
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

"'S a __ request": "To a Mouse" 55
"'Neath the ___" (Wellesley school song) 54
"'I'm ___ the store, can I get you anything?" 63
"'I'll have ___ half-caf latte with skim milk" 64
"'I ___,' said the Caterpillar": Carroll 58
"'I ___ you liked your drink,' sez Gunga Din" 63
"'I __ you liked your drink,' sez Gunga Din" 62
"'Fraud!' ___ the maddened thousands" 55
"'Cause I --- me spinach, I'm Popeye..." 58
"'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'" poet 56
" ___Dream" ("Lohengrin" soliloquy) 55
" ___ wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener . . ." 56
" ___ Want for Christmas . . . ": 1946 song 53
" ___ Sain and pray for rain" (Braves' old slogan) 64
" ___ pig" ("Charlotte's Web" message) 62
" ___ one is born a roaster of meat": Brillat-Savarin 63
" ___ it Be" (classic album by The Replacements) 58
" ___ compare thee to a summer's day?": Shak. 59
" The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" co-star Blanchett 66
" ... ___ will turn this car right around" 52
" ... and the ___ shall be first": Matthew 52
" . . .just what ___ in the papers": Rogers 53
" . . . ___/As is the razor's edge invisible": Shak. 66
" . . . ___-voice of England" (Tennyson on Milton) 60
" . . . ___, mio Dio!": Leonora's prayer 54
" . . . ___, and trimly dress'd": Shak. 53
" . . . ___ which will live in infamy . . . ": Roosevelt 66
" . . . ___ which will live in infamy . . . ": F.D.R. 63
" . . . ___ which the sea cannot claim": Hardy 56
" . . . ___ what your country . . . ": J.F.K. 55
" . . . ___ well/It were done quickly":Macbeth 56
" . . . ___ upon thine heart": Song of Solomon 56
" . . . ___ through a glass, darkly": I Cor. 13:12 60
" . . . ___ those who love the Lord": Hunt 52
" . . . ___ the worst too young!": Kipling 52
" . . . ___ the mightiest Julius fell": Shak. 55
" . . . ___ the living Present!": Longfellow 54
" . . . ___ that ne'er decays": Wordsworth 56
" . . . ___ that knows no care?": Lucretius 53
" . . . ___ that kings/Have lipp'd . . . ": Shak. 63
" . . . ___ should grow too fond of it": R. E. Lee 60
" . . . ___ shall gain the whole world . . . " 56
" . . . ___ promise, serv'd no private end:" Pope 63
" . . . ___ power corrupts . . . ": Lord Acton 56
" . . . ___ played the game": Grantland Rice 54
" . . . ___ of sympathy with other men": Emerson 58
" . . . ___ of many-colored glass": Shelley 53
" . . . ___ of fat things . . . ": Isa. 25:6 54
" . . . ___ of all the glad New Year": Tennyson 57
" . . . ___ not what your country . . . ": J.F.K. 59
" . . . ___ is done": Book of Common Prayer 53
" . . . ___ in the dark" (Hobbes's last words) 60
" . . . ___ in defense of our Liberty Tree" 53
" . . . ___ I be best": "Henry VI, Part III" 64
" . . . ___ greater length of chain": Goldsmith 57
" . . . ___ for verbal delicacies": Mencken 53
" . . . ___ for them in the inn": Luke 2:7 52
" . . . ___ face the world with": Browning 52
" . . . ___ deliver thee . . . ": Psalm 91:3 54
" . . . ___ can lend three thousand ducats?": Shak. 61
" . . . ___ away the sin . . . ": John 1:29 53
" . . . ___ as great/As when a giant dies": Shak. 59
" . . . ___ and true industrious friend": Shak. 57
" . . . ___ and bible-black": Dylan Thomas 52
" . . . young ___ blue surprise": O'Donnell 57
" . . . you'll say a beggar ___": Shak. 53
" . . . you'll be ___, my son!": Kipling 54
" . . . woodman, ___ beechen tree!": Campbell 55
" . . . with ___ compass'd round": Milton 55
" . . . win ___" (exhortation for the Fighting Irish) 63
" . . . why ___ thou forsaken me?": Matt. 27:46 57
" . . . whose name was ___ in water" (Keats) 54
" . . . whether I am ___ or a Sphinx": Dickens 56
" . . . where ignorant armies clash ___": Arnold 58
" . . . weed/That rots itself ___ on Lethe wharf": Shak. 66
" . . . we ___ on our last cruise": R.L.S. 52
" . . . walk and ___ not that they are": Shak. 56
" . . . turn'd a heaven unto ___": Shak. 54
" . . . tribute to whom tribute ___": Romans 54
" . . . tomorrow ___ this petty pace . . . " 54
" . . . to ___ little and to spend a little less": R.L.S. 67
" . . . to hastening ___ a prey": Goldsmith 53
" . . . to each according to his ___": Marx 53
" . . . to consume away like ___": Psalm 39:11 56
" . . . to bed; ___ almost fairy time": Shak. 55
" . . . to become fishers of ___": Mark 1:17 54
" . . . thy tongue breeding ___ breathes": Shak. 58
" . . . through ___, darkly": I Cor. 13:12 52
" . . . thought can jump both ___ land": Shak. 56
" . . . thou ___, art far more fair . . . " 53
" . . . those move ___ who have learn'd to dance": Pope 69
" . . . this chase is ___ follow'd": Shak. 56
" . . . they have ___ day nor night": Rev. 14:11 58
" . . . there warn't ___ like a raft": Twain 58
" . . . there shall come forth ___": Isa. 11:1 56
" . . . there is ___ and a great man . . . ": II Samuel 65
" . . . there ain't no ___ Clause": Chico Marx 60
" . . . their tongues ___ speak against us!": Shak. 61
" . . . the ___ was to wander in": FitzGerald 56
" . . . the ___ Te Deums of the Canterbury bells": Lowell 67