
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Steinbeck temptress 19
River in Luzon 14
Magical beginning 17
Luzon province 14
Cadabra preceder 16
Spelling word? 14
Spelling start? 15
Spell starter 13
Spell opening 13
Spell opener 12
Magical opener 14
Magic syllables 15
Incantation opening 19
Hocus-pocus opening 19
Enchanting opener? 18
Rub the wrong way 17
Irritate by rubbing 19
Scrape roughly 14
Rub the wrong way? 18
Wear by rubbing 15
Use sandpaper 13
Use a rasp on 13
Use a pumice stone 18
Wear roughly 12
Use a file, e.g. 16
Use emery on 12
Use emery cloth 15
Scour a surface 15
Rub with a rasp 15
Rub harshly against 19
Rubs the wrong way 18
Scrapes away 12
Biblical patriarch 18
Isaac's father 18
Father of Isaac 15
Uncle of Lot 12
Lot's uncle 15
Father of Judaism 17
Father of Ishmael 17
F. Murray ____ 14
Biblical pair 13
War-era president 17
North leader 12
A U.S. president 16
___ bosom (heaven) 18
Genesis patriarch 17
James ___ Garfield 18
James -- Garfield 17
James __ Garfield 17
TV carpenter Norm 17
Sarai's mate 16
Sarai's spouse 18
Sarai's husband 19
Skin scrapes 12
Playground injuries 19
Like sandpaper 14
Not at all gentle 17
Smoothing stuff 15
Pumice, e.g. 12
Side by side 12
How lovers walk 15
Beside one another 18
Like lovers walking 19
How some oxen walk 18
Bow to bow, perhaps 19
Sheltered spot 14
Hillside shelter 16
Dugout shelter 14
Hillside dugout 15
Shelter: Fr. 12
Rock shelter 12
French dugout 13
Sedan shelter 13
Overhanging rock 16
Refuge, in Rouen 16
Poilu's milieu 18
Hillside cavity 15
Hillside cave 13
French shelter 14
Dugout, in Dijon 16
Bomb shelter 12
Not all there 13
Not full-length 15
Missing parts 13
Out of the country 18
Not in the country 18
Across the sea 14
In another country 18
Using a passport 16
To Europe, say 14
In Europe, say 14
Where some study 16
To Africa, say 14
Overseas, perhaps 17
One way to study 16
On the Continent 16
In wide circulation 19
In Africa, say 14
Without warning 15
Unceremonious 13