
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Who said "The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers" 88
(Mark Kurlansky, 1997) Supplement that some claim eases arthritis (Upton Sinclair, 1927) 88
Only person to win an Oscar and a Razzie for Direction (not for the same movie, however) 88
Annual cause of losing an hr.'s sleep hidden in this puzzle's 10 longest answers 88
Real-life law enforcer in the "Doctor Who" episode "The Gunfighters" 88
"___ deutsches album" (German-language version of a 1980 Peter Gabriel record) 88
Insincere talk, and a hint to the starts of this puzzle's four other longest entries 88
Midwestern city named after a character in Tennyson's "Idylls of the King" 88
Brian who said "I donÂ’t really have a musical identity outside of studios" 88
"A literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything": Huxley 88
311 "You're cruisin', don't ___ care about what you're losing" 88
Word with ''black,'' ''red'' or ''pink'' 88
''...the _____ are getting fat'': ''Beggar's Rhyme'' 88
"O wad some power the giftie ___ us / To see oursels as ithers see us!": Burns 88
Politician who's done cameos on "Seinfeld" and "Law & Order" 88
Award Cillian Murphy was nominated for for the 2005 movie "Breakfast on Pluto" 88
This puzzle's theme—according to Twain, it's "a good walk spoiled" 88
"Over" follower in the first line of "The Caissons Go Rolling Along" 88
___ Dark Materials (Philip Pullman trilogy that includes "The Golden Compass") 88
"He who sells what isn't __ must buy it back or go to prison": Daniel Drew 88
"Young Frankenstein" character with the classic line "Walk this way" 88
"___ 'Beats' Tina to Death" (December 13, 2007 New York Post headline) 88
"Yes, here __ close to a stunted rose bush": "Spoon River Anthology" 88
Dallas wide receiver Michael who won three Super Bowls with Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith 88
___ Diamond, author of the 1998 Pulitzer-winning book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" 88
Radio host who said of U2: "These guys are from England and who gives a shit?" 88
Hang on to ... or a word that can precede either half of the answer to each starred clue 88
Comics character who said "Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life" 88
German skier Hermann who won gold in the super G and giant slalom at the Nagano Olympics 88
One may be knocked over continually by those goddamn teenagers in their goddamned pickup 88
Like 49.1 pecent of the population, according to a 2000 report by the U.S. Census Bureau 88
Whenever it comes, "you can find me cryin' all of the time," in a 1966 hit 88
Old "S.N.L." character currently in MasterCard's "Priceless" ads 88
News Corporation-owned Web site that's one of the 10 most visited sites in the world 88
Indian leader whose 1947 inauguration speech was titled "A Tryst with Destiny" 88
Actress Long who still isn't married, which is a situation I'm keeping an eye on 88
Coward who said "I love criticism just so long as it's unqualified praise" 88
Mo. in which chemistry nerds celebrate Mole Day (between 6:02 AM and 6:02 PM, precisely) 88
Adopted last name of singer Anita Colton (it's pig Latin for what she hoped to make) 88
"___ to the Motherland" (performance at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony) 88
Song that follows "Sunday Bloody Sunday" on the album "U218 Singles" 88
Distance forward in the alphabet that each changed letter in the theme entries has moved 88
Magazine in which Arnold Schwarzenegger discussed having an orgy with other bodybuilders 88
"The pizza is $9.75 ... he hands the $10 off to the boy and waits for the ___" 88
Only major "MASH" character played by the same actor in the film and TV series 88
"In my own place, my name ain't ___ ... my name is Enrico Salvatore Rizzo" 88
1984 movie with the tag line "It's 4 a.m., do you know where your car is?" 88
Spoiler: He's Hermione's hubby at the end of the "Harry Potter" series 88
Comic who said "A conservative is someone who believes in reform. But not now" 88
"I bought this new sword and sorcery book. It's about a king, ___ Rex ..." 88
