Words after "She throws the want ads right my way and never fails to say," in a 1958 #1 hit | 101 |
Words before ''Methuselah'' or ''the hills'' | 76 |
Words before ''precedent'' or ''good example'' | 78 |
Words before "a Brain" and "an Animal" in book titles | 73 |
Words before "Remember" and "Forget," in song titles | 72 |
Words before "signed, sealed, delivered" in a Stevie Wonder hit | 73 |
Words before "though some have called thee / Mighty and dreadful" | 75 |
Words before "to be born" and "to die" in Ecclesiastes | 74 |
Words before and after "my lads" in the United States Merchant Marine anthem | 86 |
Words between ''Would you'' and ''dance'' | 73 |
Words drawn out before "... will always love you" in a 1992 Whitney Houston cover | 91 |
Words from Pope's "An Essay on Man" (1940, 1942-43, 1960-62, 1965-68, 1978) | 89 |
Words in "The Little Mermaid" after "The human world ..." | 77 |
Words made more broadly applicable by the Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Windsor | 98 |
Words of encouragement that may be heard at a Weight Watchers meeting, part 1 | 77 |
Words of reproach, and a hint to how the four longest puzzle answers are formed | 79 |
Words on cakes in "Alice in Wonderland" and "Animal House" | 78 |
Words preceding "Love," "War" and "the Deal" in book titles | 89 |
Words repeated after "I shall no more," in "The Tempest" | 76 |
Words repeated by Samuel L. Jackson in the diner scene from "Pulp Fiction" | 84 |
Words spoken after Polonius says, "I hear him coming: let's withdraw, my lord" | 92 |
Words that can precede both parts of this puzzle's six longest answers | 74 |
Words that can precede, in order, the three words in each starred answer | 72 |
Words that fill both blanks in the 1990 Almadovar film "___ Up, ___ Down" | 83 |
Words to a kidder, and a hint to how this puzzle's five longest answers were created | 88 |
Words with ''a pistol'' or ''a firecracker'' | 76 |
Words with ''a sudden'' or ''the above'' | 72 |
Words with ''crossroads'' or ''dead end'' | 73 |
Words with ''distance'' or ''disadvantage'' | 75 |
Words with ''even keel'' or ''empty stomach'' | 77 |
Words with ''good faith'' or ''self-defense'' | 77 |
Words with ''high standard'' or ''good example'' | 80 |
Words with ''I'm told'' or ''I thought'' | 76 |
Words with ''impasse'' or ''all-time high'' | 75 |
Words with ''lay it'' or ''the joke's'' | 75 |
Words with ''pedestal'' or ''happy face'' | 73 |
Words with ''precedent'' or ''good example'' | 76 |
Words with ''remember'' or ''celebrate'' | 72 |
Words with ''standstill'' or ''distance'' | 73 |
Words with ''step'' or ''I'll get right'' | 77 |
Words with ''the kill'' or ''the buzzer'' | 73 |
Words with ''the minute'' or ''no good'' | 72 |
Words with ''there'' and ''the balance'' | 72 |
Words with ''world record'' or ''precedent'' | 76 |
Wordsmith who wrote "Last but not least, avoid clichés like the plague" | 84 |
Work that begins "Sing, goddess, the wrath of Peleus' son ..." | 76 |
Work unit that appears far less often in crosswords than "erg" | 72 |
Workweek start, or an apt title for this puzzle based on an abbreviation found in its five longest answers | 106 |
World leader who co-wrote the book "How Far We Slaves Have Come!" with Mandela | 88 |
World leader who was the first living person awarded honorary Canadian citizenship | 82 |
Worst team's privilege in next year's draft or, with a comma, "premium" | 89 |
Wrap right over left, tuck right underneath, pull, pinch right in a loop, wrap left around, push left through hole to create loop, pull loops | 141 |
Wright who quipped "What's another word for 'thesaurus'?" | 79 |
Write down "Vast Asian country with a population of over a billion"? | 78 |
Writer John who won a Pulitzer for "Annals of the Former World" | 73 |
Writer of "Happiness, n. An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another" | 107 |
