
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Smallest of the U.S. Virgin Islands 35
Smallest of Columbus's crafts 33
Smallest nation on Africa's mainland 40
Smallest member of the European Union 37
Smallest member of the Council of Europe 40
Smallest member of a famous acting family? 42
Smallest country on its continent 33
Smallest country in South America 33
Smaller-than-usual school furniture? 36
Smaller than small, in dress sizes 34
Smaller numbers for larger numbers 34
Smaller cousin of a four-in-hand? 33
Smaller alternative to a Chevy Cobalt 37
Small-screen sleuth's surname 33
Small-screen scheming sergeant of the '50s 46
Small-print nos. in credit card ads 35
Small-estate owners, in Scotland 32
Small-circulation publication for fans 38
Small-car occupants, at the circus 34
Small, yellowish-brown variety of pear 38
Small, smoke-filled space, in slang 35
Small, raised porch in front of a door 38
Small, one-seeded fruit, botanically 36
Small, in rap artists' names 32
Small, furry Rebel Alliance ally 32
Small, arboreal, bushy-tailed monkeys 37
Small yellowish- to reddish-brown pear 38
Small yellow fruit used in preserves 36
Small worker in a big organization 34
Small winning margin, in baseball 33
Small village with an ocean view? 33
Small upper level class in law sch. 35
Small town's big street: Slang 34
Small town invented by poet Edgar Lee Masters 45
Small toucan with a yellow breast 33
Small top used in the game put-and-take 39
Small thing of its kind, briefly 32
Small thing in a Neil Armstrong quote 37
Small street with converted stables 35
Small streams in a California coast city? 41
Small state ruled by a sovereign 32
Small state between hostile nations 35
Small ship, moved by oars and sails 35
Small shears used by sheet-metal workers 40
Small roll of finely cut tobacco (Var.) 39
Small roll of finely cut tobacco 32
Small role in "The Road to Morocco" 45
Small role in "Austin Powers" movies 46
Small rodents with lengthy hibernations 39
Small ridge on the edge of a button or dial 43
Small replica of the Spirit of St. Louis, e.g. 46
Small racer that makes kids "go" 42
Small program with a browser interface 38
Small plate of patatas bravas, e.g. 35
Small piece of land surrounded by water 39
Small piece of fried or broiled meat 36
Small pellets of noodle dough in Jewish cuisine 47
Small passageway between buildings 34
Small paid item in the back of a newspaper 42
Small numbers of shares on Wall Street 38
Small nicks marring nickels and dimes? 38
Small musical interval sung in choral warmups 45
Small item in an antique shop, say 34
Small island in the Mediterranean 33
Small hollow in a surface, in biology 37
Small hawk that delivers papers? 32
Small guy with a big role at the North Pole 43
Small gate, usually part of a larger gate 41
Small furniture set for mealtime 32
Small fruit that's sort of funny? 37
Small fruit first cultivated in Oregon 38
Small French town with 200+ hotels 34
Small French cake immortalized by Proust 40
Small four-stringed instrument, for short 41
Small flags or important knights 32
Small finches that feed on flaxseed 35
Small favors that go to your head 33
Small faction that's centrally located? 43
Small drum sometimes joined by a fife 37
Small dogs once reserved for Chinese royalty 44
Small diving bird of the North Pacific 38
Small dead fish left in someone's bed? 42
Small dagger with a tapered blade 33
Small creature that undergoes metamorphosis 43
Small craft with launching tubes 32
Small container for sewing articles 35
Small complaints that are "picked" 44
Small compartment for lifting self-esteem? 42
Small community away from the city 34
Small class for 3L's only, say 34
Small circle of business friends? 33
Small Chinese alternative to Noah's Ark? 44
Small character in "Scheherazade" 43
Small cavity, as around a cactus spine 38
Small case that holds combs, perfumes, etc. 43
Small case often with a shoulder strap 38
Small business's dream, for short 37
Small business's desire: Abbr. 34
Small business's designation 32
Small business owner's figurative array 43