What escorts are usually paid to do? | 36 |
What even a capitalist pig can't make | 41 |
What even a Springsteen show does | 33 |
What even the prettiest pop star does | 37 |
What Everclear was "Out of" | 37 |
What every belle had in the Gay Nineties | 40 |
What every honest competitor deserves | 37 |
What every number is divisible by | 33 |
What everyone brings to a potluck dinner | 40 |
What everyone knows that they shouldn't know | 48 |
What everything is an option for | 32 |
What everything's coming up, in song | 40 |
What Evita asked Argentina not to do for her | 44 |
What evolution might be measured in | 35 |
What excavating equipment is designed for | 41 |
What excellent drivers often break | 34 |
What excessive violence may lead to | 35 |
What excessive volume might do, facetiously | 43 |
What eyeglasses do in steam rooms | 33 |
What F.H.A. mortgages are and aren't | 40 |
What failure is not, in a common saying | 39 |
What faking a stomachache might entail? | 39 |
What fan does to band's club | 32 |
What fan will do, post-high five | 32 |
What fans are on for upcoming shows | 35 |
What fans did over sold-out show wall | 37 |
What fans did up for a sold-out show | 36 |
What fans do in a readers' poll | 35 |
What fans of losing teams must wait for | 39 |
What Farm Aid tries to save, one by one? | 40 |
What fast food burgers might sit under | 38 |
What fastidious people can't be | 35 |
What February might have, depending on the region | 49 |
What fellers may be skilled with | 32 |
What Fels-Naptha banished, in old ads | 37 |
What fence-hopper did to security | 33 |
What festival photogs want their pics to be | 43 |
What feuding families seek to get | 33 |
What feuding members get divided into | 37 |
What Fido "shakes hands" with | 39 |
What fielders might play a grounder on | 38 |
What fifty-fifty partners each get | 34 |
What first kids did to front row | 32 |
What five answers in this puzzle are | 36 |
What Flavius called "ferrum" | 38 |
What flows in Greek gods' veins | 35 |
What Floyd "Set the Controls" for | 43 |
What foes called supporters of Mary Stuart | 42 |
What folks wear after gaining weight? | 37 |
What follows a mid-season disintegration | 40 |
What follows a nine-to-fiver's work | 39 |
What follows the second letter of the alphabet | 46 |
What forensic shows take a close look at? | 41 |
What Fountain plays in a Mozart opus? | 37 |
What Fox series was set in Newport Beach? | 41 |
What Frances F. Willard advocated | 33 |
What Freedom did, in J.R. Drake poem | 36 |
What freelancers usually submit on | 34 |
What Freud called "das Ich" | 37 |
What Freud called "ego" | 33 |
What Frosty's friends said about him? | 41 |
What fuels a great insurance company? | 37 |
What G. W. Carver converted into axle grease | 44 |
What Gaia and Athena use to alert other drivers? | 48 |
What Galileo was nearly convicted of | 36 |
What Garbo ''vanted'' to be | 43 |
What Garbo "vanted" to be | 35 |
What Gay called "a kind of praise" | 44 |
What Gene Kelly was singin' in | 34 |
What Gene Simmons' blood comes in | 37 |
What Genuine Risk ran for in May | 32 |
What George Harrison's guitar did | 37 |
What George Washington couldn't do | 38 |
What George Washington couldn't tell | 40 |
What George's riding master told him in N.H.? | 49 |
What Germans call "Fussball" | 38 |
What germs do at cheap cafeterias? | 34 |
What gets read to rabble-rousers | 32 |
What glaziers take with their work | 34 |
What Gleason's Reginald puts on | 35 |
What God told Moses to do during the Exodus | 43 |
What goes after cows, ducks and pigs? | 37 |
What goes in a nose to make noise? | 34 |
What goes in nose to make noise? | 32 |
What goes in one's nose to make noise? | 42 |
What goes in your nose to make noise? | 37 |
What goes into your nose to make noise | 38 |
What goes on at a witches' sabbath? | 39 |
What goes on in Sue's new book? | 35 |
What good children should be, in an old saw | 43 |
What good competitors may give one | 34 |
What good Monopoly players possess | 34 |
What good savers do with their money | 36 |
What good tires do in wet weather | 33 |
What Graceland is but San Simeon isn't? | 43 |
What gradeability is a measure of | 33 |
What great crossword-solvers use | 32 |
What Greece has that Germany doesn't | 40 |
What green mushrooms gave in Super Mario Bros. | 46 |
What Greenspan called "frothy" in 2005 | 48 |