Writer of the lines "Pigeons on the grass alas. / Pigeons on the grass alas" | 86 |
Writer of the song "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" | 79 |
Writer on whose work Woody Allen's "Sleeper" is loosely based | 75 |
Writer who Ali G. mistook for Clinton's vice president in an interview | 74 |
Writer who popularized the saying "To err is human, to forgive divine" | 80 |
Writer who said "I am not a speed reader. I am a speed understander" | 78 |
Writer who was the source of all the words with asterisked clues in this puzzle | 79 |
Writer who wrote "A bear, however hard he tries, / Grows tubby without exercise" | 90 |
Writer who wrote "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity" | 84 |
Writer whose novella "Carmen" is the basis of Bizet's opera | 73 |
Writer whose Pulitzer for "A Death in the Family" was posthumous | 74 |
Writer whose work was Shakespeare's primary source for "Julius Caesar" | 84 |
Wu-Tang Clan "Da Mystery of Chessboxin" lyric "You scream as it ___ your bloodstream" | 105 |
Wu-Tang Clan member who released the classic album "Liquid Swords," 1995 | 82 |
X Games activities, and, in a way, what can be found in this puzzle's circles | 81 |
Yang ___ Young (gymnast involved in a scoring controversy at the Athens Olympics) | 81 |
Yankees hurler (1996 champs) / Solo singer of "Lady" (#1 in 1980) | 75 |
Yankees manager of the '70s between two Billy Martin stints and of the '80s between two Gene Michael stints | 115 |
Yankovic video that ends with a freeze-framed spoof of "Thriller" | 75 |
ybaB eman taht yltnecer emaceb yrev ralupop, yllaicepse htiw lacilegnave snaitsirhC | 83 |
Year Hieronymus Bosch painted the "The Garden of Earthly Delights" | 76 |
Yearly parody prize awarded at Harvard for various scientific categories | 72 |
Yello song heard in the closing credits of "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" | 83 |
Yellowish brown / Bit of "dumb" humor / Many a forwarded e-mail | 73 |
You can build a 5,922-piece Taj Mahal replica with the largest one ever made | 76 |
You can find one in the four longest puzzle answers, even if you don't believe | 82 |
You might get them for having seen an Arcade Fire show before they were signed to a label | 89 |
You might have one to visit Japan, but you'll need a bunch once you get there | 81 |
You need to put a lot of money into it if you want it to be fully loaded | 72 |
You started out going "50 ___" in a "40-Year-Old Virgin" zone, past the old video store... | 110 |
You won't encounter one in Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, or Oregon | 82 |
Your chewing gum might lose its flavor on this, according to Lonnie Donegan | 75 |
Your role in this puzzle [the asterisked clues will help you crack the case] | 76 |
Youtube clip of a chat with the author of "Myra Breckenridge"? (party-hopping à la Charles Barkley in 2006) | 120 |
Zamboni-prepared surface, and word that can follow the last word of the puzzle's four longest answers | 105 |
[*cross out* "Star Wars" character] Where droids go to dry out? | 73 |
[*cross out* Children's song] Ignore the rest of the lunch I brought and just eat the fish? | 95 |
[*cross out* Gibbons and siamangs] Mountaintop that's not the very top? | 75 |
[*cross out* Member of a certain 1990s-2000s rock band] Censor unhappy with "Family Guy" and "Glee," maybe? | 127 |
[*cross out* Symbols of happiness] Transmissions with colons, dashes and parentheses? | 85 |
[Getting milked is sort of annoying, but I don't feel like running away] | 76 |
[I can't believe you just stepped on my tail. Now back the fuck away.] | 74 |
[We don't know who's opening the show, but trust us, they're going to be AWESOME, we hope] | 102 |
__ Schayes, who held the NBA career scoring record when he retired in 1964 | 74 |