"___ steals my purse . . . " | 38 |
"___ steals my purse . . . ": Iago | 44 |
"___ Steps" (Christian best seller) | 45 |
"___ Steverino!": Steve Allen book | 44 |
"___ stirreth up strifes": Proverbs | 45 |
"___ stirring . . . ": Moore | 38 |
"___ Stone" (ABC cancellation of 2008) | 48 |
"___ Stone" (ABC series) | 34 |
"___ Stone" (short-lived ABC series) | 46 |
"___ stood the wind for France" | 41 |
"___ Stoops to Conquer" | 33 |
"___ Stop The Music," 1980 film | 41 |
"___ Stop the Rain" (1970 hit) | 40 |
"___ Stop the Rain" (1970 song) | 41 |
"___ Stop the Rain?" (1970 hit) | 41 |
"___ Stop" (Bill Clinton theme song) | 46 |
"___ story" ("Period!") | 43 |
"___ Story" (2007 Jenna Bush book) | 44 |
"___ Story" (Jenna Bush bestseller) | 45 |
"___ Story," 1989 best seller | 39 |
"___ Straits," rock group | 35 |
"___ stranger in Paradise" | 36 |
"___ Stranger," 1955 film | 35 |
"___ Stranger," 1955 movie | 36 |
"___ Stranger," Kramer film | 37 |
"___ Street Blues," 1916 song | 39 |
"___ Street" ("Annie" song) | 47 |
"___ Street," 1956 song | 33 |
"___ stuck, I'll call" | 36 |
"___ stumble that run fast": Shak. | 44 |
"___ stupid question ..." | 35 |
"___ Stupid" (F.S./N.S. hit) | 38 |
"___ Suave" (1991 hip-hop hit) | 40 |
"___ Suave" (1991 hit song) | 37 |
"___ Succeed in Business . . . " | 42 |
"___ sum . . . ": Terence | 35 |
"___ summer's day" | 32 |
"___ Sunday Afternoon" | 32 |
"___ Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" | 45 |
"___ Sunshine," Withers hit: 1971 | 43 |
"___ supposes his toeses are roses" | 45 |
"___ sure you know..." | 32 |
"___ surprised as you are!" | 37 |
"___ Survey": Chesterton | 34 |
"___ Suspicion," 1943 film | 36 |
"___ Suspicion," MacInnes book | 40 |
"___ sweet is she!": Jonson | 37 |
"___ Sweetheart," 1924 song | 37 |
"___ Swell" (Rodgers & Hart song) | 47 |
"___ Swell," 1927 tune | 32 |
"___ Swell," Rodgers-Hart song | 40 |
"___ Sylphides" (ballet) | 34 |
"___ Sylphides" (Michel Fokine ballet) | 48 |
"___ Tac Dough" (old game show) | 41 |
"___ Tag," Barrie play | 32 |
"___ Tag," play by Barrie | 35 |
"___ Tahiti" (1962 James Mason comedy) | 48 |
"___ Take a Bow" (Smiths song) | 40 |
"___ Take a Bow" (The Smiths) | 39 |
"___ take arms . . . " | 32 |
"___ take arms . . . ": Hamlet | 40 |
"___ take arms . . . ": Shak. | 39 |
"___ take arms against . . . " | 40 |
"___ take arms against ..." | 37 |
"___ take arms against a sea . . . " | 46 |
"___ Takes Is Love," 1987 song | 40 |
"___ tale told . . . ": Macbeth | 41 |
"___ tale told by . . . ": Macbeth | 44 |
"___ tale's best . . . ": Shak. | 45 |
"___ tale's best for winter": Shak. | 49 |
"___ Talk," Doris Day film | 36 |
"___ talk?" (Joan Rivers catchphrase) | 47 |
"___ Talkin'" (Bee Gees #1 hit) | 45 |
"___ Talkin'" (Bee Gees hit) | 42 |
"___ Talkin'" (Bob Dylan song) | 44 |
"___ Talking": Rivers-Meryman | 39 |
"___ Talking," J. Rivers book | 39 |
"___ Talking," Joan Rivers book | 41 |
"___ Talking," Rivers book | 36 |
"___ Talking," Rivers-Meryman book | 44 |
"___ Talks" (1984 movie) | 34 |
"___ Tall Sally," 1956 song | 37 |
"___ Tarantos" (1963 film) | 36 |
"___ tard of this bad weather" | 40 |
"___ Tattoo," T. Williams play | 40 |
"___ Tú" (1970s Mocedades hit) | 43 |
"___ te absolvo" (priest's phrase) | 48 |
"___ Te Ching" (classic Chinese text) | 47 |
"___ Te Ching" (classic Chinese work) | 47 |
"___ Te Ching" (old Chinese text) | 43 |
"___ te llamas?" (Spanish 101 question) | 49 |
"___ Team" (Mr. T's series) | 41 |
"___ Tear Fall in the River" | 38 |
"___ tear has to fall" | 32 |
"___ tedious old fools!": Hamlet | 42 |
"___ Teen Hunger Force" | 33 |
"___ Teen-age Werewolf" | 33 |
"___ Teen-age Werewolf" (1957 film) | 45 |
"___ Teen-age Werewolf" (1957 flick) | 46 |
"___ Teenage Frankenstein," 1957 film | 47 |