Co. nicknamed "Big Brown" | 35 |
Co. now under American's wing | 33 |
Co. offering Orange Savings plans | 33 |
Co. purchased by Wizards of the Coast | 37 |
Co. split off from Time Warner in 2009 | 38 |
Co. that bought Applebee's in 2007 | 38 |
Co. that bought Continental in 2010 | 35 |
Co. that created the term "Buddy List" | 48 |
Co. that distributes "Wordplay" | 41 |
Co. that got its own ZIP code in 1976 | 37 |
Co. that has sponsored many soaps | 33 |
Co. that introduced Dungeons & Dragons | 42 |
Co. that introduced Dungeons and Dragons | 40 |
Co. that launched its Ambassadors Club in 1952 | 46 |
Co. that made the first mechanical cash registers | 49 |
Co. that made the going great, supposedly | 41 |
Co. that made the Hornet and the Rebel | 38 |
Co. that makes bar code scanners | 32 |
Co. that makes Motrin and Tylenol | 33 |
Co. that merged to become Verizon | 33 |
Co. that merged with Time Warner | 32 |
Co. that merged with Time Warner in 2000 | 40 |
Co. that offers discounts to Hard Rock Cafe | 43 |
Co. that once owned Avis and Sheraton | 37 |
Co. that owns Moviefone and Mapquest | 36 |
Co. that owns Parlophone records | 32 |
Co. that produced "Rhoda" | 35 |
Co. that purchased AT&T in 2005 | 35 |
Co. that purchased the Huffington Post in 2011 | 46 |
Co. that put out Dungeons & Dragons | 39 |
Co. that says they make things better | 37 |
Co. that spun off the "Baby Bells" | 44 |
Co. that spun off the Baby Bells | 32 |
Co. that tracks campus radio station playlists | 46 |
Co. that used to mail out tons of CDs | 37 |
Co. whose employees have won four Nobel Prizes | 46 |
Co. whose films have roaring starts | 35 |
Co. whose inflight magazine is Hemispheres | 42 |
Co. whose largest hub is at O'Hare | 38 |
Co. whose logo includes Leo the Lion | 36 |
Co. whose logo is a bouquet-carrying Mercury | 44 |
Co. with $2.2 trillion in assets | 32 |
Co. with a dog listening to a phonograph | 40 |
Co. with a fleet of brown trucks | 32 |
Co. with controversial customer service | 39 |
Co. with the longtime stock symbol "X" | 48 |
Co. with the motto "Think" | 36 |
Co.'s arm for investigation-growth | 38 |
CO2 and methane, to a ecoscientist | 34 |
Coach Adolph in the Basketball Hall of Fame | 43 |
Coach Bill who won three Super Bowls | 36 |
Coach Bill whose 49ers won three Super Bowls | 44 |
Coach Chuck who won four Super Bowls | 36 |
Coach Chuck, who won four Super Bowls | 37 |
Coach Dick in the N.F.L. Hall of Fame | 37 |
Coach Don with two Super Bowl victories | 39 |
Coach George's handheld appliance? | 38 |
Coach Glen of the dynasty Edmonton Oilers | 41 |
Coach Hank who won Super Bowl IV | 32 |
Coach of 1972's undefeated Dolphins | 39 |
Coach of the 17-0 1972 Miami Dolphins | 37 |
Coach of the NFL's only undefeated season | 45 |
Coach of the US Men's National Team | 39 |
Coach Parseghian of Notre Dame fame | 35 |
Coach Parseghian of the Fighting Irish | 38 |
Coach Phil who's incredibly square? | 39 |
Coach revered in Steelers' nation | 37 |
Coach Rupp of college basketball | 32 |
Coach Sherman, who said goodbye to the Giants | 45 |
Coach Washington on "Glee" | 36 |
Coach with the most Super Bowl victories | 40 |
Coach with the most Super Bowl wins | 35 |
Coach with two Super Bowl championships | 39 |
Coach's adage about player selfishness | 42 |
Coach's charges, collectively | 33 |
Coach's equipment on game day | 33 |
Coach's first name on "Cheers" | 44 |
Coaches who help you use your wrist in shots? | 45 |
Coachman’s “turn right” | 35 |
Coachmen : horses :: bullwhackers : ___ | 39 |
Coal receptacle building blocks? | 32 |
Coal-mining city of West Virginia | 33 |
Coal-rich region of central Europe | 34 |
Coarse mineral used for grinding | 32 |
Coarse, witty New England verse? | 32 |
Coarsely ground wheat, rye and flaxseed | 39 |
Coast Guard commandant's rank: abbr. | 40 |
Coast-to-coast route, informally | 32 |
Coastal birds with wedge-shaped tails | 37 |
Coastal British Columbia Community | 34 |
Coastal California colony members | 33 |
Coastal color, in Cap d'Antibes | 35 |
Coastal defenses against flooding | 33 |
Coastal land alternately submerged | 34 |
Coastal land regularly submerged | 32 |
Coastal metropolis in northeastern Brazil | 41 |
Coastal plant of the crucifer family | 36 |
Coastal plant with cabbage-like leaves | 38 |
Coastal plant with collard-like leaves | 38 |
Coastal raptors often seen in crosswords | 40 |