
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Port in the eastern Mediterranean 33
One of Yellowstone's two million 36
One of the "north forty" 34
One of about 14,500 in Manhattan 32
One of about 1,500,000 in the Everglades 40
One of a thousand in a Jane Smiley title 40
Jolene "Hell's Half ___" 38
It's about 90 yards of a football field 43
Israeli city attacked by Napoleon 33
Hundred ____ Woods: Winnie-the-Pooh's home 46
Football-field size, approximately 34
Caldwell's "God's Little ____" 48
Caldwell's "God's Little _____" 49
Brazilian state that borders Peru and Bolivia 45
Area equaling 43,560 square feet 32
40,468,564 28/125 square centimeters 36
"Rope-a-dope" exponent 32
"GodÂ's Little ___" 37
"God's Little ---" (Caldwell novel) 49
"God's Little ---" 32
" . . . an ___ of barren ground": Shak. 49
Character in "The Rivals" 35
Smiley novel ''A Thousand ___'' 47
Jane Smiley's "A Thousand ___" 44
One of Sheridan's "Rivals" 40
Classic TV's ''Green ___'' 46
"Land for sale" sign word 35
"Green ___" (old TV sitcom) 37
"A Thousand ___" (Jane Smiley novel) 46
Yellowstone's two-million-plus 34
Word following Green, Shady or Hidden 37
TV's ''Green ___'' 38
TV oldie "Green _____" 32
There are 843 of these in Central Park 38
There are 160 in a quarter section 34
The 40 of "the back 40" 33
One or two of them often make a lot 35
Homesteader's purchase in 19th century 42
Fear Factory: "___ Of Skin" 37
Fear Factory "___ of Skin" 36
Classic TV's "Green ---" 38
Classic TV's "Green ___" 38
Bob ___, one of Sheridan's "rivals" 49
A suitor in "The Rivals" 34
A rival in "The Rivals" 33
1960's TV's "Green ___" 41
"Green ___" of 1960s TV 33
"Green ___" (classic TV show) 39
"___ and Pains": Perelman 35
''Green ___'' (classic TV show) 47
''Green ___'' (classic sitcom) 46
''Forty ___ and a mule'' 40
Like the smell of burning rubber 32
It means ''height'' 35
Prefix with "phobia" or "bat" 49
Prefix meaning "highest" 34
''Height'' word form 36
The "height" part of a height phobia 46
The "height" part of a fear of heights 48
Kind of phobia involving heights 32
One who needs to stay well-balanced? 36
" . . . upon ___ of gold" 35
Solve every clue here and you won't go down 47
Direction for a crossword solver 32
Like 36 of this puzzle's answers 36
It's at the top of some columns 35
Word puzzle that involves a quotation 37
Word puzzle enjoyed by Queen Victoria 37
Verse that spells words vertically 34
Puzzle that involves a quoted passage 37
Poem with a word reading vertically 35
Their capacity is measured in BTUs 34
Things often taken down from windows in Sept. 45
They're turned on in summer, for short 42
They're rated in B.T.U.'s 33
They help keep you cool, briefly 32
They get cranked up in the summer 33
Some windows installations: Abbr. 33
Some window installations, for short 36
Pretend to be someone you're not? 37
Pretend to be someone you're not 36
One of five in "Othello" 34
Malfunction, with "up" 32
"If you ___ now . . ." 32
One way to enjoy being in a cast 32
Volstead __: Prohibition enabler 32
One of five in "Julius Caesar" 40
One of five in "Hamlet" 33
Misbehave (with ''up'') 39
Headliner is the "main" one 37
Function improperly, with "up" 40
Dramatic unit divided into scenes 33
Division of "Billy Budd" 34
Bill's possible future status 33
Behave badly, with "out" 34
Beatles "___ Naturally" 33
"The Gong Show" offering 34
"Sister __": Whoopi Goldberg film 43
"Hard ___ to Follow" Brother Cane 43
"___ well your part . . . " 37