''Saving Private Ryan'' ships | 45 |
''Saving Private __'' | 37 |
''Say Anything ...'' actress Ione | 49 |
''Say it __, Joe!'' | 35 |
''Say it ___ so!'' | 34 |
''Say It ___ So'' (Berlin) | 42 |
''Say Say Say,'' say | 36 |
''Scandal'' suffix | 34 |
''Scarborough Fair'' herb | 41 |
''Scarecrow and ___ King'' | 42 |
''Scarface'' actor Paul | 39 |
''Scarface'' star Paul | 38 |
''Scarlet Letter'' character | 44 |
''Schindler's ___'' | 39 |
''School Daze'' director | 40 |
''Science and Health'' author | 45 |
''Science Guy'' Bill | 36 |
''Science of Logic'' philosopher | 48 |
''Scooby-Doo'' character | 40 |
''Scope'' starter | 33 |
''Scots Wha ___'' (Burns poem) | 46 |
''Scram!'' oater-style | 38 |
''Scream'' director Craven | 42 |
''Scream'' feeling | 34 |
''Scream'' star Campbell | 40 |
''Scrubs'' characters | 37 |
''SCTV'' segment | 32 |
''Se ___ espanol'' | 34 |
''Sealed With __'' | 34 |
''Seascape'' playwright | 39 |
''Secret Agent Man'' singer | 43 |
''See It Now'' host | 35 |
''See ya later!'' | 33 |
''See ya!'' in Salerno | 38 |
''See ya, Christopher!'' | 40 |
''See you later!'' | 34 |
''See you later'' | 33 |
''Seinfeld'' character | 38 |
''Seinfeld'' dad | 32 |
''Seinfeld'' friend | 35 |
''Seinfeld'' relative | 37 |
''Seinfeld'' role | 33 |
''Seinfeld'' uncle | 34 |
''Seinfeld'' woman | 34 |
''Self-Reliance'' essayist | 42 |
''Semi-Pro'' org. | 33 |
''Semper Fi'' org. | 34 |
''Semper Fidelis'' composer | 43 |
''Separate Tables'' star Deborah | 48 |
''Seraphim Falls'' star | 39 |
''Serenade'' painter Jan | 40 |
''Sergeant ___ of the Yukon'' | 45 |
''Serial Mom'' Turner | 37 |
''Serpent'' suffix | 34 |
''Serpico'' author | 34 |
''Serpico'' author Peter | 40 |
''Serpico'' director Lumet | 42 |
''Serpico'' writer Peter | 40 |
''Serves you right!'' | 37 |
''Sesame Street'' character | 43 |
''Sesame Street'' denizen | 41 |
''Sesame Street'' favorite | 42 |
''Sesame Street'' giggler | 41 |
''Sesame Street'' misanthrope | 45 |
''Sesame Street'' Muppet | 40 |
''Sesame Street'' name | 38 |
''Sesame Street'' quintet | 41 |
''Sesame Street'' regular | 41 |
''Sesame Street'' watcher | 41 |
''Seven Against __'' | 36 |
''Severn Suite'' composer | 41 |
''Seward's Folly'' | 38 |
''Sgt. Pepper'' track | 37 |
''Shade'' starter | 33 |
''Shadowland'' singer | 37 |
''Shadowland'' singer k.d. | 42 |
''Shaft'' composer | 34 |
''Shaft'' composer Hayes | 40 |
''Shaft'' singer Hayes | 38 |
''Shake!'' offering | 35 |
''Shakespeare in Love'' star | 44 |
''Shakespeare in Love'' weapons | 47 |
''Shall we?'' reply | 35 |
''Shall we?'' response | 38 |
''Shallow ___'' (2001 film) | 43 |
''Shame on you!'' | 33 |
''Shame on you!'' sound | 39 |
''Shane'' star Ladd | 35 |
''Share the secret!'' | 37 |
''She Done ___ Wrong'' | 38 |
''She loves me not'' flowers | 44 |
''She loves me'' unit | 37 |
''She Loves You'' word | 38 |
''She Walks in Beauty'' poet | 44 |
''Shepherd Moons'' Grammy winner | 48 |
''Shine'' Oscar winner | 38 |
''Ship of Fools'' author | 40 |
''Shogun'' apparel | 34 |
''Shogun'' setting | 34 |
''Shoo!'' on the farm? | 38 |