
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

What "||" means on a YouTube video 44
''Dances with Wolves'' enemy 44
Setting for "Parks and Recreation" 44
Org. whose members have experience to spare? 44
''American Masters'' network 44
Chem. contaminant banned by the U.S. in 1979 44
Their clones were once commonly kept in labs 44
Machine that fits in one's hand, briefly 44
Devices for businesspeople on the go (abbr.) 44
Part of the "1712 Overture" byline 44
Red Hot Chili Peppers song about green soup? 44
Dessert that makes one feel warm and toasty? 44
Presidential portraitist Charles Willson ___ 44
"The Tough-Minded Optimist" author 44
What G. W. Carver converted into axle grease 44
Author of "The Road Less Traveled" 44
Shoe store giveaway for people without socks 44
Phrase before ''I see you!'' 44
Tool part that's sometimes hemispherical 44
Winner of '82 PGA Anheuser-Busch classic 44
Hank's "King of the Hill" wife 44
Small dogs once reserved for Chinese royalty 44
Relating to the lower part of the upper body 44
Clinton's first transportation secretary 44
Place to wait for a couple of minutes, maybe 44
Illinois city that symbolizes Middle America 44
Illinois city symbolizing mainstream America 44
Penelope's pursuer in Looney Tunes toons 44
Frankish king known as "the Short" 44
"Battling for Peace" author Shimon 44
"Do the Right Thing" actress Rosie 44
Roz portrayer on ''Frasier'' 44
"Meter" or "scope" start 44
Writing surface available only occasionally? 44
"Publish or ___" (caveat to profs) 44
Company car or key to the executive bathroom 44
1980s hairstyle that may have involved a kit 44
Straight-to-curly transformation, informally 44
Presidential also-ran in '92 and '96 44
Country with a vicuña on its coat of arms 44
Where Simón Bolívar was once president 44
“The Bridge of San Luis Rey” setting 44
Coin bearing a ring from the Aztec sun stone 44
Explosive device used to break through walls 44
"Thou art ___ . . . ": Matt. 16:18 44
"___ Dragon" (1977 Disney musical) 44
"Cutie pie" or "sweetie" 44
Ancient city known to Arabs as the Wadi Musa 44
Frustrating scene for a pyromaniac in Ariz.? 44
It may be taken from the neck of a superhero 44
Candy holder with a museum in Burlingame, CA 44
Sports group based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL 44
The ___ of Europe (international links org.) 44
Lifelong student's collection, for short 44
Singer called "The Little Sparrow" 44
''The Little Sparrow'' Edith 44
1993 Holly Hunter film, with "The" 44
Old-fashioned place to have an old-fashioned 44
Play this and you'll end on a high note? 44
With sections or patches colored differently 44
Perpetually dirty kid in "Peanuts" 44
Who Maiden wrote "Aces High" about 44
"Miracle on the Hudson" occupation 44
"Miracle on the Hudson" hero, e.g. 44
Longfellow's "murmuring" trees 44
Ship captained by Martín Alonso Pinzón 44
NASA program that explored the outer planets 44
Was at Floyd's "Gates of Dawn" 44
Says something suddenly, with "up" 44
Bird notable for walking rather than hopping 44
Robert Browning's "___ Passes" 44
''The ___ and the Pendulum'' 44
It may measure 16" x 16" x 2" 44
They're on during the wee hours, briefly 44
Covering on a Highlander's left shoulder 44
''Fantasy Island'' transport 44
Audience member who's really a performer 44
Magician's assistant in an audience, say 44
Audience members you can count on for laughs 44
Knife and fork separator, in a place setting 44
Athlete who shot himself in 2008, familiarly 44
Dryden's "All for Love" is one 44
"Our Town" and "Othello" 44
"Guilty" or "not guilty" 44
Start of a sign in a restaurant's window 44
" . . . every prospect ___": Heber 44
Said ''not guilty,'' perhaps 44
Said ''no contest,'' perhaps 44
Word often preceded by "shameless" 44
2006 neologism meaning "to demote" 44
Titular Russian professor of a Nabokov novel 44
Half of a rhyming magician's incantation 44
Show that can be downloaded to an MP3 player 44
"Once upon a midnight dreary" poet 44
The Baltimore Ravens were named in his honor 44
"God is the perfect ___": Browning 44
"The Writer's Almanac" subject 44
1960s Galaxy Science Fiction editor Frederik 44
Person with a base and a platform, for short 44
"Memoirs of a Star" autobiographer 44