
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

"___ America" (recurring CBS News feature) 52
"For Your ___ Only" (1981 James Bond movie) 53
Skid Row "I'd stare a lifetime into your ___" 59
Iron ___ Cody ("The Crying Indian" in a 1970s PSA) 60
"The sky is the daily bread of the ___" (Emerson) 59
"Mona Lisa" features that "follow" the viewer 65
"Always Something There to Remind Me" Naked ___ 57
Canines metaphorically exchanged for something desired 54
Fictional Jane who declares "I am not an angel" 57
Attendee of the fictional Lowood Institution for girls 54
"The ___ Affair" (Jasper Fforde bestseller) 53
His tomb is a pilgrimage site for both Muslims and Jews 55
Book that describes the destruction of Gog and Magog 52
"Daily Kos" or "The Daily Beast" 52
Portrayer of Cesar in Broadway's "Fanny" 54
Main character in the video game "Assassin's Creed II" 68
Emile portrayer in Broadway's "South Pacific" 59
"The Silence of the Hams" director Greggio 52
Lana Turner's "Mr. Imperium" co-star, 1951 56
He starred opposite Florence Henderson in "Fanny" 59
Poisoned husband in "Mourning Becomes Electra" 56
It begins ''Now in the first year of Cyrus . . .'' 66
Robert Browning's ''Rabbi Ben ___'' 55
Name that comes from the Hebrew word for "help" 57
It begins "Now in the first year of Cyrus" 52
It begins "In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia..." 66
Eminently forgettable (though still active) rock band Better Than ___ 69
Eisenhower's Agriculture Secretary ___ Taft Benson 54
Book that tells of the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem 60
Book concerned with the end of the Babylonian captivity 55
Bible book about the Jews' return from Babylonia 52
Better Than ___ (band with the 1995 hit album "Deluxe") 65
Better Than ___ (band with the 1995 hit "Good") 57
__ Jack Keats, Caldecott Medal winner for "The Snowy Day" 67
Org. involved in the 1981 air traffic controllers' strike 61
Morvan of Milli Vanilli (i.e., the one who's still alive) 61
It can follow "Ab" or precede "Four" 56
''When We Was __'' (George Harrison tune) 57
One-named teen idol of the late '50s/early '60s 55
Onetime spokesmodel for I Can't Believe It's Not Butter 63
"... disappeared off the ___ of the earth!" 53
Spa treatment that might include two cucumber slices 52
There are 336 dimples on a typical golf ball, for instance 58
Type of ''Girl'' in a 2006 Sienna Miller film title 67
Structure of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" 57
"The evidence of things not seen": Hebrews 11:1 57
Syllables following "Strike the harp and join the chorus" 67
Test answer you have a 50/50 chance of guessing right 53
Putting 7:00 on the invite, but not actually getting home until 7:30? 69
Movie set at New York's High School of Performing Arts 58
"The perfume of heroic deeds," to Socrates 52
"A fickle food upon a shifting plate": Dickinson 58
''Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar!,'' e.g. 58
Appliance that might go in the closet 'round about September 64
"I'll be the greatest ___ of your life" Edwin McCain 66
Disney movie that bored me to death as a kid because it had no words 68
Disney film first called "The Concert Feature" 56
Classic Disney film that includes "The Nutcracker Suite" 66
Lead-in to "fetched" or "sighted" 53
Queen "I'm naked and I'm ___ from home" 57
Eighth or ninth word in the "Star Wars" opening crawl 63
Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest," e.g. 61
Nursery-rhyme guy who ''takes a wife'' 54
Beneficiaries of an annual Willie Nelson charity concert 56
Game for which Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday were once dealers 60
Boxer Tommy, loser to Joe Louis in a 1937 title bout 52
Actress Diane of "Numb3rs" and "Rescue Me" 62
Actor whose '70s-'80s sitcom character was a cross-dresser 66
Comic strip that generated 23 books, with "The" 57
"Strangers in the Night" singer's initials 56
Spin Doctors "You Let Your Heart Go Too ___" 54
When repeated, cry before "They're catching up!" 62
Weird Al's second parody of a hit by Michael Jackson 56
Like many, but certainly not all, competitive eaters 52
Epithet for France's Louis VI, with "the" 55
"I don't worry 'cause my wallet's ___" ZZ Top 67
It's "written in the face," per Fellini 53
"___ laughs at probabilities": Bulwer-Lytton 54
Mythology's Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, with "the" 67
Word with ''Time'' or ''figure'' 64
"You are the ___" (phrase often heard on Maury) 57
1950s-'60s sitcom that ran on all three networks 52
Fast Eddie's opponent in "The Hustler" 52
Borgnine's "From Here to Eternity" role 53
Ernest Borgnine in "From Here to Eternity" 52
" . . . killed for him the ___ calf": Luke 15:30 58
Symbol of rejoicing for someone's long-awaited return 57
Morrissey "You're the One for Me, ___" 52
"The Afternoon of a ___" (Nijinsky ballet) 52
''Afternoon of a ___'' (Mallarme poem) 54
Figure in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" 58
Debussy's "Prelude to the Afternoon of a __" 58
"The Marble ___" (1860 Nathaniel Hawthorne novel) 59
Les Savy ___ (band that's much better live than on records, IMHO) 69
Bean named for the Italian word for "bean" 52
Bean mentioned in "The Silence of the Lambs" 54
Winner of three consecutive NFL MVP awards in the 1990s 55
___ Vincent, former Major League Baseball commissioner 54
Steve's costar in "The Thomas Crown Affair" 57
Sidney directed her to an Oscar in "Network" 54