Multinational currency | 22 |
Overseas currency unit | 22 |
New currency on the Continent | 29 |
Prefix with bond or dollar | 26 |
It replaced the drachma | 23 |
Currency on the Continent | 25 |
Lira's replacement | 22 |
It replaced the lira in 2002 | 28 |
Money on the Continent | 22 |
Guilder's replacement | 25 |
Transnational currency | 22 |
Spain's peseta successor | 28 |
New money on the Continent | 26 |
Monetary unit of Cyprus | 23 |
Modern Old World money | 22 |
It's worth about a dollar | 29 |
French franc successor | 22 |
Element of change, overseas | 27 |
Coin across the Atlantic | 24 |
Tender on the Continent | 23 |
Start for dollar or Disney | 26 |
Prefix for "dollar" | 29 |
New coin in the Old World | 25 |
Money in wide circulation | 25 |
It's worth 100 cents | 24 |
It replaced the Belgian franc | 29 |
French or Italian bread? | 24 |
French or Italian bread | 23 |
Drachma's replacement | 25 |
Currency introduced in 1999 | 27 |
Coin with 12 stars on it | 24 |
Coin that debuted on 1/1/02 | 27 |
Coin introduced on 1/1/99 | 25 |
Coin introduced in 2002 | 23 |
Speculator's target | 23 |
Slovenia adopted it in 2007 | 27 |
Replacement unit of 1999 | 24 |
Recent change in change | 23 |
Prefix with zone and skeptic | 28 |
Prefix with trash and Disney | 28 |
Prefix with dollar or trash | 27 |
Prefix with Disney or dollar | 28 |
Prefix with bond or market | 26 |
Prefix with bank or dollar | 26 |
Prefix with "trash" | 29 |
Prefix for dollar or Disney | 27 |
Piece of French bread? | 22 |
Peseta's replacement | 24 |
One featuring a Maltese cross | 29 |
One dollar, in some places | 26 |
Of a continent: Prefix | 22 |
Note with a national face | 25 |
Note first used on 1/1/2002 | 27 |
Note across the ocean? | 22 |
Newish money on the Continent | 29 |
New currency in the Old World | 29 |
New circulator of 2002 | 22 |
Multiple-country money | 22 |
Money, in many languages | 24 |
Money in Spain and Italy | 24 |
Money in Madrid and Milan | 25 |
Money at a casa de cambio | 25 |
Monetary unit since 1999 | 24 |
Mark's replacement? | 23 |
Mark's replacement, e.g. | 28 |
Mark and franc replacer | 23 |
Maltese money since '08 | 27 |
Lead-in to pop or pass | 22 |
Latvia's new money | 22 |
Kind of bonds or dollars | 24 |
Italian money, today ... | 24 |
Italian currency, currently | 27 |
It's roughly $1.29 | 22 |
It's replacing the lira | 27 |
It's made of cents | 22 |
It's highest note is 500 | 28 |
It replaced the French franc | 28 |
It made its debut in 2002 | 25 |
Estonia's new money | 23 |
Denmark doesn't use it | 26 |
Cypriot's coin or bill | 26 |
Current currency, for many | 26 |
Current Continental currency | 28 |
Currency with a 20-cent coin | 28 |
Currency recently in crisis | 27 |
Currency or dollar leader | 25 |
Currency across the Pond | 24 |
Continental monetary unit | 25 |
Continental currency unit | 25 |
Coin with twelve stars | 22 |
Coin with a national side | 25 |
Coin with a map on the front | 28 |
Coin with a map on one side | 27 |
Coin with a map on its back | 27 |
Coin with a brass border | 24 |
Coin that debuted in 2002 | 25 |
Coin featuring Benedict XVI | 27 |
Change in the European Union? | 29 |
100 cents, in some places | 25 |
International monetary unit | 27 |