
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Los Angeles neighborhood that's the former site of an Edgar Rice Burroughs ranch 84
Nickname of gnome sculptor Tom Clark when he was a religion prof at Davidson College 84
"An insightful look at how playing Miss Brooks took its toll on Ms. Arden" 84
1985 dystopian novel in which a theocracy has reduced women to second-class citizens 84
Song with the lyric "Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again" 84
Story of a hero's less-than-successful early years before he got the sword idea? 84
Word repeated in Emily Dickinson's "___ so much joy! ___ so much joy!" 84
To whom Dorothy says, "I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" 84
Regained one's winning status ... or a hint to this puzzle's circled letters 84
"Now that I've finished vacuuming and laundry, what should I do next?" 84
"Romeo and Juliet" character who claims to hate the word "peace" 84
When repeated, words before "burning bright" to start a William Blake poem 84
Aptly, the Nobel Prize for Physics was presented by this actor who played Zorro, ... 84
"Star Trek" lieutenant who participated in TV's first interracial kiss 84
"The Producers" character who sings "When You Got It, Flaunt It" 84
"Harry Potter ___ der Stein der Weisen" (German version of the first book) 84
"The Gong Show" regular with a paper bag on his head, with "the" 84
She won a Tony for playing Martha in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" 84
She originated the role of Martha in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" 84
The Guinness book once dubbed her "television's most frequent clapper" 84
She's in the Guinness Book as "television's most frequent clapper" 84
"I certainly do not drink all the time. I have to sleep, you know" speaker 84
"What __ got here is a failure to communicate": "Cool Hand Luke" 84
A. Egg and matzo meal B. Tomatoes and cheese C. Corn or barley D. Chickpeas or beans 84
"Yeah, I'm asking for people's impression of this inkblot -- so?!" 84
Annual English sports event that begins today, and a hint to this puzzle's theme 84
The bright side (according to Chinese philosophy) of an Oscar-winning film director? 84
Blender magazine's #1 song (by Usher and Ludacris) on the 100 Best Songs of 2004 84
Meg Ryan's repeated shout in a famous "When Harry Met Sally ..." scene 84
"And ___ it moves" (what Galileo allegedly said in reference to the earth) 84
Place where "You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal" in song 84
'70s classic that begins "Young man, there's no need to feel down" 84
Film character who says "Named must your fear be before banish it you can" 84
Band with the 2006 album "I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass" 84
Whom People magazine once named the worldÂ’s “sexiest classical musician” 84
Two-headed, three-armed President in the books referenced in this puzzle's theme 84
When Othello says to Desdemona, "... would thou hadst ne'er been born!" 85
1977 double-platinum album with the hits "Peg" and "Deacon Blues" 85
"I'll take 'The New York Times Crossword Puzzle' for $200, ___" 85
Webby Award winner who accepted saying "Please don't recount this vote" 85
Standard with the lyric "Ain't these tears in my eyes tellin' you?" 85
For whose benefit "the quality of mercy is not strain'd" in Shakespeare 85
Actor Butterfield who will play Ender in the forthcoming "Ender's Game" 85
Los Angeles suburb whose name is thought to mean "everything in the States" 85
Word after "Don't pass" and "Don't come" on a craps table 85
Tarzan's response to, "Hey, where do they keep the sugar on this ship?" 85
Former Dodgers third baseman whom Chris Berman nicknamed "Born in the U.S." 85
Likely 2008 playoff team in both the American and National leagues, on the scoreboard 85
Spanish word for "boy" used as a belittling insult by WWF's Razor Ramon 85
Award given to the creators of Dos Equis' "The Most Interesting Man" ad 85
He wrote "The only way to a woman's heart is along the path of torment" 85
"Earth's Last ___" (subtitle of the "Survivor: Gabon" season) 85
Actor who said "Some people have youth, some have beauty—I have menace" 85
He's on the cover of Kevin Clash's "My Life as a Furry Red Monster" 85
He had the 2000 autobiographical lyric “I think I was put here to annoy the world 85
"I dare 'em to nest in ___, Oklahoma" (final line of Jurassic Park III) 85
Brian who said "As soon as I hear a sound, it always suggests a mood to me" 85
Fantasy title character whose name is one letter different from the creature he rides 85
__ Squalor, Count Olaf's girlfriend in "A Series of Unfortunate Events" 85
1962 hit in which the background singers repeat "The bossa nova" many times 85
Book that says "Mordecai rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth with ashes" 85
Activity that in five years you're going to be embarrassed you were so into today 85
"When ___ hands us a lemon, let's try to make lemonade" (Dale Carnegie) 85
"That little darkroom where negatives are developed," per Michael Pritchard 85
Subject of a documentary subtitled "Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" 85
1964 hit with the lyric "C'mon and turn it on, wind it up, blow it out" 85
Monogram of the author of "A Charge to Keep: My Journey to the White House" 85
Villain who says "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that." 85
Actor/public speaker who often began "Unaccustomed as I am to speaking ..." 85
1994 literary autobiography whose first chapter is titled "Infant Prodigy?" 85
"Listen to Your Heart" singer in the musical "Young Frankenstein" 85
Coastal irregularities, and word anagrammed in this puzzle's four longest answers 85
"The Courageous Heart of ___ Sendler" (April 2009 TV film with Anna Paquin) 85
It lost out to "Leonard Part 6" for the 1987 Razzie Award for Worst Picture 85
"I like the cap; And ___ will have...": "The Taming of the Shrew" 85
Girl's name that becomes a boy's name when the last letter moves to the start 85
___ Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams's role in the "Star Wars" franchise) 85
Pope called the "Lightning Pope" because he died 27 days after his election 85
"___ I should be old-fashioned, I'll put a trinket on": Emily Dickinson 85
''Beware __ you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow'': Aesop 85
"My tines be long. My tines be short. My tines end ere my first report ..." 85
Shower object at the center of Bill O'Reilly's 2004 sexual harrasment lawsuit 85
What the "turn on" part refers to in "Tune in, turn on, drop out" 85
"All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word," according to song 85
Drink Mencken called "The only American invention as perfect as the sonnet" 85
"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others" speaker 85
Graphic novel subtitled "A Survivor's Tale" that won a Pulitzer in 1992 85
He was on deck when Bobby Thomson hit "The Shot Heard 'Round the World" 85
Rapper with the line "if you catch me at the border I got visas in my name" 85
"___ and Red Vines equals crazy delicious" ("Lazy Sunday" lyrics) 85
___ Flanagan (American Vampire League spokeswoman on TV's "True Blood") 85
Model namechecked along with Linda and Christy in RuPaul's "Supermodel" 85
Assassin code name of Bridget Fonda's character in "Point of No Return" 85
Branch of the govt. whose number of employees and annual budget are classified, aptly 85
"24. The first crossword I ever wrote I sold to the ___.It ran on 8/7/1996" 85
In normal seasons, only month when the NBA, MLB, NHL and NFL all have scheduled games 85
"Hamlet" woman at whose grave Gertrude says "Sweets to the sweet" 85
Thing that may appear to be symmetrical but isn't ... like this puzzle's grid 85
___ Way (Block on Ninth Avenue in New York between 15th and 16th named after a sweet) 85
... and the personality magazine created a new category of elite subscribers, the ___ 85