
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Apartment building employee (Abbr.) 35
__ La Table: high-end cookware shop 35
Baja California ___ (Mexican state) 35
Extra fee, as for a special service 35
"And that's for ___!" 35
Kiss "___ Know Something" 35
It's guaranteed to hit the mark 35
Increased rapidly, as troop numbers 35
It has knifelike spines on its tail 35
For Americans, it's always last 35
Clergyman's white linen garment 35
Job involving a leveling instrument 35
Dawson's call from 1976 to 1985 35
"Family Feud" catchphrase 35
"I Will ____" (disco hit) 35
Sarandon of "Bull Durham" 35
"I Dreamed a Dream" Boyle 35
Title girl of a Stephen Foster song 35
Name in a Stephen Foster song title 35
"Oh, oh, oh, what a girl" 35
Mill associated with gold discovery 35
Mena of "American Beauty" 35
Dutch speed skating Olympian Kramer 35
"Law & Order" variant 35
Boyfriend in Shakespeare's time 35
What a cannibalistic lion might do? 35
Traveled to the source of, in a way 35
T. Rex "Ride a White ___" 35
Mazzy Star "Among My ___" 35
Kind of a dive, or a migratory bird 35
Gottfried, in "Lohengrin" 35
"Old Folks at Home" river 35
Actress Hilary's favorite food? 35
Wide receiver Lynn of Steelers fame 35
Darkly complexioned, to Shakespeare 35
Ruth, "The Sultan of ___" 35
___ on a stack of Bibles (promises) 35
Allowing no bullets to get through? 35
Like palms on a first date, perhaps 35
Ingemar Johansson or Ingrid Bergman 35
__'Pea ("Popeye" kid) 35
__'Pea ("Popeye" tot) 35
Win the World Series without a loss 35
Comics character named for a flower 35
Crusading politician's promises 35
Key ratings period for TV producers 35
Time for a blockbuster movie, maybe 35
"Ida, ___ as Apple Cider" 35
"___ Leilani," Crosby hit 35
"Very nice, Ms. Kennedy!" 35
What 'dolce' means in music 35
Formula for a Thanksgiving dessert? 35
Big celebration for a high schooler 35
Crescendo followed by a decrescendo 35
Took the World Series in four games 35
Michael Phelps wear, in competition 35
Goes up the creek without a paddle? 35
Kingdom once ruled by Benny Goodman 35
Fiscally conservative Democrat, say 35
Ski house that rustles in the wind? 35
Actress Loretta of "MASH" 35
"M*A*S*H" actress Loretta 35
Street gang weapon, stereotypically 35
Mickey Mantle or Pete Rose, notably 35
Change one's acrobatic routine? 35
Child actor Carl who played Alfalfa 35
Certain guy, in personals shorthand 35
Certain guy "ISO" someone 35
Herbert Bayard ___, U.S. journalist 35
Swashbuckler's weapon of choice 35
Prepared to give testimony, perhaps 35
Given an oath (with "in") 35
Dame Thorndike of the English stage 35
Guitarist Barrett (with Pink Floyd) 35
Pink Floyd singer/guitarist Barrett 35
Lead role on "Providence" 35
Barrett who left Pink Floyd in 1968 35
One of four in Massachusetts: Abbr. 35
Beethoven's Fifth, e.g. (abbr.) 35
One of Beethoven's nine (abbr.) 35
Prefix meaning "together" 35
Part of a New Year's song title 35
Word sung before drinking champagne 35
Last word of an annual holiday song 35
Positive result of working together 35
Establishment, with "the" 35
Alignment of three celestial bodies 35
There's one in each theme entry 35
One of two for the Ten Commandments 35
It's good to keep these on kids 35
"Forbidden" perfume brand 35
"The forbidden fragrance" 35
"Forbidden" cologne brand 35
Speed of rotation measurer, briefly 35
"Annals" author-historian 35
Toyota pickup named for a U.S. city 35
What wakes people up in Washington? 35
Urbanite with a view of Mt. Rainier 35
Food items that can be messy to eat 35
Informal eateries with Mexican fare 35