Company that merged with Sony in 2001 | 37 |
Company that merged with Time Warner | 36 |
Company that merged with WorldCom in 1998 | 41 |
Company that names a color of the year | 38 |
Company that offers bon mots on its label back | 46 |
Company that offers little training? | 36 |
Company that once employed Steve Jobs | 37 |
Company that once had a koala mascot | 36 |
Company that once offered mail-order catalogs | 45 |
Company that operates the cruise ship Marco Polo | 48 |
Company that originally developed VHS | 37 |
Company that originally sold Lifebuoy soap | 42 |
Company that owns Anheuser-Busch | 32 |
Company that owns Lands' End | 32 |
Company that owns StubHub and Skype | 35 |
Company that owns Supercharger stations | 39 |
Company that pays Indian musicians? | 35 |
Company that produced the game Pong | 35 |
Company that produced Twister and Candy Land | 44 |
Company that produces oil for Alabama? | 38 |
Company that produces wrap sheets? | 34 |
Company that programmed Deep Blue | 33 |
Company that promotes i contact? | 32 |
Company that pulls products off the shelves | 43 |
Company that put a tiger in your tank | 37 |
Company that released the Sinclair 1000 computer | 48 |
Company that sells continental train tickets | 44 |
Company that sells EFFEKTIV office furniture | 44 |
Company that sells outboard engines to Vikings? | 47 |
Company that sells the FIXA tools | 33 |
Company that sets costs for masons? | 35 |
Company that sponsors the Mariners' field | 45 |
Company that sponsors the New York City Marathon | 48 |
Company that sponsors the Orange Bowl | 37 |
Company that started with the hair dye Aureole | 46 |
Company that tackles global poverty? | 36 |
Company that takes PayPal, probably | 35 |
Company that targets iron-fisted bosses? | 40 |
Company that took over Reynolds Metals in 2000 | 46 |
Company that trademarked "Escalator" | 46 |
Company that uses Pegasus as a symbol | 37 |
Company that went bankrupt in 2001 | 34 |
Company that went from Genesis to Saturn | 40 |
Company that's "on your side" | 43 |
Company that's a major miner | 32 |
Company used by many on-line investors | 38 |
Company whose ads feature Catherine Zeta-Jones | 46 |
Company whose business goes up and down? | 40 |
Company whose calling is calling | 32 |
Company whose cars are never on the road | 40 |
Company whose cars don't use gasoline | 41 |
Company whose first product was cheese | 38 |
Company whose first store was in Aelmhult, Sweden | 49 |
Company whose frequent flier program is EuroBonus | 49 |
Company whose jobs are often changing? | 38 |
Company whose logo has a diagonal red arrow | 43 |
Company whose logo has a red "o" | 42 |
Company whose logo included a blue-and-red torch | 48 |
Company whose logo is a five-pointed crown | 42 |
Company whose logo is a griffin with a crown | 44 |
Company whose logo is a tricolor "A" | 46 |
Company whose logo was designed by Paul Rand | 44 |
Company whose logo was, appropriately, crooked | 46 |
Company whose mascot has a Cockney accent | 41 |
Company whose mascot is Bobby Banana | 36 |
Company whose mascot is Sonic the Hedgehog | 42 |
Company whose Monopoly is fully legal | 37 |
Company whose name is also its stock symbol | 43 |
Company whose name is pig Latin for an insect | 45 |
Company whose name is pronounced like two letters | 49 |
Company whose name is quacked in ads | 36 |
Company whose name means "three oceans" | 49 |
Company whose name means "to the skies" | 49 |
Company whose phone number is 1-800-992-3522 | 44 |
Company whose production goes in cycles? | 40 |
Company whose products get off to a roaring start | 49 |
Company whose reps have a calling | 33 |
Company whose workers may lay down on the job | 45 |
Company Wile E. Coyote often orders from | 40 |
Company with "counting sheep" ads | 43 |
Company with 72' x 53' screens | 38 |
Company with a "beep-beep" in its ads | 47 |
Company with a "calling" calling | 42 |
Company with a "lonely repairman" | 43 |
Company with a "Running Man" symbol | 45 |
Company with a "spokesduck" | 37 |
Company with a "swoosh" logo | 38 |
Company with a cool-looking logo? | 33 |
Company with a familiar ring to it? | 35 |
Company with a five-pointed crown logo | 38 |
Company with a game piece in its logo | 37 |
Company with a good track record? | 33 |
Company with a horse in its logo | 32 |
Company with a kangaroo on its logo | 35 |
Company with a Magen David in its logo | 38 |
Company with a major subsidiary in India | 40 |
Company with a notoriously checkered labor record | 49 |
Company with a once-famous catalog | 34 |
Company with a Pegasus trademark | 32 |
Company with a recent failed logo change | 40 |