''Little mustaches'' | 36 |
''Little Orphan Annie'' sound | 45 |
''Little piggie'' | 33 |
''Little Red Hen'' turndown | 43 |
''Little ribbons'' | 34 |
''Little Shop of Horrors'' demand | 49 |
''Little strings'' | 34 |
''Little stripes'' | 34 |
''Little tongues'' | 34 |
''Little tubes'' | 32 |
''Little Women'' author | 39 |
''Little Women'' woman | 38 |
''Little worms'' | 32 |
''Little __ Annie'' | 35 |
''Little ___'' of the comics | 44 |
''Little'' '60s singer | 42 |
''Little'' Dickens girl | 39 |
''Little'' film mouse | 37 |
''Little'' mouse | 32 |
''Little'' Stowe girl | 37 |
''Live and Let Die'' villain | 44 |
''Live free or die,'' e.g. | 42 |
''Livin' Thing'' grp. | 41 |
''Locomotion'' singer Little __ | 47 |
''Lohengrin'' character | 39 |
''Lohengrin'' role | 34 |
''London Fields'' author | 40 |
''Lonely Boy'' singer | 37 |
''Lonely Boy'' singer Paul | 42 |
''Lonely'' guy of TV commercials | 48 |
''Long live ...'' | 33 |
''Long Tall Sally'' singer | 42 |
''Long time ___!'' | 34 |
''Long ___ and far away ...'' | 45 |
''Long, Long ___'' | 34 |
''Look at this!'' | 33 |
''Look here, old chap!'' | 40 |
''Look here,'' in London | 40 |
''Look ma, no cavities'' product | 48 |
''Look out ___!'' | 33 |
''Look ___ this way ...'' | 41 |
''Look ___ ye leap'' | 36 |
''Looks that way'' | 34 |
''Lord Jim'' novelist | 37 |
''Lord Jim'' star Peter | 39 |
''Lord of the Rings'' baddies | 45 |
''Lord of the Rings'' creature | 46 |
''Lord of the ___'' | 35 |
''Lord, is __?'' | 32 |
''Lords a-leaping'' number | 42 |
''Lorenzo's ___'' (1992) | 44 |
''Losing My Religion'' rock group | 49 |
''Lost Horizon'' director, 1937 | 47 |
''Lost Horizon'' locale | 39 |
''Lost Horizon'' star | 37 |
''Lost in Space'' figure | 40 |
''Lost In Translation'' star | 44 |
''Lost in Yonkers'' character | 45 |
''Lost our lease'' event | 40 |
''Lost'' letters? | 33 |
''Lost'' network | 32 |
''Lou Grant'' actor | 35 |
''Lou Grant'' star | 34 |
''Louis XIV et Louis XVI'' | 42 |
''Love Boat'' drink mixer | 41 |
''Love conquers all,'' e.g. | 43 |
''Love Me Two Times'' group | 43 |
''Love Songs'' poet Teasdale | 44 |
''Love Story'' actor O'Neal | 47 |
''Love Story'' author | 37 |
''Love Story'' author Erich | 43 |
''Love Story'' author Segal | 43 |
''Love Story'' composer | 39 |
''Love Story'' novelist Erich | 45 |
''Love Story'' novelist Segal | 45 |
''Love Story'' star | 35 |
''Love __ neighbor'' | 36 |
''Love's Labour's ___'' | 47 |
''Lovely ___'' (1967 song) | 42 |
''Lovergirl'' singer Marie | 42 |
''Lovergirl'' singer ___ Marie | 46 |
''Low-budget,'' in brand names | 46 |
''Luck and Pluck'' author | 41 |
''Luck of the Draw'' singer | 43 |
''Luck ___ Lady'' | 33 |
''Lucky Jim'' author | 36 |
''Lucky Jim'' novelist | 38 |
''Lucky Jim'' novelist Kingsley | 47 |
''Lucky Lady in the fifth,'' e.g. | 49 |
''Luncheon on the Grass'' painter | 49 |
''Lundi'' follower | 34 |
''Lusty Month'' in Camelot | 42 |
''Lycidas'' poet | 32 |
''M'' director Fritz | 36 |
''Macbeth'' concoction | 38 |
''Macbeth'' figure | 34 |
''Macbeth'' title | 33 |
''Macbeth'' trio | 32 |
''Macbeth'' witches' word | 45 |
''Mack the Knife'' composer | 43 |