''Faster ___ a speeding bullet ...'' | 52 |
''Fat chance!'' | 31 |
''Fat Man,'' e.g. | 33 |
''Fat Tony'' and others | 39 |
''Fat'' Cosby character | 39 |
''Fatal Attraction'' director | 45 |
''Father Knows Best'' family name | 49 |
''Father Knows Best'' mom | 41 |
''Father of the TVA'' | 37 |
''Father'' prefix | 33 |
''Father, I cannot tell ___'' | 45 |
''Father,'' in the nursery | 42 |
''Fathers and Sons'' novelist Turgenev | 54 |
''Faust'' author | 32 |
''Faust'' or ''Don Giovanni'' | 61 |
''Faust,'' e.g. | 31 |
''Faust,'' for one | 34 |
''Fawlty Towers'' star | 38 |
''Fear and Trembling'' writer | 45 |
''Fear of Fifty'' writer Jong | 45 |
''Fear of Flying'' author | 41 |
''Fear of Flying'' author Jong | 46 |
''Fee, fi, fo, fum'' speakers | 45 |
''Feed ___, starve ...'' | 40 |
''Feed ___, starve a ...'' | 42 |
''Felix ___'' (George Eliot title) | 50 |
''Felix ___, the Radical'' (George Eliot title) | 63 |
''Feliz ___ Nuevo!'' | 36 |
''Feliz ___ Nuevo!'' (''Happy New Year!'') | 74 |
''Femenino'' suffix | 35 |
''Femme canonisée'', for short | 49 |
''Fernando'' band | 33 |
''Fernando'' foursome | 37 |
''Fernando'' group | 34 |
''Fernando'' or ''Gabriel'' starter | 67 |
''Fernando'' singers | 36 |
''Fever'' singer | 32 |
''Fever'' singer Peggy | 38 |
''Fi fo'' follower | 34 |
''Fibber McGee and ___'' | 40 |
''Fiddle-de-dee!'' | 34 |
''Fiddle-faddle!'' | 34 |
''Fiddler'' matchmaker | 38 |
''Fiddler'' star | 32 |
''Fiddlesticks!'' | 33 |
''Fideles'' start, in a title | 45 |
''Fidelio'' feature | 35 |
''Fidelio'' for one | 35 |
''Fidelio'' is one | 34 |
''Fidelio'' was Beethoven's only one | 56 |
''Fidelio,'' for one | 36 |
''Field of Dreams'' locale | 42 |
''Field of Dreams'' setting | 43 |
''Fiery'' gemstone | 34 |
''Fiesque'' composer | 36 |
''Filet'' fish | 30 |
''Filthy'' dough | 32 |
''Filthy'' money | 32 |
''Final Four'' org. | 35 |
''Final __'' (John Houseman memoir) | 51 |
''Finally!'' | 28 |
''Finding Nemo'' for one | 40 |
''Finding Nemo'' studio | 39 |
''Finding Neverland'' director Forster | 54 |
''Finding ___'' (Disney film) | 45 |
''Fine by me'' | 30 |
''Fine with me!'' | 33 |
''Fine with me'' | 32 |
''Fine!'' | 25 |
''Fine'' follower | 33 |
''Fine'' studies | 32 |
''Fine, Houston'' | 33 |
''Finished at last!'' | 37 |
''Finished!'' | 29 |
''Finished'' rm. | 32 |
''Finnegans ___'' (Joyce) | 41 |
''Fire and ___'' by Robert Frost | 48 |
''Fire away'' | 29 |
''Fire'' antonym | 32 |
''First Lady of Song'' Fitzgerald | 49 |
''First Wives Club'' actress | 44 |
''Five Weeks in a Balloon'' author | 50 |
''Five Women'' author Jaffe | 43 |
''Fix'' or ''game'' beginning | 61 |
''Fixing a ___'' (Beatles song) | 47 |
''Flags of Our Fathers'' setting | 48 |
''Flags of ___ Fathers'' | 40 |
''Flapper'' follower | 36 |
''Flashdance'' hit | 34 |
''Flashdance'' star | 35 |
''Flashdance'' star Jennifer | 44 |
''Flip This House'' channel | 43 |
''Float like a butterfly, sting like ___'' | 58 |
''Floating hotel'' | 34 |
''Fly Like an Eagle'' org. | 42 |
''Fly off the handle,'' e.g. | 44 |
''Fly, fly!'' | 29 |
''Flying Circus'' nickname | 42 |
''Flying Dutchman'' heroine | 43 |
''Flying'' Field role | 37 |