
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Many a software company employee 32
Like a blackmailer's tactics 32
Place to get a mocha and a paper 32
Casual caffeine-fueled gathering 32
Descended from the same language 32
Five on 'The View,' e.g. 32
Acting like a hidden rattlesnake 32
First official act at Super Bowl 32
What guys in igloos watch on TV? 32
Alaska, compared to other states 32
It may bring you back to reality 32
"Nine to Five" villain 32
Grant's first Vice President 32
Family of Grant's first Veep 32
Possessions of certain bachelors 32
Inscription at the end of a book 32
Home of Mesa Verde National Park 32
City near the base of Pikes Peak 32
Unable to pass the Ishihara Test 32
World's largest amphitheater 32
They star Indianapolis athletes? 32
Gun that turns out to be a bomb? 32
Longtime label for Frank Sinatra 32
Label once owned by a TV network 32
Cover-up unlikely to fool anyone 32
Be an anklet at a costume party? 32
Obey an octagon-shaped road sign 32
" . . . ___ Bethlehem" 32
Mostly hate acid from apples (5) 32
Less-than-serious fictional work 32
11:30 p.m.: 1978 Jane Fonda film 32
"Borrows" peremptorily 32
"Dirty Dozen" marauder 32
Investor's purchase, perhaps 32
2002 Hewlett-Packard acquisition 32
Assemble, as parts of a document 32
What a sushi chef loves to hear? 32
Method of figuring bank interest 32
Structure that resembles a shell 32
1994 Wimbledon champ Martínez 32
It had a prominent drooping nose 32
Presidential advisor, informally 32
Leads or contributes to a result 32
Hot dogs with a chili-like sauce 32
Carnival items served with chili 32
Eeler's musical instruments? 32
Raise one's spirits, perhaps 32
Stars and Stripes skipper Dennis 32
Basketball Hall-of-Famer Hawkins 32
Prison graffiti or implications? 32
Madhouse at a G.O.P. convention? 32
Start of an Elbert Hubbard quote 32
Shackles are put on chain gangs? 32
The perfect place to cool a pie? 32
Everything but Alaska and Hawaii 32
Sam Rivers album about outlines? 32
Builder, muscle or bridge player 32
Airport's elevated structure 32
Australian aborigines' calls 32
Ben & Jerry's ingredient 32
Dodger infielder: 1937–47 32
Muppet with a voracious appetite 32
Nerd-rejecting high-school group 32
Painter of a ring-tailed animal? 32
2002 Best Supporting Actor Chris 32
Baseball player's dream home 32
Milton Bradley game with one die 32
Apaches and Comanches, for short 32
They may enlarge after being fed 32
Color of some sand dunes in Utah 32
"Marat/Sade" character 32
Statesman Hull: 1871–1955 32
Chicken dish with ham and cheese 32
Violinist/composer Arcangelo ___ 32
What a stratigraphist might take 32
"King of the Bs" Roger 32
Hot dog coating at a county fair 32
Application of the hickory stick 32
Packard of Hewlett-Packard, say? 32
"If I remember ___..." 32
Polish ___, outlet to the Baltic 32
Napoleon's island, to French 32
Shot a baseball pitcher may take 32
Richard Wagner's second wife 32
Fixing the space-time continuum? 32
Fashion magazine for young women 32
Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, etc. 32
White, downy part of a car tire? 32
Bob Marley tune released in 1980 32
One O'Clock Jump composer 32
Soda jerk's dress-up attire? 32
Take a mechanic's inventory? 32
Counselor's clients, perhaps 32
Tennis players who clown around? 32
Alt-rocker who coos to her fans? 32
"Kissin'" relative 32
Like the contents of many attics 32
Discouraging words on the range? 32
British author: 1778–1851 32
Used a pot for catching, perhaps 32