
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Manson "family" member who attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford 73
Minced oath coined by Norman Mailer in "The Naked and the Dead" 73
"I'll just go ahead and throw this out anyway" online abbr. 73
"Who is John ___?" (opening line of "Atlas Shrugged") 73
1964 Berne best seller (and a hint to seven other answers in this puzzle) 73
Repetitive Brooklyn rockers with the 2008 album "Saint Dymphna" 73
Ordinary ... or what the beginning of the answer to each starred clue is? 73
Spanish architect celebrated by the Alan Parsons Project's last album 73
The "she" in the lyric "And when she passes, I smile" 73
Strip that accompanied Sunday "Dixie Dugan" comics in the 1930s 73
"Tarnsman of ___" (sci-fi book that launched an ongoing series) 73
Drama about an anonymous soldier who blogs about juicy military scandals? 73
Nickname for Nantucket, because of its frequent fog, with "the" 73
Agreement reached in Philadelphia on June 29, 1787 (with "The") 73
Connecticut town nicknamed "The Submarine Capital of the World" 73
Character in Chesterton's "What's Wrong With the World" 73
Provider of an old silk hat, e.g. (as depicted at the top of this puzzle) 73
Oz creator's cry when he first realized what family he was born into? 73
"The Simpsons" villain who changes during October and November? 73
Cute animal fawned over by murderers, whoremongers, idolaters, and liars? 73
Start of an Einstein quote that holds true when solving clever crosswords 73
1992 chart-topper that mentions "my little turn on the catwalk" 73
Critic's complaint about the new restaurant "Double Fault"? 73
Weather comment represented visually by this puzzle's circled letters 73
Solver's dilemma when faced with the clue "Telecom letters" 73
Oregon State running back who was the Pac-10 Offensive Player of the Year 73
Longtime New York chef and writer who hosted the first food program on TV 73
Subject of Ruth Montgomery's biography "A Gift of Prophecy" 73
A U.S. president who was also an architect, musician and inventor was ... 73
Film in which a stampede of African animals destroys a New Hampshire home 73
Carol sung by Ginger and Mary Ann from "Gilligan's Island"? 73
Costar of Andy Samberg in a popular "Saturday Night Live" video 73
Nancy Reagan's antidrug slogan, and a hint to this puzzle's theme 73
"Who is ___ Söze?" ("The Usual Suspects" question) 73
Brand whose logo has a man in a hard hat dangling from one of its letters 73
How school dress code rules might be enforced the day before summer break 73
2003 film with the tagline "Everything sounds sexier in French" 73
"Sweet __": Oscar-winning song from "Waikiki Wedding" 73
It's easy to do if you brought a headset, hard if your batteries died 73
1976 Neil Young-Stephen Stills single, and a phonetic hint to this puzzle 73
John Travolta film reject about "The Lord of the Rings" author? 73
Duke ___ (Humphrey Bogart's role in "The Petrified Forest") 73
"Peanuts" character who calls Charlie Brown "Charles" 73
Annual wetlands tournament involving cattails and water lilies, casually? 73
Live video of the 2008 presidential runner-up going about his daily life? 73
Writer John who won a Pulitzer for "Annals of the Former World" 73
Writer whose novella "Carmen" is the basis of Bizet's opera 73
Parthenon architectural feature (and an anagram of "Poet? Me?") 73
2003 Jeffrey Eugenides Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about a hermaphrodite 73
Ancient deity mentioned 39 times in Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" 73
Either of Heather's parents, according to a children's book title 73
2003 film starring Julia Roberts as an art professor at Wellesley College 73
New wave #1 hit with the repeated line "That ain't working" 73
Jazz standard that begins "You ain't been blue; no, no, no" 73
1996 film in which author Kurt Vonnegut Jr. plays a sad man on the street 73
Rock group whose name is an appropriate alternative title for this puzzle 73
1971 hit with the lyric "He danced for those at minstrel shows" 73
eHarmony employee's credo? (Elvis Costello / Toots & the Maytals) 73
Parody song with the lyric "I always eat too much and throw up" 73
"Famous" company that sponsors an annual hot dog eating contest 73
Louis ___ (trial lawyer and author of "My Life in Court," 1962) 73
Complaint to the chiropractor from "American Idol" singer Clay? 73
It may be given to a turkey before roasting, or a person during a massage 73
Where this grid's starred answers' ends have particular relevance 73
"People say she's crazy, she got diamonds ___ of her shoes" 73
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ...," e.g. 73
Setting in Sherlock Holmes's "The Man with the Twisted Lip" 73
Sir William who wrote "The Principles and Practice of Medicine" 73
Morrissey video compilation that translates to "Listen, Steven" 73
Friend barges in while gent is making amorous overtures; ref declares ... 73
Union that didn't live long to regret endorsing Ronald Reagan in 1980 73
My favorite cheap beer, for short (just sayin', if you're buying) 73
What the Baseball Hall of Fame is considering lifting a lifetime ban for? 73
Common chamber music form that includes Beethoven's "Ghost" 73
Dead giveaway that somebody's been eating cheap fast food hamburgers? 73
One of Carlin's seven dirty words that's since become commonplace 73
"If music be the food of love, ___" ("Twelfth Night") 73
Cartoon character whose debut film was "Golddiggers of '49" 73
Bodily organ with no definite structure, function, or truth-value at all? 73
Q: See title A: "Just one, but it has to really WANT to change" 73
Words with ''pedestal'' or ''happy face'' 73
What people in relationships need together ... or this puzzle's title 73
What King Arthur's men would like to have seen more of along the way? 73
Co-firing technique used to reduce pollution from electrical power plants 73
Stop at this North Dakota region that was the inspiration for a folk song 73
Shakespeare character who says "I have set my life upon a cast" 73
Famously enigmatic signature on Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain" 73
Skating maneuver by "Best Damn Sports Show Period" cohost John? 73
"Please, please be a love seat or a recliner or something ..."? 73
Brian whose Orchestra had the 1998 hit "Jump Jive an' Wail" 73
Elvis's and Mariah's record number of weeks at Billboard's #1 73
"___ Bangs" (William Hung's "American Idol" song) 73
He wrote the words and music for Johnny's "A Boy Named Sue" 73
LaBeouf of "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" 73
Something that's pressed, which helps explain this puzzle's theme 73
REO Speedwagon "It's time to bring this ship in to the ___" 73
"Love ___ Brought You Home" (Toni Braxton's first solo hit) 73
"Greatest Voice of the Twentieth Century," according to the BBC 73
Petty "Their A&R man said 'I don't hear a ___'" 73
"Sleep that knits up the ravell'd ___ of care": Shakespeare 73