
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

___-Caps (theater candy) 24
___-Car 7
___-car lot 11
___-Car rental company 22
___-card monte 14
___-Caribbean 13
___-Carlo Menotti 17
___-Carlton (Marriott subsidiary) 33
___-carotene 12
___-Casazza 11
___-Casazza of opera 20
___-Casazza, Met manager: 1908-35 33
___-case scenario 17
___-Caspian Depression 22
___-Cat 7
___-cat (ball game) 19
___-Cat (cold-weather vehicle) 30
___-cat (game) 14
___-Cat (off-road vehicle) 26
___-Cat (polar zone vehicle) 28
___-cat (sandlot game) 22
___-Cat (ski slope groomer) 27
___-Cat (Vail vehicle) 22
___-Cat (winter vehicle) 24
___-Catholic 12
___-cavey 9
___-ce pas? 11
___-Chalmers 12
___-Chapelle, historic French town 34
___-chef 8
___-chef (Fr. headgear) 23
___-chef (kitchen #2) 21
___-chef (kitchen's number two) 35
___-chef (number two in a restaurant kitchen) 45
___-chic 8
___-chic (fashion style) 24
___-chic (women's fashion style) 36
___-child (changeling) 22
___-chill factor 16
___-China 9
___-Chinese 11
___-chou (Chinese pottery) 26
___-Christum 12
___-Chu school of philosophy 28
___-CIO 7
___-circuit TV 14
___-Cities (Dallas-Fort Worth suburbs) 38
___-Cities Regional Airport 27
___-class (airplane section) 28
___-Clean 9
___-climber (exercise machine) 30
___-climber (gym apparatus) 27
___-clock scholar 17
___-Coat (floor wax brand) 26
___-Coburg 10
___-Coburg (former German duchy) 32
___-Coburg (part of historic Germany) 37
___-Coburg and Gotha (former British ruling family) 51
___-Coburg and Gotha (royal house of Europe) 44
___-Coburg- Gotha, former British royal house 45
___-Coburg-Gotha 16
___-Coburg-Gotha (British royal house) 38
___-Coburg-Gotha (Edward VII's royal house) 47
___-Coburg-Gotha (old British royal house) 42
___-cochère 14
___-cochere (carriage entrance) 31
___-cochere (covered carriage entrance) 39
___-cochere (covered driveway) 30
___-cochere (covered entrance) 30
___-Coeli Church, in Rome 25
___-Coeur (Paris basilica) 26
___-Coeur (Parisian basilica) 29
___-Coeur (Parisian church) 27
___-Coeur, basilica in Paris 28
___-Coeur, Parisian basilica 28
___-Cola 8
___-colored (variegated) 24
___-Columbian 13
___-Columbian era 17
___-com 7
___-com (chick flick) 21
___-com (kind of TV show) 25
___-combat role 15
___-comic 9
___-comic drama 15
___-coming 10
___-coming (on the rise) 24
___-coming (showing promise) 28
___-computer (modern business) 30
___-con 7
___-concave lens 16
___-conceived 13
___-cone 8
___-cone (carnival purchase) 28
___-cone (carnival treat) 25
___-cone (cold treat) 21
___-cone (frozen treat) 23
___-cone (icy concoction) 25
___-cone (icy confection) 25
___-cone (icy treat) 20