
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Put down, in a way 18
Lower in prestige 17
Lower in esteem 15
Knock down a peg 16
Opposite of glorify 19
Insult badly 12
Lower in status 15
Lower in reputation 19
Strip of stripes 16
Opposite of exalt 17
Knock down to size 18
Insult badly, e.g. 18
In lower rank 13
Bring down a notch 18
Brought down 12
Lowered in rank 15
Reduced in rank 15
Taken down a peg 16
Took down a peg 15
Lowered in esteem 17
Offended, in a way 18
Dresses down 12
Lowers in rank 14
Takes down a peg 16
Lowers in esteem 16
Lowers (oneself) 16
Puts to shame 13
Lowers in prestige 18
Cuts down to size 17
Discombobulate 14
Cause to blush 14
Make ashamed 12
Bring shame to 14
Make embarrassed 16
Make red-faced 14
Make self-conscious 19
Cause to lose face 18
Discountenance 14
Make ill at ease 16
Make embarassed 15
Turns red, maybe 16
Makes ashamed 13
Discon-certs 12
Putting down 12
Blind as ___ 12
As blind as ___ 15
Blind as --- 12
As blind as -- 14
Like __ out of hell 19
Blind as ____ 13
Like___out of hell 18
Put an end to 13
Lose intensity 14
Become less intense 19
Lessen, as a storm 18
Reduce in intensity 19
Quash, in law 13
Let up, as a storm 18
Drop off slowly 15
Reduce, as taxes 16
Ease; subside 13
Simmered down 13
Quashed, in law 15
Nullified, in law 17
Became less intense 19
Annulled, as a writ 19
Slackens off 12
Loses intensity 15
Quashes, in law 15
Starts to drop 14
Becomes lessened 16
Take ___ (lose big) 19
Take -- (lose big) 18
Settling down 13
In a decline 12
Israeli name 12
Swedish rock group 18
Swedish pop quartet 19
Eban of Israel 14
'70s supergroup 19
Popular rock group 18
Israel's Eban 17
Biblical father 15
Swedish rockers 15
Swedish supergroup 18
Swedish quartet 15
Diplomat Eban 13
Swedish pop group 17
Pop music acronym 17
Palindromic band 16
Four musical Swedes 19
Bjorn's group 17
Swedish singers 15
Swedish rock band 17
Statesman Eban 14
Rhyme pattern 13
Reversible rockers? 19
Quatrain pattern 16
Patriarchal father 18
Oriental bishop 15