
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

"I Ain't Marching Anymore" folk singer Phil 57
___ Building, landmark on New York's Roosevelt Island 57
Beethoven's "___ for Winds in E flat major" 57
Anita who sang "And Her Tears Flowed Like Wine" 57
God who gave up an eye to drink from the spring of wisdom 57
The "definitive record of the English language" 57
"The Professor and the Madman" topic, for short 57
"Not stepping __ the bounds of modesty": Juliet 57
Discus great Al who won gold in four consecutive Olympics 57
" . . . in the twinkling ___ eye": I Cor. 15:52 57
"I'll give you $500 for this old car," e.g. 57
"The beauty ___ men is the gray head": Proverbs 57
"So ___ have I invoked thee for my Muse": Shak. 57
"__ I had heard of Lucy Gray . . .": Wordsworth 57
Nash who wrote "Further Reflections on Parsley" 57
"You Can't Get There from Here" author Nash 57
Its license plates say "Birthplace of Aviation" 57
Exclamation from Mr. Bill in old "SNL" sketches 57
Tower of Power "Only So Much ___ in the Ground" 57
"___ to bed . . . " (OPEC worker's slogan?) 57
Any of the singers of the 1973 hit "Love Train" 57
1973 "Love Train" singers, with "the" 57
"Use ta Be My Girl" group, with "the" 57
"Wait till you're ___" (parent's reply) 57
"Sherry" or "Big Girls Don't Cry" 57
"Quantum of Solace" Bond girl actress Kurylenko 57
Trip-hop group that sang "You're Not Alone" 57
"___ my God, thou art very great" (Psalm 104:1) 57
"I, Maximus of Gloucester, to You" poet Charles 57
It contains the Arabian Peninsula's easternmost point 57
Resident of a country that's 97% mountains and desert 57
First name in the ''Doctor Zhivago'' cast 57
"Ah, my Beloved, fill the Cup that clears" poet 57
"A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread--and Thou" poet 57
Exclamation often followed by multiple exclamation points 57
1847 novel with the chapter "Life at Loohooloo" 57
Derivative with respect to "x" in f(x) = x + 10 57
"You're Still the ___" (1998 Grammy winner) 57
''By the time I count to three'' follower 57
Like O'Neill's "Bound East for Cardiff" 57
Shaquille with the 1993 rap album "Shaq Diesel" 57
Hoopster who dubbed himself "The Big Aristotle" 57
"__ Us": "Joan of Arcadia" theme song 57
"___ the Good Die Young" (1977 Billy Joel song) 57
University of Liverpool honorary degree recipient in 2001 57
She was famously married 3/20/69 at the Rock of Gibraltar 57
One of the "virgins" of "Two Virgins" 57
Major contributor to Central Park's Strawberry Fields 57
"Everyone needs a hand to hold ___" John Cougar 57
"___ victory!" ("Let's do this!") 57
Stone said to bring bad luck to those not born in October 57
Bridget Riley's "Movement in Squares," e.g. 57
"Wide I'll ___ my arms": "Hamlet" 57
Nancy who played Yente in "Fiddler on the Roof" 57
"Dido and Aeneas," for an early English example 57
The "thee" in "Get thee to a nunnery" 57
Boy with a fishing pole in a '60s sitcom title screen 57
"Mr. Holland's ___" (Richard Dreyfuss film) 57
"I don't know if I need a shit ___ haircut" 57
City where Camus's "The Plague" takes place 57
Former name of the province whose capital is Bloemfontein 57
Food brand whose name is a portmanteau of two state names 57
Crosswordy snacks that David Steinberg shares at the ACPT 57
Euripides hero who killed his mother to avenge his father 57
Studio behind "Amadeus" and "Platoon" 57
"Are you in ___?" (poker dealer's question) 57
Youngest player to be inducted in the Hockey Hall of Fame 57
Pilot who kept ditching his plane in "Catch-22" 57
"Number Four, Bobby ___!" (children's book) 57
"What little town by river __ shore ...": Keats 57
He says "If music be the food of love, play on" 57
"If music be the food of love, play on" speaker 57
Rita's director in "The Lady From Shanghai" 57
Bree's ex-husband on "Desperate Housewives" 57
"Coffee ___?" (flight attendant's question) 57
"...___ take arms against a sea of troubles..." 57
"--- take arms against..." ("Hamlet") 57
Author who doesn't maintain an Academy Awards fansite 57
Winter Olympics host a half-century before Salt Lake City 57
Scandinavian capital that uses garbage to generate energy 57
City from which Amundsen started his Antarctic expedition 57
''Cotton Comes to Harlem'' director Davis 57
With "The," 1971 best-seller about an evil twin 57
___ Chandler, longtime publisher of the Los Angeles Times 57
Tribe encountered early in the Lewis and Clark expedition 57
Italian city that is the title setting of a Walpole novel 57
Baseball legend Mel, ''The Little Giant'' 57
Name posted on the left-field upper deck of AT&T Park 57
He's ahead of Sheffield on the all-time home run list 57
North American capital that's home to Parliament Hill 57
What Marlene is in "The Penguins of Madagascar" 57
___ von Bismarck (namesake of North Dakota's capital) 57
"Bring ___ troops home" (pacifist's slogan) 57
"I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right ___ My Hair" 57
"Bullets ___ Broadway" (1994 Woody Allen movie) 57
The ''O'' in the Dallas Cowboys' T.O. 57
Two residents of the Old Man's beard, in a Lear verse 57
"A Room of One's ___" (Virginia Woolf work) 57
Actor Michael who wrote "Hemingway's Chair" 57
"--- Was a Rollin' Stone" (Temptations hit) 57