
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Country once referred to as "Happy Arabia" 52
Character who sings "The Rumor" with Avram 52
1983 Oscar-winning film for Best Original Song Score 52
"___ Blues" ("White Album" song) 52
Home of the world's largest refracting telescope 52
Morphine's '95 "Honey White" album 52
Hoped-for response to "Will you marry me?" 52
"Signs point to ___" (Magic 8 Ball answer) 52
"OK, mom; I'll never do it again, mom" 52
Where "it's fun to stay" in a 1978 hit 52
They're heard in "The Lonely Goatherd" 52
Her name can be touch-typed with just the right hand 52
Looney Tunes character who appears on some mud flaps 52
Baseball's Eddie, 1952 All-Star for the Senators 52
Baseball's ''Walking Man'' Eddie 52
"__: The Owner's Manual" (Dr. Oz book) 52
"___ Shook Me All Night Long" (AC/DC song) 52
''__ Something to Me'' (Porter tune) 52
Whom "I'm in love with," in a 1953 hit 52
He played Chris in "The Magnificent Seven" 52
Chinese province bordering Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar 52
Vanessa's "High School Musical" costar 52
Emil ___, 1948 and '52 Czech track gold medalist 52
Monogram of a major Jewish fraternity, aka the Zebes 52
Asian mammal also called a "humped cattle" 52
Woody Allen film about a "human chameleon" 52
"Achilles and the Tortoise" paradox writer 52
It's an indeterminate form when raised to itself 52
What you may experience when going around the world? 52
___ Phi Beta (sorority founded at Howard University) 52
Nickelodeon cartoon, ''Invader ___'' 52
"Invader ___" (Nickelodeon cartoon series) 52
"Invader ___" (former Nickelodeon cartoon) 52
Kim Hunter's "Planet of the Apes" role 52
Specification in a burger order, maybe [270 degrees] 52
Recurring sound effect in the comic "B.C." 52
End of an alphabet that begins Alpha, Bravo, Charlie 52
Jacob ___, South African president beginning in 2009 52
It flows across the border of New Mexico and Arizona 52
Ken Griffey Jr. skipped it on his way to the majors 51
Org. with the slogan "Real Possibilities" 51
Grp. with the slogan "Real Possibilities" 51
"There never was ... ___ peace": Franklin 51
"Born Under ___ Sign" (1960s blues album) 51
Manet's "__ at the Folies-Bergère" 51
Group that the tribute band Björn Again imitates 51
Opera singer Mitchell of "Porgy and Bess" 51
"___ an' Slats" (Al Capp comic strip) 51
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo who resigned in 2007 51
Vigoda who has outlived all of the original Ramones 51
FukudaÂ’s predecessor as prime minister of Japan 51
"... like __ buzzing in blind fury": Pyle 51
It has the same meaning if "cap" is added 51
"Take ___" ("Congratulations!") 51
FBI sting that began during Carter's presidency 51
Eddie Rickenbacker and Manfred von Richthofen, e.g. 51
The so-called "dead man's hand," e.g. 51
"You knocked my beer over" at Oktoberfest 51
" . . . leaps o'er ___ decree": Shak. 51
Appliances taken out of windows around now, briefly 51
What Madonna did in "Who's That Girl" 51
When "All's Well That Ends Well" ends 51
When the ghost of Hamlet's father first appears 51
When Emile sings "Some Enchanted Evening" 51
When "Memory" is sung in "Cats" 51
When Romeo says, "Thus with a kiss I die" 51
'We'll tak' -- o' kindness yet' 51
Programming language named for the first programmer 51
Computer pioneer Lovelace (woo-hoo, women in tech!) 51
''Penny-wise, pound-foolish,'' e.g. 51
''Penny wise, pound foolish,'' e.g. 51
"Back to the Batcave" autobiographer West 51
"The Wealth of Nations" philosopher Smith 51
Surname of two Massachusetts Constitution coauthors 51
Subject of a 2001 best-selling McCullough biography 51
"A Bell for ___" (1945 John Hersey novel) 51
"___ at the Races," Marx Brothers classic 51
Hall's ''Let's Make _____'' 51
''The Story of ___ H'' (1975 movie) 51
One-named singer of "Rolling in the Deep" 51
Common first name in the Stevenson political family 51
Employee of TV's Sterling Cooper & Partners 51
"Much ___ About You" (Eloisa James novel) 51
Character who sings "I Cain't Say No" 51
"A line is __ that went for a walk": Klee 51
"___ White Season" (André Brink novel) 51
Prefix with "dynamic" or "lite" 51
Prefix for "space" or "dynamic" 51
Britain's Royal ___ Club, for plane enthusiasts 51
"The Ant and the Grasshopper" storyteller 51
"The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" author 51
"United we stand, divided we fall" writer 51
"The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" writer 51
Company whose mascot is voiced by Gilbert Gottfried 51
"The game is ___!" (Sherlock Holmes line) 51
"I know you hate to hear it, but ... yes" 51
Setting of the 2001-02 ''Survivor'' 51
Where one might head to puke due to motion sickness 51
Kipling's "Drums of the Fore and ___" 51
"Won't Get Fooled ___" (The Who tune) 51