
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Award given by The Village Voice 32
Award given for athletic achievement 36
Award instituted by Queen Victoria: Abbr. 41
Award named for a Hall-of-Fame pitcher 38
Award named for a mystery writer 32
Award named for Antoinette Perry 32
Award of which Al Pacino has just one 37
Award originally named for a TV camera 38
Award presented for Best Comeback 33
Award show hosted by Lance Armstrong in 2006 44
Award show hosted by LeBron James in 2007 41
Award sponsored by the "Village Voice" 48
Award started by the Village Voice 34
Award that honors the best angler of the year 45
Award that's a pronunciation of its initials 48
Award to one working with a pitcher? 36
Award winning Canadian TV comedy 32
Award with a "Billboard" category 43
Award with a Best Upset category 32
Award with a Sustained Achievement category 43
Award won 21 times by Harold Prince 35
Award won 21 times by Tiger Woods 33
Award won by Alice Munro and Stephen King 41
Award won by Asimov, Herbert and Le Guin 40
Award won by Patton in WWI and again in WWII 44
Award won by Roger Clemens seven times 38
Award won by Taylor Swift in 2009 33
Award won by the play "4000 Miles" 44
Award won three times by David Mamet 36
Award won three times by Václav Havel 40
Award-winning "Umbrella" singer 41
Award-winning 2012 film about a fake film 41
Award-winning 2012 film thriller 32
Award-winning 2012 movie set in Iran 36
Award-winning British sitcom, to fans 37
Award-winning detective fiction writer Robert 45
Award-winning Disney animator Glen 34
Award-winning Disney Broadway musical 37
Award-winning female bluegrass vocalist Vincent 47
Award-winning HBO miniseries of 2003 36
Award-winning playwright of Fences 37
Award-winning sci-fi writer Connie 34
Award-winning soaps actress Jane 32
Award-winning Stephen Jay Gould book 36
Awarder of belts for belting: Abbr. 35
Awarder of the Intl. Simón Bolívar Prize 46
Awards for J. K. Rowling and P. L. Travers: Abbr. 49
Awards for Lisa Leslie and Sheryl Swoopes 41
Awards for venues, artists and promoters 40
Awards of which Peyton Manning has five 39
Awards often co-hosted by Carrie Underwood: Abbr. 49
Awards rarely won by agoraphobics? 34
Awards show named for a TV network 34
Awards show presenter's take 32
Awards show with a Best Sports Movie category 45
Awards whose image is an angel holding an atom 46
Awards won by LeBron James and David Beckham 44
Aware of what's ''in'' 42
Awareness-raising TV spots, for short 37
Away from one's desk, in a way 34
Away from the main place of business 36
Away from the wind, on a windjammer 35
Away from the wind, on the water 32
Away from the wind, to a seafarer 33
Away from the workplace for good 32
Away, but not completely off-duty 33
Awe-inspiring source of dietary fiber? 38
Awed by leading man's pickup? 33
Awful "Dancing With the Stars" scores 47
Awful illustration from cartoonist William? 43
Awful result of a burning desire 32
Awkward people to run into, often 33
Awkward skiers' leggings, often 35
Awol rockers can't handle this 34
AWOL's nemesis phonetically 32
AXA at Dartmouth or Chi Psi at Cornell 38
Axiom from Virgil's "Eclogue X" 45
Axioms serving as starting points 33
Axis title, with "Der" 32
Axton who wrote "Joy to the World" 44
Ayatollah Khomeini led it in 1979 33
Ayatollah's son Muqtada al-___ 34
Aykroyd of "Ghostbusters" 35
Aykroyd of "The Blues Brothers" 41
Ayn of didactic monologues from wooden characters 49
Ayn Rand's "___ Shrugged" 39
Ayn who was friends with Alan Greenspan 39
Ayn who wrote "Atlas Shrugged" 40
Ayres in ''Holiday'' 36
Ayres of "Don't Bet on Love" 42
Ayres who played Dr. Kildare in many films 42
Ayres who played filmdom's Dr. Kildare 42
Azalea not found in a flower bed 32
Azerbaijan and Belarus, once: Abbr. 35
Azerbaijan and Ukraine, once (Abbr.) 36
Azerbaijan and Ukraine, once: Abbr. 35
Azerbaijan's locale, in part 32
Azerbaijani's language family 33
Aziz of "Parks and Recreation" 40
Aztec Ruins Natl. Monument setting 34