
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Call off the launch 19
Stop, as a launch 17
Stop abruptly 13
Scuttle a take-off 18
Scrub, NASA-style 17
Scrub the mission 17
Scrub the liftoff 17
Scrub a launch 14
Halt prematurely 16
Halt abruptly 13
End prematurely 15
End abruptly 12
Cancel, to NASA 15
Cancel, NASA-style 18
Cancel liftoff 14
Cancel a mission 16
Cancel a launching 18
Cancel a launch 15
Cancel a flight 15
Terminate suddenly 18
Terminate a mission 19
Stop prematurely 16
Stop in midstream 17
Scrub, NASA style 17
Scrub at NASA 13
Scrub a flight 14
Scrap a project 15
Scrap a mission 15
Quell quickly 13
Go-no-go option 15
End, NASA-style 15
End the mission 15
End a mission early 19
Cut short a mission 19
Cancel, NASA style 18
Cancel, in Houston 18
Cancel the mission 18
Call off, in a way 18
Call off suddenly 17
Call off a takeoff 18
Unsuccessful 12
Pulls the plug on 17
Scrubs a launch 15
Scrubs, a la NASA 17
Ends abruptly 13
Stops in midcount 17
Scrubs the mission 18
Scraps, NASA style 18
Scraps the mission 18
Ceases, NASA-style 18
Cancels the mission 19
___ Ben Adhem 13
Eastern name 12
Arabic prename 14
Leigh Hunt hero 15
Oriental name 13
Father, in Arabia 17
Arabian father 14
Arab name part 14
____ Ben Adhem 14
Father, in Arabic 17
Arabian name 12
Arab's father 17
Saudi father 12
Poetic list-leader 18
Hasan or ben Adhem 18
Father, to an Arab 18
Father in Arabia 16
Father in Arabic 17
Dad, in Damascus 16
____Ben Adhem 13
_____ Ben Adhem 15
____ Ben Adam 13
___ Ben-Adhem 15
Be plentiful 12
Be overflowing 14
Be found all around 19
Bustle (with) 13
Be rich (in) 12
Is plentiful 12
Approximately 13
In the vicinity 15
More or less 12
In the neighborhood 19
Give or take 12
Not far away 12
In the vicinity of 18
Here and there 14
Pertaining to 13
In regard to 12
Up and around 13
Concerned with 14
In reference to 15
Up's partner 16
Moving around 13
Guesstimate word 16
On the topic of 15
On all sides 12
Man-___-town 12
Here or there 13