
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Wildcat's opponent in the 1998 Final Four 45
They play for the oldest school in the Pac-12 45
Ancient Phoenician city northwest of Carthage 45
"A different read on life" magazine 45
The _____ Reader (alternative press magazine) 45
A driver who forgets something might make one 45
Sch. founded by Jefferson and attended by Poe 45
Texas town where Matthew McConaughey was born 45
Charlottesville school's sheep, for short 45
"You're So __": Carly Simon hit 45
Number denoting an ion's bonding capacity 45
First person you see at some fine restaurants 45
Continental Army encampment near Philadelphia 45
'Discretion is the better part of --' 45
"My Own Private Idaho" director Gus 45
Sonya's uncle, in an 1899 Moscow premiere 45
Magazine that ran the first-ever movie review 45
Women's top with a letter-shaped neckline 45
Famed U.S. social scientist: 1857–1929 45
Many of them have gone on to become president 45
Act like a couch potato, with "out" 45
Omission of all animal products from the diet 45
Bespectacled "Scooby-Doo" character 45
Bespectacled "Scooby Doo" character 45
Character motivation in "Kill Bill" 45
"___ Creator Spiritus" (Latin hymn) 45
English logician with a diagram named for him 45
Botticelli's "The Birth of ___" 45
Chicken George portrayer in "Roots" 45
"Girl with a Pearl Earring" subject 45
"High Plains Drifter" actress Bloom 45
"From the Earth to the Moon" writer 45
"From the Earth to the Moon" author 45
'20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' author 45
Proteus and Valentine, for two noted examples 45
Unrhymed poetry, usually in iambic pentameter 45
Maintainers of a sacred flame in ancient Rome 45
Power used only three times by George W. Bush 45
___ Dolorosa (Christ's path to the cross) 45
Hazarding a guess: head of a crime syndicate? 45
Eagle convicted of cruelty to animals in 2007 45
Liquid asset for Valentine's Day shoppers 45
Result of a champion not defending his title? 45
Buggles "___ Killed the Radio Star" 45
''The Fountainhead'' director 45
Rosie's former show, with "The" 45
Poem like "Do Not Go Gentle . . . " 45
Cable station with shows about a sour liquid? 45
Barbarino on "Welcome Back, Kotter" 45
Something that might be tucked under the chin 45
Word before and after ''-a-'' 45
Maxing out one's card on shoes, say (3-6) 45
Curriculum ___ (list of qualifications, etc.) 45
''The Four Seasons'' composer 45
Undergarments that show a little of the chest 45
Developer of the first air-pumped rubber ball 45
Important caviar source, with "the" 45
__ Trapp ("Sound of Music" surname) 45
Author Kurt of the four novels in this puzzle 45
"Hinky Dinky Parlay ___" (WWI song) 45
Subject of the 19th, 24th and 26th Amendments 45
Buses with many bumper stickers, often: Abbr. 45
" . . . gimble in the ___": Carroll 45
Bankroll pulses like a heart? (trade 1 and 8) 45
Two things a beer-swilling Rottweiler can do? 45
Living ___ (what an employer is asked to pay) 45
Admirer of the composer of "Rienzi" 45
Red vehicle that might transport a teddy bear 45
Show about Radio Flyers falling from the sky? 45
" . . . ___ thou with me": Tennyson 45
Massachusetts landmark made famous by Thoreau 45
"Where's ___?" (kids' book) 45
Much sought after guy in children's books 45
"The Great ___ Pepper" (1975 movie) 45
First half of a famous Park Avenue hotel name 45
Home to Tom Jones and the Super Furry Animals 45
Film festival city guidebook for pedestrians? 45
Marsupial that may be no larger than a rabbit 45
Reason the Sheetrock expert did a sloppy job? 45
Pixar title character with a cockroach friend 45
Where to find the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum 45
John of "America's Most Wanted" 45
'America's Most Wanted' host John 45
German architect with a penchant for bow ties 45
Actor in "Casey's Shadow," 1978 45
Ballroom dance in triple time 45
Harry Potter's had a phoenix feather core 45
Harry Potter's contains a phoenix feather 45
Lloyd and Paul of baseball's Hall of Fame 45
"___ Be Startin' Somethin'" 45
"What Women ___" (Mel Gibson movie) 45
"Don't You ___ Me" Human League 45
Original "People's Court" judge 45
In song, it's good for absolutely nothing 45
Member of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 45
"Why Can't We Be Friends?" band 45
Tolstoy's epic about vegetable rationing? 45
"Soft" or "silver" suffix 45
"Silver" or "soft" ending 45
Where armies march? (or B-29 missing a piece) 45