
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

'Look Homeward Angel' writer 36
''Too Many Cooks'' sleuth 41
''The Right Stuff'' author 42
''A Man in Full'' novelist 42
Gobbled up, with "down" 33
Composer of "Clarinet Quintet in A" 45
"Ave, verum corpus" composer 38
Devouring, with "down" 32
Groucho in "The Big Store" 36
One who changes form during a full moon 39
Legendary "Midnight Special" host 43
Big name in old rock 'n' roll radio 43
Eats greedily (with "down") 37
"The ___!" (Depression cry) 37
Shrill "compliment" to a pretty woman 47
"Wow, she's good-looking!" sounds 47
One of Henry VIII's lord chancellors 40
Carnivorous mammal also known as a glutton 42
Lee Ann who sang "I Hope You Dance" 45
"Lookin' for a Love" singer Bobby 47
"I Hope You Dance" singer Lee Ann 43
What a circle with a cross underneath symbolizes 48
Lennon hit on "Double Fantasy" 40
"Bionic ___" (2007 NBC remake) 40
Word in a Helen Reddy song title 32
Wilde's "A ___ of No Importance" 46
One sometimes affected by a glass ceiling 41
John Lennon's last million-selling single 45
Helen Reddy's "I Am __" 37
Helen Reddy's "I Am ___" 38
God's second mistake, to Nietzsche 38
Gershwin's "Sometime Thing" 41
Devil _____ (Hallowe'en apparition, maybe) 46
Collins's "The ___ in White" 42
Buddy Holly "My Two Timin' ___" 45
"Witchy __": Eagles hit 33
"Pretty ___" (Julia Roberts movie) 44
"Phenomenal ___" (Maya Angelou poem) 46
"I am a __ first of all": Nin 39
"Frailty, thy name is ___!": Shak. 44
"A ___ Is a Sometime Thing": 1935 43
Subject of old, politically incorrect jokes 43
Person answering the door, sometimes 36
"But ___ work is never done" 38
"A ___ Face" (Joan Crawford film) 43
What Wilde says men always want to be 37
Constitutional achievement: 1920 32
Advocate of a reform won in 1920 32
Where something wonderful is created 36
Place for developing minor charges? 35
Marsupial with a backward-facing pouch 38
Places for "buns in the oven" 39
Like England's National Health Service care 47
Majority of Oprah's audience 32
They're often made-up for dinner 36
Remark from the sexually frustrated, perhaps 44
Norwood's "___ Who Love Too Much" 47
Most US college students these days 35
Like much of the crowd at Star Gaze 35
DH Lawrence's ____ in Love 33
D. H. Lawrence's "___ in Love" 44
About 57% of American college students 38
"Little ___" (Louisa May Alcott novel) 48
"___ in Love" (D.H. Lawrence novel) 45
Part three of a permanent definition? 37
D. H. Lawrence novel made into a 1969 film 42
French's "The ___ Room" 37
___ studies (modern college major) 34
Movement that fought stereotypes 32
It has a place in "herstory" 38
1960s movement rejecting traditional gender roles 49
"The Feminine Mystique" subject 41
What happens as a result of female frustration? 47
Didn't show, didn't place 33
"I fought the law and the law ___" 44
"How the West Was ___" (1962) 39
Story of the Year "___ Threw Ate" 43
Came in first in a battle of the bands 38
Came first in battle of the bands 33
"Sir Duke" singer Stevie 34
Awe-inspiring source of dietary fiber? 38
Place accessed via a rabbit hole 32
Feelings aroused by strange things 34
Wearer of amazingly strong bracelets 36
Character introduced in All-Star Comics #8 42
Actor B.D. of "Law & Order: SVU" 46
"Law & Order: SVU" actor B. D. ___ 48
B.D. of "Law & Order: SVU" 40
Anna May of "Shanghai Express" 40
"The World of Suzie ___" (1960 movie) 47
World's most popular surname 32
Karloff's Chinese sleuth, Mr. ___ 37
B.D. of "Law & Order" 35
B.D. of 'Law & Order: SVU' 38
Actress in "Java Head": 1934 38
"The World of Suzie ___": 1960 film 45
"The World of Suzie ___" 34
Hollywood's B. D. and Anna May 34
End of a quip from a frustrated user? 37
Candy bar with golden tickets in its packaging 46