
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

1961 Britten composition 24
1961 Charlton Heston epic 25
1961 Charlton Heston film 25
1961 Charlton Heston role 25
1961 Connie Francis hit 23
1961 Connie Francis song 24
1961 Ermanno Olmi movie 23
1961 Heisman winner Davis 25
1961 Henry Mancini song 23
1961 hit for the Diamonds 25
1961 hit for the Shirelles 26
1961 hit song by The Angels 27
1961 hit song for the Angels 28
1961 Inauguration speaker 25
1961 Jackie Gleason role 24
1961 James Cagney movie 23
1961 Jimmy Dean classic 23
1961 Marvelettes #1 hit 23
1961 Nobelist ___ Andric 24
1961 Peace Prize winner 23
1961 Pulitzer-winning author 28
1961 Sophia Loren film 22
1961 Soviet defector Rudolf 27
1961 Susan Hayward film 23
1961, for Pres. Barack Obama 28
1962 #1 hit by the 4 Seasons 28
1962 #1 hit by the Shirelles 28
1962 #1 hit for five weeks 26
1962 Best Picture setting 25
1962 Bette Davis title role 27
1962 Burt Lancaster film? 25
1962 Everly Brothers hit 24
1962 film set in Jamaica 24
1962 Gene Chandler hit 22
1962 hit "___ Beso" 29
1962 hit by The 4 Seasons 25
1962 hit for the Exciters 25
1962 Howard Hawks movie 23
1962 Jackie Gleason film 24
1962 Jackie Gleason movie 25
1962 Johnny Mathis hit 22
1962 Joseph Wiseman role 24
1962 Kubrick adaptation 23
1962 Lancaster title role 25
1962 Mitchum/MacLaine film 26
1962 Neil Simon musical 23
1962 Paul Petersen hit 22
1962 Polanski Oscar nominee 27
1962 Robert Frost collection 28
1962 Stanley Kubrick film 25
1962 Stella Stevens film 24
1962 tennis Grand Slam winner 29
1962 World's Fair city 26
1962 World's Fair setting 29
1962 World's Fair site 26
1962-63 Polo Grounds team 25
1963 #1 hit for the Fireballs 29
1963 A.L. MVP __ Howard 23
1963 Academy Awards host 24
1963 and 1996 treaty topic 26
1963 Andy Warhol painting 25
1963 Audrey Hepburn thriller 28
1963 Best Actress Patricia 26
1963 Burton/Taylor film 23
1963 Debbie Reynolds film 25
1963 Elizabeth Taylor role 26
1963 film set in Bodega Bay 27
1963 Frankie Avalon film 24
1963 Hepburn-Grant film 23
1963 hit for Bobby Vinton 25
1963 hit for the Crystals 25
1963 Jack Nicholson movie 25
1963 Jan & Dean hit 23
1963 March on Washington mo. 28
1963 Marlon Brando movie 24
1963 movie remade in 2006 25
1963 movie role for Shirley 27
1963 newsmaking villain 23
1963 Oscar winner Patricia 26
1963 Paul Newman classic 24
1963 Paul Newman movie 22
1963 Paul Newman title role 27
1963 Peter, Paul and Mary hit 29
1963 Pulitzer biographer 24
1963 Pulitzer biographer Leon 29
1963 Pulitzer winner Leon 25
1963 Roman Polanski film 24
1963 Shirley MacLaine role 26
1963 title role for Shirley 27
1963 U.S. Open champ (tennis) 29
1963 U.S. Tennis Open champ 27
1964 #1 Four Seasons hit 24
1964 #1 hit for Lorne Greene 28
1964 #1 hit for the Beatles 27
1964 #1 hit for the Supremes 28
1964 A.L. Rookie of the Year 28
1964 All-Star Game site 23
1964 Anthony Quinn role 23
1964 Audrey Hepburn role 24
1964 Barbra Streisand hit 25