
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Some drive-thru features, briefly 33
When court starts, in some courts 33
"___ extra cost to you" 33
"--- extra cost to you" 33
Digit connected to chem. elements 33
When some gunfights are scheduled 33
They're mostly in the Pacific 33
Particle Ani DiFranco sings about 33
Energy source in a small package 33
"We have split the ___" 33
It followed the Manhattan Project 33
Things hypothesized by Democritus 33
Like many Schoenberg compositions 33
Like many a John Cage composition 33
''This instant!'' 33
When the mouse ran down the clock 33
The place for a good mountaineer? 33
Suffix with fabric and prognostic 33
Cellular energy chemical, briefly 33
Razor line introduced by Gillette 33
Toiletry brand introduced in 1977 33
Shaver introduced in the '70s 33
Predecessor of the Gillette Mach3 33
Grooming brand introduced in 1977 33
Manhattan-to-Far Rockaway service 33
Transportation in a 1941 hit song 33
"___ Grows in Brooklyn" 33
"--- Grows in Brooklyn" 33
"Only God can make ___" 33
Abruzzo town in a Longfellow poem 33
___ septal defect (heart problem) 33
Just off the bottom, as an anchor 33
Heine's "___ Troll" 33
"___ Troll," Heine poem 33
Flour used in making Indian bread 33
Prepared for a big move, in a way 33
When some local news is broadcast 33
White elephant's destination? 33
Where the brain resides, slangily 33
Room with exposed wood beams, say 33
Place for Miss Hellman's toys 33
Ancient region surrounding Athens 33
Rooms with stairs leading to them 33
Accommodations with low overhead? 33
He was accountable for Hun dreads 33
Landslide election winner of 1945 33
Churchill's successor in 1945 33
Abbr. that often precedes a colon 33
Letters that help a letter sorter 33
Letters before a name on a letter 33
"Now hear this!": Abbr. 33
Uses one's charms effectively 33
Outermost island of the Aleutians 33
They've passed the bar: Abbr. 33
"Three men in __ . . ." 33
". . . three men in __" 33
Cousin of a dune buggy, for short 33
Off-roaders' rides, for short 33
Making more guns and less butter? 33
Part of Lawrence Welk's intro 33
Part of Lawrence Welk's count 33
Author of The Handmaid's Tale 33
'The Age of Anxiety' poet 33
Carmaker headquartered in Bavaria 33
Carmaker whose logo is four rings 33
Video may be confusing without it 33
Class member who isn't graded 33
Lindley of "The Ropers" 33
Violinist Leopold or actor Mischa 33
Actor Mischa or violinist Leopold 33
Mo. in which Woodstock took place 33
Assumption of the Virgin, ---. 15 33
"8," sometimes, briefly 33
You'll usually find it boring 33
With a browned crust, as potatoes 33
Baked with breadcrumbs and cheese 33
Word in a New Year's Eve tune 33
''___ Lang Syne'' 33
New Year's song title starter 33
First word of a famous song title 33
"The ___ Sod" (Ireland) 33
"___ Rob Morris": Burns 33
Relative in a Brandon Thomas play 33
"The Wizard of Oz" role 33
Patty and Selma, to Bart and Lisa 33
Live-in foreign child-care worker 33
You may have one of invincibility 33
Pre-migraine phenomenon, for some 33
Word before Borealis or Australis 33
Director with a distinctive style 33
What's chopped in a chop shop 33
On ___ (proceeding independently) 33
"A ride on the ___ ..." 33
Restaurants with vending machines 33
"___ Leaves," 1956 film 33
"Mogambo"'s Gardner 33
One-time wife of Mickey and Frank 33
King Arthur's island paradise 33
Earthly paradise of Celtic legend 33
''Garde'' starter 33