
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Sign word near two parallel lines 33
"PED ___" (street sign) 33
Bigger than average, commercially 33
Last year of Caligula's reign 33
First year of Claudius' reign 33
Treasure hunter's declaration 33
Holiday that's been cut short 33
Takes pictures of all body parts? 33
Novelty glasses in comic book ads 33
Superpower all about transparency 33
Louis __: son of Marie Antoinette 33
Hard-core film "rating" 33
Plant equivalent of blood vessels 33
Cubicles for talkative musicians? 33
Grade school recital's finale 33
'Et cetera,' when tripled 33
When tripled, 'and so on' 33
Web giant headed by Marissa Mayer 33
"A Toy Is Born" subject 33
University that went coed in 1969 33
"Lux et Veritas" school 33
Bill and Hillary's alma mater 33
Five US presidents, as collegians 33
George Bush, in his college years 33
Big Three conference site of 1945 33
River on North Korea's border 33
Candied vegetable at Thanksgiving 33
"__ Can Cook": PBS show 33
Hero of "The Hairy Ape" 33
Ones getting lots of Bronx cheers 33
One-named New Age instrumentalist 33
What some little dogs do to heels 33
Yevtushenko's Babi ____ 33
Word after back, and before goods 33
Something found around the house? 33
" . . . and a ___ wide" 33
Suburbanite's lament (Part 2) 33
"The one that got away" 33
1994 peace prize co-winner Arafat 33
Co-Nobelist of Yitzhak and Shimon 33
Chinese revolutionary Sun ___-sen 33
QB who was the 1963 N.F.L. M.V.P. 33
Reaction to an unexciting speaker 33
It may be suppressed at a meeting 33
Deviations of a ship's course 33
There are 220 in a furlong: Abbr. 33
Dressmaker's measures (abbr.) 33
"I approve the motion!" 33
Word in a manual size description 33
Chuck who broke the sound barrier 33
"Whoo-hoo!" alternative 33
Breed young animals, like a sheep 33
Time it takes for our revolution? 33
The last palindromic one was 2002 33
In which Christmas comes but once 33
Really want, with "for" 33
Two- -- ('terrible' tyke) 33
You'll get a rise out of this 33
Irish poet and Nobel Prize winner 33
" . . . Innisfree" poet 33
An Irish Literary Theatre founder 33
"Adam's Curse" poet 33
"___-haw!" (rodeo yell) 33
Burglar who really gets cracking? 33
Try to reach the hard-of-hearing? 33
Billy Idol: "Rebel ___" 33
Said "Ziss, boom, bah!" 33
Cause panic in a theater, perhaps 33
Raw material for nuclear reactors 33
Evening wear for an entomologist? 33
The Cowardly Lion's sandwich? 33
Working material for Mme. Tussaud 33
Restaurant reviewer's website 33
Reacts to being startled, perhaps 33
Matchmaker in "Fiddler" 33
Matchmaker of "Fiddler" 33
Streisand's directorial debut 33
Cross-dressing role for Streisand 33
"So's ___ old man!" 33
"___ durn tootin'!" 33
"___ darn tootin'!" 33
Tom Petty: "___ So Bad" 33
Shinedown "___ Majesty" 33
Repeated word in Oasis song title 33
"So's --- old man!" 33
"Quit ___ joshin'!" 33
Dr. Seuss shelled title character 33
"And what do you want?" 33
''By all means!'' 33
"Oui" or "ja" 33
Truckler's automatic response 33
Final word of "Ulysses" 33
"You wanted to see me?" 33
"You wanted something?" 33
"It's O.K. with me" 33
Mashgiach ruchani's workplace 33
"___ Can": S. Davis Jr. 33
Confident response to a challenge 33
"You said that already" 33
Tom Sawyer response to Aunt Polly 33