
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

1926 "Boy Wonder" of baseball 39
Ontario's second most populous city 39
City that's home to Parliament Hill 39
''Animal House'' animal 39
"Ring of Bright Water" animal 39
Animals who like to float on their back 39
Swimmer who won six gold medals in 1988 39
Springfield Elementary's bus driver 39
1988 Olympic gold-medal swimmer Kristin 39
"In Her Skin" actress Miranda 39
''Simpsons'' bus driver 39
''Beetle Bailey'' pooch 39
___ the Great, first Holy Roman Emperor 39
Pen name of Marie Louise de la Ramée 39
Hemingway's "In ___ Time" 39
Tommy Dorsey's "___ Love" 39
Taylor Swift's "___ Song" 39
Not in ___ Name (defunct antiwar group) 39
"___ Mutual Friend" (Dickens) 39
"___ House," 1983 Madness hit 39
"__ Song" (Taylor Swift tune) 39
''___ American Cousin'' 39
Willa CatherÂ’s “One of ___” 39
Like Sheryl Swoopes, since October 2005 39
Like Neil Patrick Harris, after 11/2/06 39
"Include me ___": Sam Goldwyn 39
"Cosmos (___ Space)" t.A.T.u. 39
It's not designed to be a lint trap 39
Sports phrase meaning not in contention 39
N.W.A. "Straight ___ Compton" 39
Part of the "Survivor" slogan 39
Drink said to have originated on Lesbos 39
"Hansel and Gretel" appliance 39
Comeuppance spot for Gretel's witch 39
"Continued on the other side" 39
''Awaiting your reply'' 39
Stones "It's All ___ Now" 39
Former Disney Company president Michael 39
"To what do I ___ this . . ." 39
"The Virginian" author Wister 39
Wilson of "Midnight in Paris" 39
"The Virginian" writer Wister 39
Wilson of "Starsky and Hutch" 39
Glendower who revolted against Henry IV 39
It's under a toddler's Band-Aid 39
Something "spotted" in a tree 39
Little River Band "Night ___" 39
"My --- Private Idaho" (1991) 39
"Life of My ___" 3 Doors Down 39
"The ___ Incident," 1943 film 39
G. Atherton's "Black ___" 39
Coachmen : horses :: bullwhackers : ___ 39
___ of the Sun (HeliosÂ’s livestock) 39
___Clean (product hawked by Billy Mays) 39
Santana hit also covered by Tito Puente 39
1971 Santana hit written by Tito Puente 39
"Wimmin Is a Myskery" heroine 39
"Thimble Theatre" family name 39
Conductor noted for wearing turtlenecks 39
Black Sabbath vocalist's first name 39
"The Tonight Show" host, once 39
Host who said "I kid you not" 39
Olympian Nurmi known as the Flying Finn 39
Derivatives of it are used in sunscreen 39
"Il Postino" character Neruda 39
Whitten's "A Killing ___" 39
Wear out the carpet in the waiting room 39
Walk back and forth with nervous energy 39
Secretary of state's goal, at times 39
"Taming of the Shrew" setting 39
It usually has an odd number of stories 39
It might follow ''oom'' 39
Proverbial problem for the neck or butt 39
Clubber Lang's prediction for Rocky 39
Author of "The Age of Reason" 39
''Common Sense'' author 39
Writer of "The Age of Reason" 39
"Public Good" publisher: 1780 39
Stock brokerage acquired in 2000 by UBS 39
Hang together (with "around") 39
"Have Gun - Will Travel" hero 39
2005 "Survivor" island nation 39
Look of one who's just seen a ghost 39
One of the Ewings on "Dallas" 39
Grier of ''Foxy Brown'' 39
"Helps you pull it off" brand 39
Jenna's "The Office" role 39
Beatles' "Polythene" girl 39
She played C.J. in "Baywatch" 39
Paine's revolutionary booklet, e.g. 39
"Catch Me If You Can" airline 39
"Catch Me If You Can" carrier 39
Independence declarer, November 3, 1903 39
Country that's also a Van Halen hit 39
Southernmost country in Central America 39
Important shipping route opened in 1914 39
"Meet the Press" guests, e.g. 39
Sections often made of mica in old Rome 39
Picture representing a continuous scene 39
Plant sometimes called heart's-ease 39