Aristocrat for one | 19 |
Aristocrat of old | 17 |
Aristocrat wannabes | 19 |
Aristocrat's home | 21 |
Aristocratic | 12 |
Aristocratic Machu Picchu women? | 32 |
Aristocratic name | 17 |
Aristocratic name part | 22 |
Aristocratic neckpiece | 22 |
Aristocratic practice | 21 |
Aristocratic pulse? | 19 |
Aristocratic rule | 17 |
Aristocratic standard | 21 |
Aristocratic title | 18 |
Aristocratic types | 18 |
Aristocrats | 11 |
Aristophanes comedy | 19 |
Aristophanes comedy aka The Peace | 37 |
Aristophanes comedy, with "The" | 41 |
Aristophanes drama, with "The" | 40 |
Aristophanes play, with "The" | 39 |
Aristophanes plays, e.g. | 24 |
Aristophanes satire, with "The" | 41 |
Aristophanes was one | 20 |
Aristophanes work | 17 |
Aristophanes' "The ___" | 37 |
Aristophanes' forte | 23 |
Aristophanes' H | 19 |
Aristophanes' realm of fantasy | 34 |
Aristophanes's realm of fantasy | 35 |
Aristotelian element | 20 |
Aristotelian final cause | 24 |
Aristotelian ideal | 18 |
Aristotelian pair? | 18 |
Aristotle forte | 15 |
Aristotle irked? | 16 |
Aristotle of Greece | 19 |
Aristotle Onassis, notably | 26 |
Aristotle or Aristophanes | 25 |
Aristotle subject | 17 |
Aristotle to his buddies | 24 |
Aristotle treatise | 18 |
Aristotle was his student | 25 |
Aristotle who named his yacht Christina after his daughter | 58 |
Aristotle work | 14 |
Aristotle __ Onassis | 20 |
Aristotle's "best provision for old age" | 54 |
Aristotle's "fifth element" | 41 |
Aristotle's "Metaphysics," e.g. | 45 |
Aristotle's "ornament to the young" | 49 |
Aristotle's "political animal" | 44 |
Aristotle's "___ Rhetorica" | 41 |
Aristotle's A | 17 |
Aristotle's Aurora | 22 |
Aristotle's B | 17 |
Aristotle's campus | 22 |
Aristotle's first element of tragedy | 40 |
Aristotle's forte | 21 |
Aristotle's H | 17 |
Aristotle's instructor | 26 |
Aristotle's last letter? | 28 |
Aristotle's P | 17 |
Aristotle's rule of reasoning | 33 |
Aristotle's seventh letter | 30 |
Aristotle's subject | 23 |
Aristotle's teacher | 23 |
Aristotle's walkway | 23 |
Aristotle, familiarly | 22 |
Aristotle, familiarly | 21 |
Aristotle, for short | 20 |
Aristotle, to Alexander the Great | 33 |
Aristotle, to friends | 21 |
Aristotle, to his pals | 22 |
Aristotle, to Jackie | 20 |
Aristotle, to Jacqueline | 24 |
Aristotle, to pals | 18 |
Aristotle, to Plato | 19 |
Arita porcelain | 15 |
Arith. area | 11 |
Arith. items | 12 |
Arith. operation | 16 |
Arith. process | 14 |
Arith. solution | 15 |
Arith. units | 12 |
Arithmétique building | 24 |
Arithmetic | 10 |
Arithmetic abbr. | 16 |
Arithmetic assignment | 21 |
Arithmetic chore | 16 |
Arithmetic class answer | 23 |
Arithmetic column | 17 |
Arithmetic directive | 20 |
Arithmetic exercise | 19 |
Arithmetic figure | 17 |
Arithmetic for Holmes | 21 |
Arithmetic for Rooney | 21 |
Arithmetic for Tom Kite | 23 |
Arithmetic for young G.W. | 25 |
Arithmetic function | 19 |
Arithmetic homework | 19 |