"The House Without ___" (first of Earl Derr Biggers's Charlie Chan novels) 88
Actor whose debut film was "The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!" 88
It begins "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" 88
"The narrator of the 'Fifty Shades' trilogy's a stealth assassin"? 88
Botanist who arranged "On the Origin of Species" to be published in the States 88
"Lisa Bonet ___ basil" (lyric from Weird Al's palindromic "Bob") 88
What you need in order to be sure you'll have something to put your cream cheese on? 88
Reasonable response to "Do you think BP is handling the oil spill adequately?" 88
2011 Record of the Year nominee whose name roughly translates to "good winter" 88
1932 dystopian novel in which humans give up individuality to mindlessly pursue pleasure 88
Wherefrom visiting speaker Elmer Fudd bellowed "Pway faw a miwacoo, wabbits!"? 88
It's put in front of a window to fool people into thinking someone is standing there 88
Country singer with the #1 album and single "Killin' Time" [New Hampshire] 88
She had brief roles as Phyllis on "Rhoda" and Rhoda on "Dr. Kildare" 88
Celebrity couple nickname #4: "Cheers" actor and "U.N.I.T.Y." rapper 88
"Check out the nifty guitar sound in this Judas Priest cover band we formed!"? 88
Thursday: Iggy announces tee schedules for local golf course when assigned format of ... 88
Matriarch of the Patterson family in the comic strip "For Better or for Worse" 88
... using ___: “Mary had a little lamb / Its fleece was white as chowder (clam)” 88
1960's pop group named after a phrase from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" 88
What Sgt. Schultz really knew (but would never admit) on "Hogan's Heroes"? 88
Joseph Wapner: "Who won the 1984 Best Actress Oscar?" Bailiff: "___" 88
"Two Weeks" R&B singer whose stage name starts with a three letter acronym 88
Compound based on the formula XeF (hey, cut me some slack; this was a tough one to find) 88
He wrote "I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy" 88
"Who are these people, and how are they related?" (highly literal TV title #2) 88
"Bernie & ___" (parody of a children's show on "Family Guy") 88
Jokey alternative spelling for "fish" widely attributed to George Bernard Shaw 88
Newly-introduced element that alters the situation in a significant way, in modern lingo 88
Nickname for the lead singer of Aerosmith, who keeps spilling glittery paint on himself? 88
Pop punk band with the 2002 triple-platinum album "The Young and the Hopeless" 88
Term borrowed from a board game to describe an easy means of escape from a bad situation 88
End-of-the-week Twitter tag listing those you think others should be paying attention to 88
Sci-fi urban transport vehicles (that will be for sale in California probably next year) 88
"In what way?"/Like overcooked steak/Possess/European capital on a gulf (1985) 88
Dr. Jekyll's alter ego and family, were he to settle down with an evil wife and kids 88
"So ___ be on my way / In the early mornin' rain" (Gordon Lightfoot lyric) 88
Band that headlines the annual "Gathering of the Juggalos" festival, for short 88
Literary character played in film by Charles Laughton, Anthony Perkins and Geoffrey Rush 88
Nickname of the British general who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo (with "The") 88
White Queen's response to "I can't remember things before they happen" 88
D.C. landmark whose interior walls contain excerpts from the Declaration of Independence 88
Mixed martial arts fighter Rolling Stone called "The King of the Web Brawlers" 88
With "The," TV series whose relationships were mapped by "The Chart" 88
Celebrity chef Matsuhisa who had cameos in "Casino" and "Goldmember" 88
Hardly a model of perfection, and a hint to how this puzzle's theme puns are derived 88
'90s-'00s Lifetime sitcom in which viewers chose the name of the title character 88
Words to a kidder, and a hint to how this puzzle's five longest answers were created 88
"Variety" headline about jazz pianist Peterson's acclaimed TV performance? 88
Like the NCAA basketball tournament's opening game between the two last-seeded teams 88