
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Author of "The Hotel New Hampshire" 45
Author of "The Hundred Secret Senses" 47
Author of "The Immigrants" 36
Author of "The Immoralist" 36
Author of "The Inspector-General" 43
Author of "The Invisible Man" 39
Author of "The Journey to the East" 45
Author of "The King Ranch" 36
Author of "The Last Voyage" 37
Author of "The Lionheads" 35
Author of "The Lockwood Concern" 42
Author of "The Longhorns" 35
Author of "The Lotus Eaters" 38
Author of "The Luck of Roaring Camp" 46
Author of "The Lymond Chronicles" 43
Author of "The Magic Mountain" 40
Author of "The Maid of Orleans" 41
Author of "The Making of a Surgeon" 45
Author of "The Making of an American" 47
Author of "The Makropoulos Secret" 44
Author of "The Mammoth Hunters" 41
Author of "The Man With the Golden Arm" 49
Author of "The Man Without a Country" 47
Author of "The Martian Chronicles" 44
Author of "The Meaning of Treason" 44
Author of "The Mill on the Floss" 43
Author of "The Morning Watch" 39
Author of "The Mysterious Island" 43
Author of "The Mysterious Stranger" 45
Author of "The Naked and the Dead" 44
Author of "The Name of the Rose" 42
Author of "The Natural" 33
Author of "The Nazarene" 34
Author of "The Never Ending Story" 44
Author of "The Neverending Story" 43
Author of "The Nun's Story" 41
Author of "The Nun's Story": 1956 47
Author of "The Old Wives' Tale" 45
Author of "The Overcoat" 34
Author of "The Periodic Table" 40
Author of "The Poor Little Rich Girl" 47
Author of "The Potting Shed" 38
Author of "The Prague Cemetery" 41
Author of "The Praise of Folly" 41
Author of "The Prince of Tides" 41
Author of "The Promised Land" 39
Author of "The Prophet" 33
Author of "The Purloined Letter" 42
Author of "The Red Badge of Courage" 46
Author of "The Republic" 34
Author of "The Right Stuff" 37
Author of "The Road Less Traveled" 44
Author of "The Road to Mecca" 39
Author of "The Sandman" graphic novels 48
Author of "The Sandman" series Neil 45
Author of "The Sea, the Sea" 38
Author of "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" 47
Author of "The Seven Lady Godivas" 44
Author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" 47
Author of "The Seven-Per-Cent Solution" 49
Author of "The Shelters of Stone" 43
Author of "The Silent World" 38
Author of "The Silver Chalice" 40
Author of "The Sojourner" 35
Author of "The Sot-Weed Factor" 41
Author of "The Spanish Tragedy" 41
Author of "The Star-Spangled Banner" 46
Author of "The Story of Bip" 38
Author of "The Story of Philosophy" 45
Author of "The Stranger" 34
Author of "The Swiss Family Robinson" 47
Author of "The Talisman" 34
Author of "The Tell-Tale Heart" 41
Author of "The Third Man," 1949 41
Author of "The Titans" 32
Author of "The Torch Bearers" 39
Author of "The Torrents of Spring" 44
Author of "The Two Cultures" 38
Author of "The Ugly Duckling" 39
Author of "The Unmade Bed" 36
Author of "The Valachi Papers" 40
Author of "The Valley of Horses" 42
Author of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" 49
Author of "The Vicar of Wakefield" 44
Author of "The Violent Land" Jorge 44
Author of "The Virginian" 35
Author of "The Wall Street Gang" 42
Author of "The Wandering Jew" 39
Author of "The Wapshot Chronicle" 43
Author of "The Waste Land" 36
Author of "The Way Things Ought to Be" 48
Author of "The Way West" 34
Author of "The White Company" 39
Author of "The Yosemite" 34
Author of "The Young Bank Messenger" 46
Author of "Things I Remember": 1975 45
Author of "This Hunger" 33
Author of "This Hunger": 1945 39
Author of "Thy Neighbor's Wife" 45
Author of "To Kill a Mockingbird" 43