
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Designer Gabbana of Dolce & Gabbana 39
"Three Lives" author Gertrude 39
"Gone With the Wind" composer 39
'A Streetcar Named Desire' role 39
Stanley Kowalski's wife, in theater 39
Artist Frank ___, pioneer in Minimalism 39
"How --- Got Her Groove Back" 39
What an inflectional ending is added to 39
Directive repeated in an aerobics class 39
Lincoln's pre-Presidential opponent 39
1998 Julia Roberts/Susan Sarandon movie 39
What instructions might be divided into 39
Skiing maneuver at a bend in the course 39
"Emperor Tomato Ketchup" band 39
''Fantasia'' innovation 39
"The ___ Cuckoo," Pakula film 39
Like old schoolmasters, stereotypically 39
Disreputable period in baseball history 39
Geneviève and Catherine, e.g.: Abbr. 39
"Do not change," to an editor 39
Editor's "Leave it alone" 39
Editor's "Don't dele" 39
Editor's 'put this back in' 39
''Never mind'' notation 39
''Let it stand'' orders 39
First "Blue's Clues" host 39
Microsoft's chief executive Ballmer 39
Kroft of ''60 Minutes'' 39
Daryl's "Roxanne" co-star 39
"Father of the Bride" co-star 39
Movie actor gets into old Crawford film 39
"Traffic" director Soderbergh 39
Supreme Court justice appointed by Ford 39
Ford's only Supreme Court appointee 39
Big 1980's-90's box office draw 39
Wine-serving twin of a fictional mouse? 39
Justice Potter ___ of the Supreme Court 39
Bouillabaisse and hasenpfeffer, for two 39
Impediment to drive-in smooching, maybe 39
Comp claim from a courageous trumpeter? 39
Hester Prynne's "A," e.g. 39
Big name in chain saws and leaf blowers 39
"___ Nacht" (Christmas carol) 39
"___ be neat . . . " (Jonson) 39
A person can take big strides with this 39
"Goosebumps" author R. L. ___ 39
"Rotten School" series author 39
Part of a British rock-music collection 39
'Sophie's Choice' character 39
Little brat uses needles and wool again 39
Mix James Bond's martini improperly 39
Begin to leave one's dreams behind? 39
"___ Up" (Bob Marley classic) 39
Lines descending from a common ancestor 39
'All in the Family' in-law Mike 39
Place next to the Pennsylvania Railroad 39
Place in Monopoly's orange monopoly 39
Island with the capital city Basseterre 39
NL team with the most World Series wins 39
Home to the Bowling Hall of Fame: Abbr. 39
Albert Pujols' team, on scoreboards 39
Town freed by the Allies: July 18, 1944 39
German communications center in W.W. II 39
City where the Dred Scott case was held 39
International Bowling Hall of Fame site 39
His religious symbol is the winged lion 39
Pou ___ (vantage point), from the Greek 39
Lingerie shopping assistants, at times? 39
Plane that needs little runway, briefly 39
Caught by surprise, with "on" 39
Component of some screwdrivers, briefly 39
Folk-rock trio featuring Linda Ronstadt 39
One administering a Biblical punishment 39
Jagger's band, with "the" 39
"A face that would ___ clock" 39
"A face that could ___ clock" 39
"Don't be such a grouch!" 39
Catchphrase of diet expert Susan Powter 39
Stick in the attic or stuff in a drawer 39
Raconteurs "___ Bought Bones" 39
Bruno Mars "Liquor ___ Blues" 39
Spielberg's "Amazing ___" 39
Baby deliverers, in birth announcements 39
Added protection against winter weather 39
"Flood cleanup wears me out!" 39
White-clad "Star Wars" baddie 39
University of Connecticut's setting 39
Lehman's "The Inside ___" 39
"The dog ate it," for example 39
Former "20/20" co-anchor John 39
It's in the kitchen with a potbelly 39
Candy family known for boxed chocolates 39
Groucho, in "Monkey Business" 39
Honoree near the end of winter, briefly 39
"Prairie Home Companion" home 39
Commercial figure holding six beer mugs 39
Witness to the Transfiguration of Jesus 39
Valuable stringed instrument, for short 39
Chuck _____Agriculture Minister in 2006 39
Albert Camus work, with "The" 39