let's Make ___" (TV show) 40
''Doe'' follower in song 40
"A Passage to India" character 40
"21" and "19" singer 40
Sister and dance partner of Fred Astaire 40
Start of a quip about a marital mismatch 40
Paris version of "arrivederci" 40
''Farewell, Francoise!'' 40
"See you" in the Sierra Madres 40
Coast Guard commandant's rank: abbr. 40
He "pitches" on Madison Avenue 40
"And now, without further ___" 40
"And now, without further ---" 40
Word often following "further" 40
Shakespeare wrote there was much of this 40
_____ Annie ("Oklahoma!" role) 40
"My Life as ___," Swedish film 40
"My Life as _____" (1985 film) 40
"Be ___" ("Help me") 40
Ernie of "My Three Sons," e.g. 40
"The Big Parade" co-star, 1925 40
Ones bearing Valentine's gifts, e.g. 40
Commotions of Shakespearean proportions? 40
Commotions of Shakespearian proportions? 40
You see them after they're taken out 40
They're produced with built-in plugs 40
Person never seen in "Peanuts" 40
People never seen in "Peanuts" 40
Carpenter's tool with a curved blade 40
Prefix with ''magnetic'' 40
___/astro (tech school major, for short) 40
American Hockey League team from Houston 40
Fabulous moralist or moralistic fabulist 40
Fortune 100 company named after a smoker 40
First insurer to advertise on television 40
Remote place to "worship from" 40
''. . . to buy ___ pig'' 40
Ohio's Wright-Patterson, e.g.: Abbr. 40