
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Word with ''opened'' or ''married'' 67
"Pearl Harbor: A Novel of December 8th" coauthor Gingrich 67
R&B singer with the 2014 single "Money Can't Buy" 67
Selma Lagerlöf's "The Wonderful Adventures of ___" 67
Basketball championship of which St. John's has won the most, 6 67
Form of Japanese dance drama in which the performers often use fans 67
"___ won't be afraid" ("Stand By Me" lyric) 67
"--- won't be afraid" ("Stand by Me" lyric) 67
"___ am your father" (classic "Star Wars" line) 67
What the "poor dog" had in "Old Mother Hubbard" 67
Of Peter O'Toole's eight Oscar nominations, how many he won 67
Language from which "sky" and "egg" are derived 67
"This suit is ___ black..." (line from "Borat") 67
"___ ordo seclorum" (phrase on the back of a dollar bill) 67
Org. with a "Competitive Shooting" section on its website 67
Org. that's not coming off so well in this Trayvon Martin thing 67
Org. that's the subject of the book "Body of Secrets" 67
Word with ''hickory'' or ''health'' 67
"Bill ___ History of the United States" (1894 humor book) 67
String of letters found in this puzzle's longest Across answers 67
Its logo has 35 flags on it, including the Stars and Stripes: Abbr. 67
"True Grit" or "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon," e.g. 67
2008 candidate with the slogan "Change we can believe in" 67
Syllables before "di" or "da" in a Beatles song 67
"The ___" (nickname for ESPN 8, in "Dodgeball") 67
Adjective for a "Ripley's Believe It or Not!" feature 67
Character not computer- animated in the "Garfield" movies 67
Work that's been punningly called a "lex icon": Abbr. 67
Young rink employee who works exclusively outside the skating area? 67
"How ___ is the candle of the wicked put out!": Job 21:17 67
''For loan __ loses both itself and friend'': Shak. 67
Song words accompanying "Sherrie" and "Susanna" 67
Luise Rainer's Oscar-winning role in "The Good Earth" 67
Your grandparents and their friends, snarkily, with "the" 67
Author Steinhauer with the 2009 best seller "The Tourist" 67
Queen Henrietta's personal account of Cromwell's treachery? 67
"The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on" poet 67
Old card game whose name comes from the Spanish for "man" 67
Shakespeare's "temple-haunting martlet" is a good one 67
Biblical character whose act of coitus interruptus led to his death 67
"If you shoot at mimes, should you use a silencer?," e.g. 67
Singer with the album "It's Alright (I See Rainbows)" 67
Words before ''house'' and ''move'' 67
Gush (over) ... or sounds shared by the answer to each starred clue 67
"__!...I Did It Again": Britney Spears album and hit song 67
Word with ''fire'' or ''harlequin'' 67
Virgin Valley black fire ___ (Nevada's state precious gemstone) 67
"O the cannons ___ their rosy-flashing muzzles!": Whitman 67
"I like every kind of music except rap, country, and ___" 67
___ citato (Latin phrase that's often abbreviated in footnotes) 67
She "speaks things in doubt, / That carry but half sense" 67
Rap classic with the repeated chorus "Yeah, you know me!" 67
Voice actress in Disney's "The Princess and the Frog" 67
Words between ''man'' and ''mouse'' 67
Mediterranean city where "The Sheltering Sky" takes place 67
"Show pity, ___ die": "The Taming of the Shrew" 67
Games magazine's "The World's Most ___ Crossword" 67
Words with ''ready'' or ''like it'' 67
Player who scored the goal that won the Stanley Cup on May 10, 1970 67
''What little town by river ___ shore ...'' (Keats) 67
Religious sch. with the motto "Make no little plans here" 67
Game with an annual world championship, first held in Tokyo in 1977 67
"When the Game Was ___" (Larry Bird/Magic Johnson memoir) 67
"Straight ___ Compton" (groundbreaking gangsta rap album) 67
Dave Winfield is the only Hall of Famer to wear this team's cap 67
"February made me shiver, with every ___ I'd deliver" 67
Prefix with ''medic'' and ''legal'' 67
"No ___ nada" ("Don't worry about it": Sp.) 67
One of the "hands" in the command "shake hands" 67
Word with ''pressure'' or ''group'' 67
Having the toilet paper roll put on the "wrong" way, e.g. 67
Leader of the "descamisados" ("shirtless ones") 67
Indiana city where the International Circus Hall of Fame is located 67
Thing plucked while saying "He loves me, he loves me not" 67
TV journalist Lindström who's the daughter of Ingrid Bergman 67
Word with "bar," "player" or "lesson" 67
Tip to solving this puzzle (with the key parts to be said out loud) 67
"The Worst ___ in London" ("Sweeney Todd" song) 67
Alice in Chains "Gonna end up a big ole ___ a them bones" 67
His supposed birthplace is across the street from the Boston Common 67
His epitaph reads "Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore.'" 67
Food often described using the number of fingers it takes to eat it 67
Poet who wrote "Hope springs eternal in the human breast" 67
One of South Africa's capitals, also know as the Jacaranda City 67
Only two U.S. states, Wash. and Cal., are entirely within this zone 67
"I'd like to study philosophy, but I just Kant," e.g. 67
What Dead Kennedys and Minor Threat were to skaters in the '80s 67
"M*A*S*H" character who hears choppers before anyone else 67
Word with ''road'' or '''roid'' 67
"Looks like ___" (amateur meteorologist's assessment) 67
Nordic skier Smetanina, first woman to win 10 Winter Olympic medals 67
"Rendezvous With __": Hugo-winning Arthur C. Clarke novel 67
"That is so ___!" ("Where did that come from?") 67
New England Patriot who caught a record 23 touchdown passes in 2007 67
"___ and the Kings of Spain" (1995 Tears for Fears album) 67
Word with ''birth'' or ''interest'' 67
"You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine" singer Lou 67
Stephen ___ (Academy Award nominee for "The Crying Game") 67
___ admiral (imaginary wedgie relative on "The Simpsons") 67
Series on the WB with the theme song "I'm a Survivor" 67