
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

" . . . tomorrow ___ this petty pace . . . " 54
" . . . tribute to whom tribute ___": Romans 54
" . . . turn'd a heaven unto ___": Shak. 54
" . . . walk and ___ not that they are": Shak. 56
" . . . we ___ on our last cruise": R.L.S. 52
" . . . weed/That rots itself ___ on Lethe wharf": Shak. 66
" . . . where ignorant armies clash ___": Arnold 58
" . . . whether I am ___ or a Sphinx": Dickens 56
" . . . whose name was ___ in water" (Keats) 54
" . . . why ___ thou forsaken me?": Matt. 27:46 57
" . . . win ___" (exhortation for the Fighting Irish) 63
" . . . with ___ compass'd round": Milton 55
" . . . woodman, ___ beechen tree!": Campbell 55
" . . . you'll be ___, my son!": Kipling 54
" . . . you'll say a beggar ___": Shak. 53
" . . . young ___ blue surprise": O'Donnell 57
" . . . ___ and bible-black": Dylan Thomas 52
" . . . ___ and true industrious friend": Shak. 57
" . . . ___ as great/As when a giant dies": Shak. 59
" . . . ___ away the sin . . . ": John 1:29 53
" . . . ___ can lend three thousand ducats?": Shak. 61
" . . . ___ deliver thee . . . ": Psalm 91:3 54
" . . . ___ face the world with": Browning 52
" . . . ___ for them in the inn": Luke 2:7 52
" . . . ___ for verbal delicacies": Mencken 53
" . . . ___ greater length of chain": Goldsmith 57
" . . . ___ I be best": "Henry VI, Part III" 64
" . . . ___ in defense of our Liberty Tree" 53
" . . . ___ in the dark" (Hobbes's last words) 60
" . . . ___ is done": Book of Common Prayer 53
" . . . ___ not what your country . . . ": J.F.K. 59
" . . . ___ of all the glad New Year": Tennyson 57
" . . . ___ of fat things . . . ": Isa. 25:6 54
" . . . ___ of many-colored glass": Shelley 53
" . . . ___ of sympathy with other men": Emerson 58
" . . . ___ played the game": Grantland Rice 54
" . . . ___ power corrupts . . . ": Lord Acton 56
" . . . ___ promise, serv'd no private end:" Pope 63
" . . . ___ shall gain the whole world . . . " 56
" . . . ___ should grow too fond of it": R. E. Lee 60
" . . . ___ that kings/Have lipp'd . . . ": Shak. 63
" . . . ___ that knows no care?": Lucretius 53
" . . . ___ that ne'er decays": Wordsworth 56
" . . . ___ the living Present!": Longfellow 54
" . . . ___ the mightiest Julius fell": Shak. 55
" . . . ___ the worst too young!": Kipling 52
" . . . ___ those who love the Lord": Hunt 52
" . . . ___ through a glass, darkly": I Cor. 13:12 60
" . . . ___ upon thine heart": Song of Solomon 56
" . . . ___ well/It were done quickly":Macbeth 56
" . . . ___ what your country . . . ": J.F.K. 55
" . . . ___ which the sea cannot claim": Hardy 56
" . . . ___ which will live in infamy . . . ": F.D.R. 63
" . . . ___ which will live in infamy . . . ": Roosevelt 66
" . . . ___, and trimly dress'd": Shak. 53
" . . . ___, mio Dio!": Leonora's prayer 54
" . . . ___-voice of England" (Tennyson on Milton) 60
" . . . ___/As is the razor's edge invisible": Shak. 66
" . . .just what ___ in the papers": Rogers 53
" ... and the ___ shall be first": Matthew 52
" ... ___ will turn this car right around" 52
" The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" co-star Blanchett 66
" ___ compare thee to a summer's day?": Shak. 59
" ___ it Be" (classic album by The Replacements) 58
" ___ one is born a roaster of meat": Brillat-Savarin 63
" ___ pig" ("Charlotte's Web" message) 62
" ___ Sain and pray for rain" (Braves' old slogan) 64
" ___ Want for Christmas . . . ": 1946 song 53
" ___ wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener . . ." 56
" ___Dream" ("Lohengrin" soliloquy) 55
"'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'" poet 56
"'Cause I --- me spinach, I'm Popeye..." 58
"'Fraud!' ___ the maddened thousands" 55
"'I __ you liked your drink,' sez Gunga Din" 62
"'I ___ you liked your drink,' sez Gunga Din" 63
"'I ___,' said the Caterpillar": Carroll 58
"'I'll have ___ half-caf latte with skim milk" 64
"'I'm ___ the store, can I get you anything?" 63
"'Neath the ___" (Wellesley school song) 54
"'S a __ request": "To a Mouse" 55
"'Scuse me while I kiss the sky" source 53
"'Scuse me while I kiss the ___" (Hendrix lyric) 62
"'Starts With F' for a thousand, ___" 55
"'Tis a marvel of great ___!": Eugene Field 57
"'Tis all a Chequer-board of Nights and Days" poet 64
"'Tis better to have ___ and lost ...": Tennyson 62
"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy" speaker 58
"'Tis good to keep ___ egg": Don Quixote 54
"'Tis not ___, or eye, we beauty call": Pope 58
"'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves . . ." 57
"'__ the Arizona Skies": 1934 John Wayne movie 60
"'___ the night before Christmas . . ." 53
"(Don't Fear) the ___" (1976 Blue Öyster Cult hit) 68
"(I Can't ___) Satisfaction" (Rolling Stones hit) 63
"(Love Is) The Tender Trap" lyricist Sammy 52
"(She's) ___ + 17" (1983 Stray Cats hit) 54
"(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" Redding 56
"(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" singer Redding 63
"(The Gang that Sang) Heart of My Heart" Alan 55
"(The Man Who Shot) Liberty Valance" singer 53