'-- That a Shame' | 25 |
'-- that a lot' | 23 |
'-- than a speeding bullet' | 35 |
'-- tell ya!' | 21 |
'-- tell me!' | 21 |
'-- Teenage Werewolf' | 29 |
'-- Te Ching' | 21 |
'-- talk?' | 18 |
'-- takers?' | 20 |
'-- take arms against ...' | 34 |
'-- Tag!' (German greeting) | 35 |
'-- sure you already know ...' | 38 |
'-- Street' | 19 |
'-- story goes' | 23 |
'-- Story 3' | 20 |
'-- sow, so shall ...' | 30 |
'-- sorry!' | 19 |
'-- song of sixpence ...' | 33 |
'-- some advice' | 24 |
'-- solemnly swear ...' | 31 |
'-- soit qui mal y pense' | 33 |
'-- so you!' | 20 |
'-- So Vain' | 20 |
'-- So Shy' | 19 |
'-- so much' | 20 |
'-- So Fine' | 20 |
'-- smile be your umbrella' | 35 |
'-- Sings the Blues' | 28 |
'-- silly question, ...' | 32 |
'-- Si Bon' | 19 |
'-- shocked!' | 21 |
'-- She Sweet?' | 23 |
'-- She Sweet' | 22 |
'-- She Lovely' | 23 |
'-- she blows!' | 23 |
'-- Sharkey' ('70s sitcom) | 38 |
'-- shame!' | 19 |
'-- shall come to pass ...' | 35 |
'-- sera, sera' | 23 |
'-- Sera Sera' | 22 |
'-- semper tyrannis' | 28 |
'-- seen worse' | 23 |
'-- seen it all before' | 31 |
'-- seen enough' | 24 |
'-- see' ('Evidently') | 38 |
'-- see it my way' | 26 |
'-- see it ...' | 23 |
'-- see clearly now, ...' | 33 |
'-- See Clearly Now' | 28 |
'-- see clearly now ...' | 32 |
'-- Secretary' (Albright book) | 38 |
'-- saying goes ...' | 28 |
'-- say more?' | 22 |
'-- say it?' | 20 |
'-- say ...' ('Alas ...') | 41 |
'-- said!' | 18 |
'-- said before ...' | 28 |
'-- run!' | 17 |
'-- Rouge' | 18 |
'-- Rosenkavalier' | 26 |
'-- Rose' (Nat King Cole hit) | 37 |
'-- Rose' ('The Music Man' song) | 48 |
'-- roll!' (casino cry) | 31 |
'-- Rock' (Simon & Garfunkel hit) | 45 |
'-- Robinson' | 21 |
'-- right?' | 19 |
'-- right with the world' | 33 |
'-- right with the world!' | 34 |
'-- right back' | 23 |
'-- Rhythm' | 19 |
'-- Restaurant' | 23 |
'-- remind you that ...?' | 33 |
'-- recall correctly ....' | 34 |
'-- recall ...' | 23 |
'-- Really Going Out With Him?' (1979 song) | 51 |
'-- real nowhere man' | 29 |
'-- Rae' (1979 film) | 28 |
'-- quote ...' | 22 |
'-- quam videri (North Carolina's motto)' | 53 |
'-- put it another way ...' | 35 |
'-- pronounce you man and wife' | 39 |
'-- pronounce you ...' | 30 |
'-- pro nobis' ('pray for us') | 46 |
'-- pro nobis' | 22 |
'-- Private Idaho' | 26 |
'-- Pretty' | 19 |
'-- Preacher Man' | 25 |
'-- porridge hot' | 25 |
'-- porridge hot ...' | 29 |
'-- Pointe Blank (1997 film)' | 37 |
'-- Poetica' | 20 |
'-- Plenty O' Nuttin' ' | 39 |
'-- pleasures and palaces though we may roam' | 53 |
'-- Place' (1990s show) | 31 |
'-- pinch of salt' | 26 |
'-- Pinafore' | 21 |
'-- pin and pick it up, ...' | 36 |
'-- pig's eye!' | 27 |
'-- pie' | 16 |
'-- picture paints a thousand words, ...' | 49 |