
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

"Phil the Fiddler" author 35
"Nelson the Newsboy" author 37
"Lester's Luck" author 36
''Tattered Tom'' author 39
''Ragged Dick'' author 38
Suspected spy of the 1930s-'40s 35
Suspected spy in a celebrated 1949 trial 40
Suspected Soviet spy of the McCarthy era 40
Setting for Camus's "The Plague" 46
Second-largest country in Africa by area 40
Largest Arab country in the world 33
It gained independence from France in 1962 42
Home to roughly 32 million Sunnis 33
French-controlled land: 1847–1962 40
Constantine is its third-largest city 37
African country that was a French colony 40
Titular mouse in a classic Daniel Keyes novel 45
Mouse in a classic Daniel Keyes book 36
Maze-running rat in "Charly" 38
Computer language or star in Perseus 36
"Earth in the Balance" author 39
"An Inconvenient Truth" star 38
"An Inconvenient Truth" author 40
Tommy Lee Jones's Harvard roommate 38
'Earth in the Balance' author 37
He won a Nobel Peace Prize and a Grammy 39
Author of "The Assault on Reason" 43
Vice president with a "Jr." in his name 49
Veep who's a "Jr." 32
Veep who went to a Graduate School of Religion 46
Star of a 2007 Academy Award-winner 35
Sharer of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize 36
Reporter for The Tennessean from 1971 to 1976 45
Politico whose name is an anagram of GAOLER 43
One of Google's senior advisors 35
Losing side in a 2000 Supreme Court ruling 42
Keynoter at 1994's Superhighway Summit 42
His name's an anagram of "gaoler" 47
He tells "An Inconvenient Truth" 42
He declared "The planet has a fever" 46
Founder of the Alliance for Climate Protection 46
First-ever speaker on C-Span, 3/19/79 37
Defendant in a landmark 2000 case 33
Co-founder of the 2007 Live Earth concerts 42
Climate Reality Project chairman 32
Classic Darrell Hammond impersonation 37
Bill Clinton's vice president 33
Big name in environmental advocacy 34
And above all, never mention ___ 32
Alliance for Climate Protection founder 39
2005 Webby lifetime achievement award winner 44
1980s-'90s Tennessee senator 32
"Live Earth" concert organizer 40
"An Inconvenient Truth" presenter 43
'An Inconvenient Truth' star 36
Legendary trumpeter from New Orleans 36
"Sugar Lips" trumpeter 32
"Cotton Candy" trumpeter 34
Trumpeter memorialized in the French Quarter 44
Trumpeter known as "Jumbo" 36
"The Green Hornet" theme soloist 42
"Honey in the Horn" musician 38
Boxer called "The Greatest" 37
"Fight of the Century" participant 44
Ryan's "Love Story" co-star 41
"Thrilla in Manila" boxer 35
"Float like a butterfly" boxer 40
Self-proclaimed "greatest" of boxing 46
"Thrilla in Manila" victor 36
"Thrilla in Manila" winner 36
"Prince ___" ("Aladdin" song) 49
"Fight of the Century" loser 38
MacGraw of "Love Story" 33
"When We Were Kings" subject 38
"The greatest" of boxing 34
Sports Illustrated's Sportsman of the Century 49
"When We Were Kings" boxer 36
"The Greatest" via self-proclamation 46
"Sting like a bee" boxer 34
"Heroes" actress Larter 33
"1,001 Arabian Nights" hero 37
''When We Were Kings'' profilee 47
Ryan's "Love Story" costar 40
"When We Were Kings" profilee 39
"Thrilla in Manila" combatant 39
"Thrilla in Manila" champ 35
"American Gladiators" co-host Laila 45
"___ Baba and the 40 Thieves" 39
Winner of "The Thrilla in Manila" 43
Self-proclaimed "Greatest" boxer 42
International Boxing Hall of Fame charter member 48
Holmes called him "The Oldest" 40
His title was stripped in '67 33
Frazier's "Thrilla in Manila" foe 47
Athlete of the century in some polls 36
2005 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient 44
"Thrilla in Manila" participant 41
"The Soul of a Butterfly" memoirist 45
"The Greatest: My Own Story" author 45
"Sting like a bee" athlete 36