
Here you will find all Crosswords Clues.

Apt place to listen to Brian Eno's "Here Come the Warm Jets"? 75
"So will I ... make the net / That shall enmesh them all" speaker 75
Reply to "You're not even smart enough to be in fourth grade" 75
"And Now for Something Completely Different" director MacNaughton 75
"All ___ of You" (song from "The Phantom of the Opera") 75
1966 two-person Broadway musical about a married couple's life together 75
Restaurant chain where you can (aptly) get French toast and Belgian waffles 75
"Where Is the Life That Late ___" ("Kiss Me Kate" song) 75
"__ the league in 'Go get 'em next time'": Bob Uecker 75
1983 song with the lyric "Let's leave Chicago to the Eskimos" 75
"Look at me, ___ helpless ..." (first words of "Misty") 75
Drug company whose stock was the subject of Martha Stewart's conviction 75
"This tape will self-destruct in five seconds" fictional spy org. 75
"___ Tired" (Beatles song in which they curse Sir Walter Raleigh) 75
Playwright who wrote "What is originality? Undetected plagiarism" 75
"I don't think that they'd understand" Goo Goo Dolls song 75
"My Friend ___" (film debut for both Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis) 75
Country whose national anthem's title means "The Hope": Abbr. 75
Modest Mouse "The ocean breathes salty, won't you carry ___?" 75
First female skater to land a triple/triple jump combination in competition 75
Burly Burl whose first Broadway show was "The Boys from Syracuse" 75
Novello who played the title role in Hitchcock's "The Lodger" 75
"When ___ younger, so much younger ..." ("Help!" lyric) 75
Star of the film referenced by the start of the three other longest entries 75
Bush who was the first Republican to be reelected as Florida's governor 75
Spike who co-directed the video for Kanye's "Flashing Lights" 75
Elton John's "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" singing partner 75
Cameron of "Growing Pains" and "Left Behind: The Movie" 75
Title words preceding "beneath the milky twilight," in a 1999 hit 75
Fish in Guy Fieri's unfortunate "Tex Wasabi's Fish Tacos" 75
Beach Boys hit of the '80s that I'm going to pretend they never did 75
She and Clark Gable were known as "the team that generates steam" 75
"You've got me? Who's got YOU?" speaker in a '78 film 75
Singer who appeared on the cover of the first issue of Entertainment Weekly 75
What "the lowing herd wind slowly o'er" in a Thomas Gray poem 75
"The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the ___" (Thomas Gray line) 75
"More sinn'd against than sinning" protagonist of Shakespeare 75
Member of the inaugural class of inductees to the National Toy Hall of Fame 75
Medium in which the Reverend Brendan Powell Smith builds his Bible dioramas 75
#1 single whose B-side is "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)" 75
Boxer on the cover of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 75
Bentsen who said to Quayle, "Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy" 75
Money from a shark scattered in order in seven of this puzzle's answers 75
English philosopher who wrote "Wherever Law ends, Tyranny begins" 75
California's self-proclaimed "Zinfandel Capital of the World" 75
Billy Joel "Lost a ___ of fights but it taught me how to lose OK" 75
Test outcome that once might have classified someone as a "moron" 75
The Stones' "Sticky Fingers" and "Tattoo You," e.g. 75
Sch. whose alumni include Shaquille O'Neal, James Carville and Rex Reed 75
Popular gambling tourist spot in China that was part of Portugal until 1999 75
Source of the song "The Hostess With the Mostes' on the Ball" 75
Brilliantly colored food fish that changes hues when removed from the water 75
Only Semitic language that's an official language of the European Union 75
"That's all right, ___" (lyric from Elvis's first single) 75
Title role that earned Angela Lansbury a Tony for Best Actress in a Musical 75
Speaker of the only word heard in Mel Brooks's "Silent Movie" 75
1957 song that begins "The most beautiful sound I ever heard ..." 75
"I just met a girl named ___" ("West Side Story" lyric) 75
"I respect a man who knows how to spell a word more than one way" 75
All-time All-Star Game leader in hits (23), runs (20), and stolen bases (6) 75
"The ___ Shall Inherit" ("Little Shop of Horrors" song) 75
Word with ''bagatelle'' or ''technicality'' 75
The largest in the U.S. was found in Oregon's Willamette Valley in 1902 75
"The only sure bait when you angle for praise": Lord Chesterfield 75
Comedy group whose show sometimes opened with a naked guy playing the organ 75
Actress who had the Tomlin role in the sitcom version of "9 to 5" 75
''__ the word'' (''Don't tell anyone'') 75
"I'll be merry and free, I'll be sad for __-body" (Burns) 75
Brand name that may be a portmanteau of "no" and "hair" 75
Humorist who wrote "Happiness is having a scratch for every itch" 75
Sports org. whose last game was the Chicago Sting over the Toronto Blizzard 75
Org. with the slogan "Because a great country deserves great art" 75
First name of Professor Brainard in "The Absent Minded Professor" 75
"Homer and ___ Hail Mary Pass" ("The Simpsons" episode) 75
Word that's only coincidentally made up of the four main compass points 75
Mitt's, Michelle's, Herman's, Tim's and Rick's opponent 75
It's found in dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, nuts, and eggs 75
One of two brand names mentioned in Paul Simon's "Kodachrome" 75
''And that's ___'' (''Believe you me'') 75
"WarGames" org. located in Cheyenne Mountain's Crystal Palace 75
Robb Stark's realm in "Game of Thrones," with "the" 75
Govt. org. with an "Information Assurance" section on its website 75
Govt. agency whose motto (it's joked) is "never say anything" 75
Future senator who delivered the 2004 Democratic convention keynote address 75
School with the U.S.'s oldest continuously operating music conservatory 75
Any characters on "Friday Night Lights" (geographically speaking) 75
“Now ___ the one half-world/Nature seems dead.”" (Shakespeare) 75
James Weldon Johnson's "The Autobiography ___ Ex-Colored Man" 75
Title locale in a Leonard Bernstein song where "life was so cozy" 75
Speedskater who won the fourth season of "Dancing With the Stars" 75
___ Kalugin, former K.G.B. general with the 1994 book "Spymaster" 75
Triple Crown winner whose sire, Gallant Fox, was also a Triple Crown winner 75
When Ovid's "Ars Amatoria" is believed to have been published 75
"Dedicated to the ___ Love" (1967 hit by the Mamas and the Papas) 75
Words with ''lay it'' or ''the joke's'' 75
Lennon reportedly described her as looking like "a bloke in drag" 75
Euripides play that ends with the title character's wedding to Hermione 75
"__ shall live your epitaph to make": Shakespeare's Sonnet 81 75
James who originated the phrase "Taxation without representation" 75
"Simpsons" character with the catchphrase “Yo, Bart dude” 75