
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

What sweaty dancers create at an annual awards show? 52
Bitterness over a theater award from out of nowhere? 52
''A Confederacy of Dunces'' novelist 52
"You're the ___" (Cole Porter classic) 52
Actor Johnson of "Plan 9 From Outer Space" 52
"The Boy Who Would Live Forever" publisher 52
''High ___'' (Maxwell Anderson play) 52
Gave a tough choice to sexploitation director Meyer? 52
Spelling of ''Beverly Hills, 90210'' 52
Law school subject that sounds like a piece of cake? 52
Nora's husband in "A Doll's House" 52
Opera character who sings “Vissi dÂ’arte” 52
You'll probably kick the football if you lose it 52
Give, as a topic for discussion, in newscaster lingo 52
"Farewell ___" ("Aloha O'e") 52
Hair that might be there when there's none there 52
"Magical Mystery ___" (1968 Beatles album) 52
"L'Shana ___" (Rosh Hashanah greeting) 52
Record store whose physical locations closed in 2006 52
__ screen: health care test for poisons, drugs, etc. 52
Possible result of an international economic dispute 52
Reggie and the Full Effect "Under the ___" 52
Subject of Article III Section 3 of the Constitution 52
"Classic Concentration" host, 1987-'91 52
___ of Souls, Na'vi temple in "Avatar" 52
Like a cat in need of a firefighter, stereotypically 52
Number of "jours" in "septembre" 52
Prefix with "athlete" or "angle" 52
Deceptive "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" star? 52
You can't do them if you're missing your cue 52
"Dancer in the Dark" director Lars von ___ 52
"My Honky Tonk History" album maker Travis 52
Prepares to have one's second mugshot taken, say 52
" . . . still by faith he ___": V. Lindsay 52
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" counselor 52
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" character 52
Half-Betazoid "Star Trek" character Deanna 52
Deanna of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" 52
Carriage named for the number of horses that pull it 52
"___ le Monde" (final Pixies studio album) 52
Jeff Bridges starred in its 1982 and 2010 iterations 52
"__ Calling": 2000s Eliza Dushku TV series 52
"Every ___ apparel fits your thief": Shak. 52
Possible headline about a seagoing Chinese elephant? 52
"Ain't I a Woman?" deliverer Sojourner 52
''___ Remember'' (Broadway standard) 52
Gp. authorized to look through people's clothing 52
Assassinated leader called "the Liberator" 52
''Murder in the Cathedral'' monogram 52
Monogram of the author of "The Hollow Men" 52
Company that created the Dungeons & Dragons game 52
It goes "oom" but not "pah, pah" 52
Gary Cooper plays one in "Mr. Deeds . . ." 52
North African capital for which its country is named 52
Best-selling author of "Personal Injuries" 52
Small tower or tower-shaped projection on a building 52
Many of his relics are housed in the Egyptian Museum 52
"Hannah Montana" star Miley Cyrus, for one 52
Cable channel with the slogan "Laugh More" 52
Rating for most episodes of "The Simpsons" 52
''The Prince and the Pauper'' author 52
Hawthorne collection of previously published stories 52
Only million-selling Beatles single that was a cover 52
Candy bar featured in a "Seinfeld" episode 52
Program on which pundits talk for 48 straight hours? 52
Words with ''who do we appreciate?'' 52
Astronomer who famously observed a supernova in 1572 52
All-Pro cornerback signed twice to the New York Jets 52
"Total Eclipse of the Heart" singer Bonnie 52
Corp. that once owned Hertz and Hilton International 52
Sch. whose colors are "true blue" and gold 52
Alma mater for Carol Burnett and Jim Morrison: Abbr. 52
You might hope a cop doesn't see you hanging one 52
"Oh no!" in Norwegian areas of the Midwest 52
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" sight 52
Like the wicked stepsisters vis-‡-vis Cinderella 52
Series whose title character works for Mode magazine 52
1989 film with Michael Richards as Stanley Spadowski 52
Nichelle Nichols's role on "Star Trek" 52
Bridge officer on the original "Star Trek" 52
Freedom, in Swahili (slogan of African nationalists) 52
"A Song of Old Hawaii" instrument, briefly 52
Poe poem set in a "ghoul-haunted woodland" 52
"Violet" or "sound" introduction 52
John's dance partner in "Pulp Fiction" 52
June's portrayer in "Henry & June" 52
"Let me think ... yeah, that's stupid" 52
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste" org. 52
"___ John's Band" (Grateful Dead song) 52
Book subtitled "His Songs and His Sayings" 52
1963 film of a Chekhov classic with Laurence Olivier 52
Where you might find loose change at the playground? 52
"I didn't mean to delete that" command 52
Word with "Kingdom" or "Nations" 52
"I'm a ___, not a divider" (G.W. Bush) 52
Like many assembly instructions on Christmas morning 52
Surname shared by at least eight related sports pros 52
Grayson Hugh "I Can't ___ You From Me" 52
"Woe ___ you, scribes and Pharisees . . ." 52
Kierkegaard's "The Sickness ___ Death" 52