
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

''Candide'' author 34
Lord Byron's words for a dance 34
Rocket scientist Wernher ___ Braun 34
From, in ''Namen'' 34
Berlin's conductor Herbert ___ 34
Creator of the religion Bokononism 34
"Hinky Dinky Parlay ___" 34
Kind of doll used in magical rites 34
IQ recordholder Marilyn ___ Savant 34
Make your feelings count, in a way 34
Have one's say, in an election 34
Evidence of an expenditure (Abbr.) 34
"Parlez-__ français?" 34
They might be renewed or exchanged 34
Some company higher-ups, for short 34
Letters on a Rémy Martin bottle 34
Heart rate, body temperature, etc. 34
Auto designed by Ferdinand Porsche 34
1970s military-style German import 34
One way to keep one's hair dry 34
Five-time A.L. batting champ Boggs 34
    Stay near the shore, say 34
Post-W.W. II female service member 34
Onetime aux. of the armed services 34
Move like a happy hound's tail 34
The U.S. minimum is $7.25 per hour 34
Emulated an excited dog's tail 34
"Tannhäuser" composer 34
Partying rockers might get on this 34
One who may be in charge of a team 34
Maximum loads of hay or vegetables 34
Vehicle specifically for crybabies 34
"I was surrounded by..." 34
"Just hold your horses!" 34
Stop sleeping, with "up" 34
Findable fellow in kid's books 34
Character found in kids' books 34
Subject of a kids' book search 34
1988 Olympic gold medalist Carolyn 34
__ Pepper: 1975 Redford title role 34
Land with a red dragon on its flag 34
Intangible barrier for marathoners 34
When repeated, a northwestern city 34
When doubled, a city in Washington 34
Come again to this Washington town 34
2008 computer-animated sci-fi film 34
Journalist for all seasons, Pamela 34
Variety headline, October 30, 1929 34
Britain's first prime minister 34
Pogo's creator--or Pluto's 34
1988 A.L. Rookie of the Year Weiss 34
Co-creator of "The View" 34
Aussies' W.W. II marching song 34
In need of some vitamin D, perhaps 34
Historic frontier post in Pakistan 34
Follow-up to "Oh, yeah?" 34
Verb on a classic Uncle Sam poster 34
" . . . I shall not ___" 34
Items yet to be found or collected 34
Paws at the door and whimpers, say 34
"White rump," in Shawnee 34
It's good for nothing, in song 34
Violation of the Geneva Convention 34
Annie, vis-à-vis Daddy Warbucks 34
Subject of a Pittsburgh art museum 34
'-- hell': General Sherman 34
How one may feel sitting by a fire 34
Threw pitches in the bullpen, e.g. 34
Heating company owned by siblings? 34
Occasions when the arms are raised 34
"That ___ no lady . . ." 34
"Since Hector ___ a pup" 34
"As I ___ saying . . . " 34
"I ___ Teenage Werewolf" 34
Intense feeling from eating sushi? 34
Arrived on the beach, as driftwood 34
Employer of Woodward and Bernstein 34
"Rome __ built in a day" 34
"Circular file" contents 34
"Let me demonstrate ..." 34
Girl ___, male activity on a beach 34
Young couple's lament (Part 3) 34
Swiss __ (precision craftspersons) 34
First word learned by Helen Keller 34
Ingredient of a barman's cubes 34
Ancient Mariner's surroundings 34
Synchronized performance in a pool 34
Took care of houseplants, in a way 34
Where Wellington defeated Napoleon 34
Battle that ended the Hundred Days 34
Something read by a utility worker 34
Something that can't be undone 34
Yesterday's tears, so to speak 34
Eponymous Scottish scientist James 34
''King Kong'' star 34
Signaled from across the room, say 34
Repeating shape on an oscilloscope 34
Sir Walter ScottÂ’s first novel 34
Greets from across the street, say 34
Like many lifelike museum displays 34