"___ been a ba-a-a-a-d boy" | 37 |
"___ Been a Long, Long Time" | 38 |
"___ Been Chums . . . ": 1905 song | 44 |
"___ Been Everywhere" (Hank Snow hit) | 47 |
"___ Been Good" Joe Walsh | 35 |
"___ been meaning to tell you ..." | 44 |
"___ been sleeping in my bed!" | 40 |
"___ been sleeping in my bed" | 39 |
"___ Been the One" (2006 Rihanna song) | 48 |
"___ been thinking ..." | 33 |
"___ been to London . . . " | 37 |
"___ been to the mountaintop": King | 45 |
"___ Been Working . . . " | 35 |
"___ been working on the railroad ..." | 48 |
"___ Been Working on the Railroad" | 44 |
"___ before it gets cold" | 35 |
"___ Begin to Tell You" | 33 |
"___ Begin to Tell You," 1945 song | 44 |
"___ begins with you" (old ad slogan) | 47 |
"___ being Brand" (Cummings poem) | 43 |
"___ belabor the point ..." | 37 |
"___ believe in yesterday" | 36 |
"___ believe we've met..." | 40 |
"___ Believe" (Murrow program, 1951-55) | 49 |
"___ believe": Mark 9:24 | 34 |
"___ Believer" (1966 hit song) | 40 |
"___ Believer" (Monkees ditty) | 40 |
"___ Believer" (Monkees hit) | 38 |
"___ Believer" (Monkees) | 34 |
"___ Believer," Diamond song | 38 |
"___ Believer," Monkees hit | 37 |
"___ Believes In Me" (Kenny Rogers hit) | 49 |
"___ Bell" (Stephen Foster song) | 42 |
"___ Ben Adhem" (James Leigh Hunt poem) | 49 |
"___ Ben Adhem" (L. Hunt poem) | 40 |
"___ Ben Adhem" (Leigh Hunt poem) | 43 |
"___ Ben Adhem": Leigh Hunt | 37 |
"___ Ben Adhem," L. Hunt poem | 39 |
"___ Ben Adhem," Leigh Hunt poem | 42 |
"___ Ben Jonson!" (misspelled epitaph) | 48 |
"___ Ben Jonson!": J. Young | 37 |
"___ Ben Jonson" (literary epitaph) | 45 |
"___ bene" ("Very well": It.) | 49 |
"___ Beso" (1962 Paul Anka hit) | 41 |
"___ Beso" (1962 song) | 32 |
"___ Beso" (Anka song) | 32 |
"___ Beso" (Paul Anka hit) | 36 |
"___ Beso" (Paul Anka song) | 37 |
"___ better believe it!" | 34 |
"___ better to have loved . . . " | 43 |
"___ better to have loved . . ." | 42 |
"___ better to have loved ..." | 40 |
"___ better to have loved and lost ..." | 49 |
"___ better to have loved..." | 39 |
"___ better watch out . . ." | 38 |
"___ better watch out ..." | 36 |
"___ Beverly Hills" (1989) | 36 |
"___ bien!" ("All right!") | 46 |
"___ bien!" (Pierre's approval) | 45 |
"___ big country dreams stay with you" | 48 |
"___ bigger and better things!" | 41 |
"___ bigger and better things" | 40 |
"___ Bill the Sailor," 1931 song | 42 |
"___ Billie Joe" (1967 song) | 38 |
"___ Billie Joe" (Bobbie Gentry song) | 47 |
"___ Billie Joe" (Bobby Gentry song) | 46 |
"___ BILLS" (sign on a hoarding) | 42 |
"___ bin ein Berliner" | 32 |
"___ bin ein Berliner" (JFK quote) | 44 |
"___ bin ein Berliner": J.F.K. | 40 |
"___ bin ein Berliner": JFK | 37 |
"___ Bingle" (Crosby moniker) | 39 |
"___ Bingle" (Crosby nickname) | 40 |
"___ Bird of Youth": T. Williams | 42 |
"___ bit of sugar" (recipe directive) | 47 |
"___ Bitsy Spider," children's song | 49 |
"___ Bitten" (1985 Jim Carrey comedy) | 47 |
"___ bitten, twice shy" | 33 |
"___ Black" (Will Smith movie) | 40 |
"___ Blade" (Thornton film) | 37 |
"___ Blame Me," 1933 song | 35 |
"___ blame" ("It was me") | 45 |
"___ Blanca" (1976 hit) | 33 |
"___ Blas" (Le Sage novel) | 36 |
"___ Blas" (LeSage novel) | 35 |
"___ Blinded Me With Science" | 39 |
"___ Blu Dipinto di Blu (Volare)" | 43 |
"___ blu dipinto di blu" | 34 |
"___ Blu, Dipinto Blu" | 32 |
"___ Blu, Dipinto Di Blu" | 35 |
"___ Blu, Dipinto di Blu," 1958 song | 46 |
"___ Blue" (ABC drama) | 32 |
"___ Blue" (dilly of a song) | 38 |
"___ Blue" (TV cop series) | 36 |
"___ blue, dilly, dilly . . . " | 41 |
"___ Blue?" (1929 #1 hit) | 35 |
"___ Blue?" (1929 hit) | 32 |
"___ Blue?" (apt 1929 song) | 37 |
"___ Blue?": 1929 song | 32 |
"___ Blue?": 1929 tune | 32 |