
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Action hero's underwater breathing aid 42
Action in this puzzle's card game 37
Action may make him laugh or cry? 33
Action onstage during an ovation 32
Action required by some treaties 32
Action scene in "True Blood"? 39
Action shots taken with a slow shutter speed 44
Action star in "Above the Law" 40
Action star who served in the U.S. Air Force 44
Action star with no stunt double 32
Action taken by Jessica and Lorenzo 35
Action taken to improve a colleague's day 45
Action that can lead to feeling bushed? 39
Action that is a synonym of its reverse spelling 48
Action that may cause future problems 37
Action that may produce a reaction 34
Action that'll cost you, in poker 37
Action that's supposedly contagious 39
Action to a newborn baby's bottom 37
Action to stimulate the economy? 32
Action verb that's also a Roman numeral 43
Action with a good chance of success 36
Action with the highest chance of success 41
Actions on heartstrings and pant legs 37
Activate a dispenser for a fruit drink? 39
Active campus gp. during the Vietnam War 40
Active component in marijuana, for short 40
Active duty entertainers, in short 34
Active hallucinogen in funny mushrooms 38
Active Huey Lewis & the News album? 39
Active ingredient in marijuana: Abbr. 37
Active ingredient in nail polish remover 40
Active Philippine volcano: Abbr. 32
Active time for a racetrack crew 32
Activist Blades who co-founded 41
Activist Bonner who married Sakharov 36
Activist Brockovich played by Julia 35
Activist campus org. of the '60s 36
Activist Dana or her husband Christopher 40
Activist gp. with a clenched fist in its logo 45
Activist request on bumper stickers 35
Activist Shelby and politician Michael 38
Activist/playwright Clare Boothe ___ 36
Activities at punk rock concerts 32
Activities that consume many hours 34
Activities that generate no money 33
Activity for a band's obsessive fans 40
Activity for a crooked politician? 34
Activity for a crossword creator 32
Activity for a hyperactive barista? 35
Activity for an entomologist taking inventory? 46
Activity for diners and list makers 35
Activity for good-looking people? 33
Activity for one hoping to expose roots 39
Activity for some season ticket holders    48
Activity for Spartacus in 74 B.C. 33
Activity for which "it takes two" 43
Activity in "Ghostbusters" 36
Activity in a post–W.W. I free city? 43
Activity in which camels may be executed 40
Activity in which nothing is going on? 38
Activity in which one takes a bow 33
Activity in which people get their kicks 40
Activity in which spelling counts? 34
Activity in which stakes may be laid 36
Activity in which the police may beat down a door 49
Activity in which you might tug on an earlobe 45
Activity involving a 20-sided die, maybe: Abbr. 47
Activity involving a keyhole, perhaps 37
Activity involving U-boat hopping? 34
Activity led by a park ranger, perhaps 38
Activity of boatmen, bondsmen and paratroopers 46
Activity of chefs and porkbarrel politicians 44
Activity of conquerors or pacifiers 35
Activity of most puzzle constructors 36
Activity of one who's paper-trained? 40
Activity on a kid's place mat 33
Activity resulting in a net gain? 33
Activity that can wreck a hard disk 35
Activity that can wreck a hard disk? 36
Activity that destroys a hard disk 34
Activity that destroys a hard disk? 35
Activity that improves the well-being of canines 48
Activity that includes roundhouse kicks 39
Activity that involves seeing people? 37
Activity that may include flowers and candy 43
Activity that may put you over a barrel 39
Activity that may require a lift 32
Activity that proceeds hand to hand? 36
Activity that requires powder on the face? 42
Activity that's not without interest 40
Activity with a downward-facing dog 35
Activity with holding and throwing 34
Activity-filled summer getaway places 37
Actor (and crossword fan) Matthew 33
Actor Adrian on "T.J. Hooker" 39
Actor Alan of "Hope & Gloria" 43
Actor Alan of "The Change-Up" 39
Actor Alan of "The In-Laws" 37
Actor Alastair of "A Christmas Carol" 47