
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Airline that runs a "Kangaroo Route" from Australia to the U.K. 73
What you might reach for after hearing "Don't go anywhere!" 73
Rushdie's "Midnight's Children" is set at the end of it 73
"The Tale of the Giant ___ of Sumatra" (Firesign Theatre album) 73
Amt. set by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council 73
1984 Patrick Swayze film about an early-morning Russian attack on America 73
In 1798 France ordered Bonaparte to invade Egypt and take control of this 73
She beat out Judi, Charlize, Keira, and Felicity for Best Actress of 2005 73
Program that the figures at the end of the starred entries have in common 73
He wrote the best sellers "Couplehood" and "Babyhood" 73
“One manÂ’s ___ is another manÂ’s reminiscence”: Ogden Nash 73
"Just walk away ___, you won't see me follow you back home" 73
"Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes" musical 73
TV show with the tagline "Sometimes you have to play with fire" 73
1967 #1 hit whose lyrics begin "What you want / Baby, I got it" 73
Beatles classic with the line "We all want to change the world" 73
Chris Rock's order in ''I'm Gonna Git You Sucka'' 73
Morning co-host Kelly who was on "All My Children" for 12 years 73
"Where'er I _____...": Goldsmith, "The Traveller" 73
Dangerfield whose headstone reads "There goes the neighborhood" 73
British rocker with the 1979 #1 hit "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?" 73
''. . . as light of foot as a wild ___'' (2 SAMUEL 2:18) 73
"When I die, I want to still remain active politically" speaker 73
Game show host Pat who had a cameo in "Airplane II: The Sequel" 73
"As Gregor ___ awoke one morning from uneasy dreams ...": Kafka 73
In verse, "His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!" 73
Football tackle Warren who competed on "Dancing With the Stars" 73
Broadway musical about three guys using the same pickup routine at a bar? 73
"Weather Channel" announcement (seemingly all the time, lately) 73
Exchange between NBA forward Antoine Walker and a sports reporter, PART 1 73
Winner of the inaugural Václav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent (2012) 73
Cocktails made with Southern Comfort, sloe gin, amaretto and orange juice 73
Comet co-discoverer who shares his name with a father-and-son acting pair 73
Character actor who played Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol," 1951 73
Like some elite U.S. athletes (or an apt alternate title for this puzzle) 73
"Highest Mountains" or "World Series MVP's," e.g. 73
Video game state where your character does a lot of spitting and grazing? 73
"Twenty bullets and five grenades, give or take", for instance? 73
Director of "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" and "This Is 40" 73
"There's a new sheriff in town. And he has an army of ___." 73
"Do you bite your thumb __, sir?": "Romeo and Juliet" 73
"Give me chastity and continence, but not quite yet" theologian 73
2011 comedy starring Cameron Diaz as a gold-digging, pot-smoking educator 73
Like fish for fish & chips -- or this puzzle's four theme entries 73
Hit series whose pilot was the TV movie "Panic at Malibu River" 73
Jazz's George with the triple platinum album "Breezin'" 73
"Homeowners get excited when they see me opening their ___ ..." 73
Shirt put on in hopes of being chosen for "The Price Is Right"? 73
Football coach Bill Parcells's nickname (not a standard sushi option) 73
1988 Jean Claude Van Damme film, or where an L.A. gang docks their boats? 73
"They'd assembled what could only be described as a ___..." 73
An arachnid that sucks the juices of its prey was named after this author 73
"The Godfather" enforcer who "sleeps with the fishes" 73
Fragile articles ... or a hint to the things named by the circled letters 73
Company whose motto is "Our pilots are moderately intelligent"? 73
Transvestite Maxwell with a Martha Stewart-like show on the Style Network 73
"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening, ___": Groucho Marx 73
Only common word in the English language with the consecutive letters MPG 73
1942 film with the line "What makes saloonkeepers so snobbish?" 73
"Steer port, captain, for thar be places to sit at last!" [HIP] 73
Response to Spanish tenor Kraus's "What's for dinner?"? 73
Film in which Agnes Moorehead debuted as the title character's mother 73
Philip Carey's handicap in Maugham's "Of Human Bondage" 73
"SNL" commercial with Phil Hartman on a giant pyramid of cereal 73
Country where it's customary to have diamond-encrusted prophylactics? 73
Device that automatically cooks a certain French dish "au vin"? 73
Tuesday: Iggy serves up medley of national anthems when asked to play ... 73
One unsatisfied with a "She loves me, she loves me not" result? 73
Old TV show that featured "bachelorettes," with "The" 73
Director of "A Passage to India" and "Doctor Zhivago" 73
"That parrot is definitely __": line from a Monty Python sketch 73
"Licker talks . . . loud we'en . . . loose fum ___": Harris 73
Group called Girls Tyme when they lost on "Star Search" in 1993 73
Yellowish brown / Bit of "dumb" humor / Many a forwarded e-mail 73
Sobriquet for a couch potato's favorite singer, with "the"? 73
"Kathy Griffin: My Life on the ___" (Emmy-winning reality show) 73
Veterinarian's instrument? (and I'd be real careful with it, too) 73
Refrain lyric from "Do-Re-Mi" ("The Sound of Music") 73
Guns 'N' Roses "___ me when I speak a piece of my mind" 73
Product advertised on TV with the phrase "not-so-fresh feeling" 73
All-too-frequent headline these days, and the inspiration for this puzzle 73
Ghost writer of "The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care"? 73
Start of a billboard catchphrase meaning "close to the highway" 73
He played the movie character immortalized by the song "Axel F" 73
His last line in a 1987 film is "I think I'll have a drink" 73
Singer with Dolly Parton and Linda Ronstadt on the album "Trio" 73
1977 cult film with the tagline "Where your nightmares end ..." 73
He wrote "In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king" 73
Character voiced by Demi Moore in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" 73
"Climb ___ Mountain" (song from "The Sound of Music") 73
Its ingredients may include cocoa, confectioners' sugar, and vanillin 73
"The judges put the names of each ___ ___ for the M.C. to read" 73
TREASURE HUNT STEP 5: Read these (starting east) ... and congratulations! 73
Frost said writing this was like "playing tennis without a net" 73
Manson "family" member who attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford 73
Minced oath coined by Norman Mailer in "The Naked and the Dead" 73
"I'll just go ahead and throw this out anyway" online abbr. 73
"Who is John ___?" (opening line of "Atlas Shrugged") 73
1964 Berne best seller (and a hint to seven other answers in this puzzle) 73
Repetitive Brooklyn rockers with the 2008 album "Saint Dymphna" 73