
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

'You are here' illustration 35
'You Bet Your Life' host 32
'You Can Call Me Al' singer 35
'You can stop trying to wake me!' 41
'You Can't -- Again' 32
'You can't fool me!' 32
'You Don't Bring Me Flowers' lyricist 49
'You gave me no warning!' 33
'You Light Up My Life' singer Debby 43
'You say you -- revolution' 35
'You Turned the -- on Me' 33
'You Were Meant for Me' singer 38
'You'll never believe this!' 40
'You're All I Need -- By' 37
'You're No Good' singer Linda 41
'You're not going to believe this!' 47
'You're putting --!' 32
'You've got a friend --' 36
'You've got mail!' ISP 34
'You've got mail' biz 33
'You've got mail' co. 33
'You've Got Mail' director Ephron 45
'You've got yourself --!' 37
'You've gotta be kidding!' 38
'You've Lost That Lovin' --' 44
'You've Really Goton Me' 36
'Young Adult' director Jason 36
'Young Frankenstein' actress Teri 41
'Young Frankenstein' cast member 40
'Young Frankenstein' role 33
'Young Guns' actor Mulroney 35
'Your Erroneous Zones' author 37
'Your Show of Shows' star 33
'Zoolander' actor Wilson 32
'Zorba the Greek' novelist Kazantzakis 46
< Player with this retired number 36
< Player with this retired number, informally 48
< Team that won this many games in 1961 42
<-- What this is, on a calendar 34
<--- One starting a career, perhaps 38
<3 <3 <3, in some texts 32
" 'Crocodile' ___" 36
" 'S a ___ request": Burns 40
" " " " " 34
" --- "sante"!" 35
" --- the ramparts..." 32
" --- you ashamed of yourself?" 41
" . . . baked in ___" 32
" . . . in corpore ___" 34
" . . . ___ saw Elba" 32
" . . . 'til the sun shines, ___" 47
" . . . 'tis like ___ in spring" 46
" . . . a big fat ___" 32
" . . . a big ___ hen" 32
" . . . a bone and a hank ___": Kipling 49
" . . . a bushel ___ peck" 36
" . . . a dagger which ___": MacBeth 46
" . . . a dog, a horse, ___": Shak. 45
" . . . a drunken sailor on ___": Shak. 49
" . . . a feeling and ___": Wordsworth 48
" . . . a gem of ___ ray serene": Gray 48
" . . . a giant ___ for mankind" 42
" . . . a heart as sound as ___": Shak. 49
" . . . a kiss through ___": Hugo 43
" . . . a lamp ___ feet" 34
" . . . a lamp ___ my feet . . . " 44
" . . . a lamp ___ my feet" 37
" . . . a large ___ his stew" 39
" . . . a little lower ___ the angels" 48
" . . . a man for a' ___": Burns 46
" . . . a man or ___?" 32
" . . . a man without ___": Campbell 46
" . . . a man ___ mouse?" 35
" . . . a merry old soul ___" 39
" . . . a most susceptible ___ " 42
" . . . a mouse studying to be ___" 45
" . . . a part, and mine ___ one" 43
" . . . a peak in ___": Keats 39
" . . . a poem lovely as ___" 39
" . . . a right jolly old ___" 40
" . . . a sea of ___": Shak. 38
" . . . a sin to tell ___" 36
" . . . a sparrow in the ___": Yeats 46
" . . . a tale/Told ___ idiot" 40
" . . . a trip to the old ___": Farrell 49
" . . . a turkey and some ___" 40
" . . . a virtuous bachelor ___": Shak. 49
" . . . a wing ___ prayer" 36
" . . . a woman be more like a ___?" 46
" . . . a word from our ___" 38
" . . . a worth that brings ___" 42
" . . . a ___ and hungry look" 40
" . . . a ___ clock scholar" 38
" . . . a ___ dream?": Keats 38
" . . . a ___ o' livin' " 43
" . . . a ___ of golden daffodils" 44
" . . . a ___ snow-white horses" 42
" . . . a ___ told by an idiot . . . " 48
" . . . above this ___ sway": Shak. 45
" . . . abusing ___ patience" 39